The Babylon Bee Speaks To Us

I mourn lost humor venues but the universe provides. Lately the Babylon Bee has been on a roll:

Millennial Wishes There Were Some Historical Examples Of Socialism We Could Study To Have Some Idea How It Might Turn Out

PORTLAND, OR—Local socialist millennial man Matthew Hatter lamented Monday that there are no concrete examples of socialism he can point to in order to have some kind of idea how it would turn out.

“If only there were other countries that have tried socialism before,” Hatter said to a friend at an ethical coffee shop, Commiebrews, Monday afternoon, after he finished his paper route. “Then, we could see if there are any pitfalls.”

Hatter said it’d be nice if there were books that covered things like world history and economics that we could read…

Damn, that’s good stuff!

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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6 Responses to The Babylon Bee Speaks To Us

  1. richardcraver says:

    Yes Matt Hatter, if only there were history books.

  2. Eric Wilner says:

    The goal isn’t really Socialism (nor, despite the proposals being put forth, Fascism, except as an intermediate step).
    The true goal is Feudalism. Sometime when life is more normal, I need to write an essay on the topic, but we’re seeing attempts to lock in existing socioeconomic stratification, impose sumptuary laws, keep the merchant class subservient to the aristocracy, and so on – as well as emergence of a state religion in which all loyal subjects must believe.
    The current social divisions aren’t exactly those of the Middle Ages, of course, but the desired order of society looks remarkably similar.
    Feudal societies can go on for a very long time. Stagnant, yes, but persistent.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’ve had similar thoughts. I’ve also begun to wonder if many (most?) people like being serfs. It certainly removes a lot of responsibility and risk from one’s shoulders.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I present to you Norway Sweden and Denmark all democratic and socialist …

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Good point but why not Venezuela, Mao’s China, or Cuba. Scandihoovians clearly pull off socialism better than other cultures. I think it’s baked in their culture from Vikings on… but I could be wrong.

  4. Steffen says:

    Still too subtle for your average lefty, though. Why am I left wondering what size cluebat would retain effectiveness?

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