OODA, Balloons, And Blipverts


Observe. Orient. Decide. Act.

Originally coined by Air Force Colonel John Boyd, it’s a concept originally intended for military combat. Since then it has been applied in any environment where two forces are in direct competition.

Oversimplifying greatly, the idea is that you must complete your OODA loop before your competitor does. If you succeed at this, you have taken initiative. This forces your opponent to react to your actions instead of initiating his own. Options that might benefit your opponent are lost to him. You maintain control as they flail about trying to react to whatever you choose to do.

OODA is a loop. As soon as you have performed an action you try mightily to complete the next OODA loop. You always want to be first. Stay inside your opponent’s loop. Always react just a little faster than your opponent. Keep them reacting instead of initiating.

Done properly, the person with the quicker OODA loop will almost always lead the slower, confused, hapless, opponent around like a puppet on a string. If you want a practical demonstration, watch mismatched marital artists sparring. The higher skilled practitioner will know what his opponent will do almost before his opponent has the idea. The master will always complete his OODA loop first. He will benefit from that sliver of time he’s created. He can easily disrupt his opponent’s half-executed action, he has time to setup and block like a brick wall, should he wish to attack, it will be devastating, minutely targeted, and appear lighting fast. He will dominate the situation not merely through physical prowess but through mental prowess as well. A master anticipates and out maneuvers a novice like he’s got mind control (which in a way, he does).

Why do I mention this? Because there’s power in understanding the pace of events. Forget about karate masters and Boyd’s aerial combat and look around you. Have you noticed that the pace of events has accelerated?

Recall that in 2020 a pathogen appeared and became the fire that lit so many fuses. At the time, I knew nothing more than anyone else. We all started at roughly the same level.

I took immediate action. I retreated to Curmudgeon Compound and did a genuine no-bullshit self quarantine. I’ll note that this was a real quarantine, not “follow the arrows in Walmart” faffing about quarantine-theater. You can’t be half-quarantined any more than you can be half-pregnant.

Self quarantine was my choice. I was well prepared for it and I didn’t hesitate. Why would I? A week too early is better than an hour too late. Besides, it wasn’t that big of a deal. If I was wrong I could always quit quarantining.

That’s an action I can and did on my own in a way that many others did not:

I chose to initiate my own quarantine at will. Should the action be unwarranted I could cancel it. When further data showed it to be unnecessary I did cancel it. I was in charge of my own fate far more than most people in the same situation.

That’s how the OODA loop works. Those first few weeks while morons were fighting over toilet paper I was safely at home. I’d done OODA loop properly.

OODA is an iterative process. While everyone else was sitting around waiting for the CDC to interpret sheep’s entrails or whatever dumb thing it does in lieu of true research, I was already doing the next loop. The first actual non-bullshit data I found were reports of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. It had an outbreak of COVID and was quarantined at sea. Could there be a better experimental design?

Everyone had opinions to voice loudly; none of which mattered. Opinion based on no data is never a concern to me. I simply tune it out. The cruise ship data was pretty good news. Of 3,711 people on board only 712 became infected. As expected, some number of people died; either by happenstance or because of the virus. How many died? 14.

14 / 3,711 = 0.00377

Nothing uttered by anyone anywhere was more useful than that simple “experiment”. Reality is that which exists regardless of your opinion and the reality wasn’t too bad. Nearly every human on earth was in a vastly better situation than a concentrated floating Petri dish filled with people of the health, vigor, and age of cruise ship passengers. When geezers packed on a boat have a 99.6% chance of survival it’s not the end of the world.

That’s what they call… a clue.

My quarantine ended around then. Sure, various governors and CDC dipshits and store managers did whatever they did… but none of it mattered to me.

Also I’d figured out a worst case. I’m not sure the average rate of death for 3,700 people on a boat but it has to be more than zero. Any group of people will have a few that stroke out or blow an aorta. Those unfortunate souls were part of the 14 deaths. Thus, 0.00377 was the maximum danger from the pathogen. Fourteen dead isn’t a happy thing but it’s not the black plague either. Another OODA loop complete.

In another OODA loop I gradually understood that people don’t know humans are mortal. Oh sure, they know it as a statement, but they don’t know it in their heart. Any risk of death anywhere and they lose their shit. “If it just saves one life!”

They had an unreasonable expectation that nobody should die ever. So they overreacted. They also failed to weigh alternatives. Kicking everyone out of hospitals because of a COVID freak out killed off how many people from deferred medicine? Fucking with kid’s lives caused how many suicides? They didn’t care because someone dying invisibly didn’t really happen in their way of thinking.

From my point of view, whenever people calmed the fuck down and counted knowable things, they got reasonable answers. 99.6% survival isn’t Godzilla eating Tokyo. It’s four in a thousand. Part of the uncertainty that all mortal beings face. Memento mori motherfuckers! I don’t know the odds that I’ll die when I take my morning shit, but know it’s not zero. If Karen at the HOA hasn’t come to grips with that, I don’t care. That bitch can wear three masks and hide in her basement until her dozen cats eat her. I sure as hell won’t let a fool like that change my life’s decisions.

Another OODA loop taught me that people couldn’t tell the difference between 0.5 and 0.00377. Dire clickbait articles flooded the internet. “It’s a disaster! Six people died in Iowa!” Guys like me ask “how many people in Iowa die normally”. Sheep don’t ask questions like that.

Another OODA loop was realizing that people can’t assess an “expert’s” track record. Fauchi, cretin that he is, relived his glory days of being wrong about the AIDS panic. If Paul Krugman ran his own checkbook and Fauchi ran his own health like the advice they give others they’d be broke and sick in a week. Governors unearthed “experts” as needed. They made speeches flanked by dweebs in lab coats.

Here’s a hint, if you’re wearing a lab coat while standing at a podium; you’re a prop and the coat is a costume. A lab coat is for when you’re in a lab.

People using words like “depopulate” and “black death” made bad decisions and tried to force it on others. Tent hospitals were erected. A Navy hospital ship was docked at New York City (it was never used). Schools were closed and kids were scrambled. If you wonder what kind of mess happens to a kid who lost 2 years of social interaction, look for the ones cutting off their dick and tits.

Everyone seemed so certain of things that simply weren’t true. I looked hard for information to verify their stupid actions; to reject my contrarian ideas. I found none. I drove around looking out of my car windshield. I didn’t see dead bodies. I saw things shut down not by illness but panic. If you turned off social media and walked around the earth you’d be hard pressed to find actual proof a pathogen existed at all. (I’m not saying it didn’t exist, I’m saying you can’t easily detect 0.00377. Hell, you can smoke Pall Malls for 20 years before you get cancer and then maybe none at all.)

OODA loops include “Act”. I quit my quarantine after a few weeks. It was unnecessary. I was confident I’d arrived at that conclusion through reason. I’m not dead; which isn’t proof I was wise but it’s a good sign. Others never came to their own conclusions and never came up for air. They shit themselves and they’ll probably never be the same.

Three years and two months later, my last post was about repealing the “state of emergency” that has been continuously in place. Last week I spoke with a nurse who experienced her first day without a mask in 38 months. She was giddy with joy.

I never wore a mask. Nor did I get the shot. My OODA loop was three years faster than society.

Remember I was talking about acceleration. The Hunter Biden laptop was unearthed in 2020. I knew it was real in late 2020. My OODA loop was short. Three years later it’s completely verified fact. A few Kool-Aid drinkers still think it’s a misinformation but they’re unteachable and therefore irrelevant. Elapsed time on that mess? Maybe 2 years. Faster than the two weeks becomes three years that was the COVID panic.

What about the spy balloon? In February, I wrote America let the Chinese Balloon drag its geopolitical nutsack across America’s face. At the time the Biden* administration said that the spy balloon had collected no spy data. What gibbering fool believes that?

My OODA loop on rejecting that spin was about eleven seconds. Now, the scuttlebutt is that by gosh by golly a giant spy balloon might have been equipped with a radio to transmit collected data. We got some real geniuses on the case! At least it only took them two months to figure it out.

See the pattern of fabrications with decreasing lifespan?

“COVID will mow us down like mice in a blender.” 3+ years.

“51 lying jackoffs assert Hunter Biden’s laptop is a Russian fabrication.” 2 years.

“The spy balloon inexplicably didn’t do any spying.” 2 months

Those who lie are facing people with a “Let’s Go Brandon” attitude. They’re trying to throw new lies so fast that old ones are forgotten before resolution. It gives the appearance of a society in collapse; because that’s what it is. So long as your OODA loop is inside theirs you are initiating rational responses. If you’re just reacting to the bullshit of the day, you’re still their puppet.

Here’s a test: what was going on while the nation spent a week freaking out about Trump’s arrest? Also who didn’t know this was coming? It’s 2023! A rational agent can’t get to 2023 and yet be shocked that Trump is again mired in lawfare emanating from a biased source. Your OODA loop should have seen that coming years ago!

Stay cool while those that would oppose us throw more and more chaos at us. They’re trying to get inside our OODA loop but they’re just too fucking dumb. The best they can cause is misery and panic. You may not be able to avoid misery but it’s inexcusable to panic. You already know their track record for lying and obfuscation. Stay frosty as society collapses; it’ll happen first slowly and then all at once. The “slowly” part is already over.

This isn’t your fault. It’s not your cross to bear. If the whole of society insists on shitting its own pants, that’s not on you. Your OODA loop should not be in service of some scumbag allocating tax dollars, it should maintain yourself and your soul. Not acting like incontinent fucking sheep is the first step to sanity and you probably already mastered that. Now repeat the loop.

As I thought about the ever accelerating rate of stupid things I remembered blipverts. The current shit hitting the fan is going to close in on that speed. Instantaneous cascades of disasters are in our future.

Back when Hollywood wasn’t entirely sub-literate gay losers with political agendas, they did creative things. One of them was Max Headroom. In 1987 an irreverent little sci-fi TV show with a glitchy talking AI wiseass had the concept of micro-fast commercials.

In keeping with the show’s dark premises, the “blipverts” made people explode. In keeping the the show’s sense of humor, only lazy, indolent, morons who watch too much TV were injured. Part of the joke was that anyone with the sense to watch only reasonable amounts of TV was fine.

Witness the glory of a blipvert!

*Biden got more votes than any other candidate in history and he’s got the political prisoners to prove it.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to OODA, Balloons, And Blipverts

  1. Phil B says:

    You forgot the “Well, yes. We did leave billions and billions of military kit in Afghanistan for the Taliban (as agreed) BUT we made sure all the best bits were removed and/or the kit was unusable”.

    OODA loop for that? About 0.000000001 seconds for anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size. But for Dimoprats, they’ll lap it up like an alcoholic laps up cheap beer.

  2. Filthie says:

    No, AC. They are not “incompetent sheep”. They are tool using super killer apes. If you spin them up the right way they will kill millions. TENS of millions when socialists are involved.

    I am not a medical man but I am college educated with a minor background in biology and I started to suspect the Covid scam within 24 hours, and within 72 I knew it was utter bullshit. The numbers and stats made no sense and contradicted each other. The idea of a mask and social distancing in stores with arrows on the floor were (and still are) ridiculous. THE ENTIRE MEDICAL INDUSTRY WENT ALONG WITH IT. Not just Fauci. It sold because it meant free vacation time off, it gave shitty women an excuse to badger everyone about masks, and it gave politicians what they needed for unprecedented power grabs. It gave the drama queens a stage. It gave the media ratings.

    When the human animal winds up like that nations disappear or die. Don’t think you are going to ride it out because you live in the country and have a garden and preps! If things get that bad you will need guns, a go bag and lots of cash. I’d urge everyone to look to their more dire preps first. Preps and assets need to be hidden but accessible. Mobility is what will save you if the meltdown comes.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      “They are tool using super killer apes.”

      You have a point. When socialists go off the rails they get all Mao and Stalin. They kill everyone and drive the survivors into poverty; often all the way to starvation.

      But we’re not there yet. Don’t give in to despair.

      The brainwashed Karen at the HOA is more than happy to have you killed but she’s also a gutless nobody. She isn’t going to do anything to bring it about more than change her Facebook header to support “the current thing”. What I saw in the last 3 years was that (almost) everyone was willing to do stupid shit; doctors, cops, teachers, the moron at WalMart who put down the arrow stickers… but as soon as someone, anyone, even one single person stood up… it shattered. The seemingly unstoppable force freaked out. Whole stadiums broke into “Fuck Joe Biden” and then “Let’s Go Brandon”. Early in the lockdown I walked into grocery stores without a mask and I got thumbs up and high fives from (most) men and the most angry seething bitchy Karen there could master nothing more than a frosty stare. I sorta’ expected to get arrested but nothing ever happened. I got tossed from a hardware store once and couldn’t buy a staple gun. If that’s the worst that happened (and it was) then things aren’t as dire as they feel. A big fat stupid grin on my face just poleaxed the whole thing. Karen could have whipped a tire iron out of her yoga pants and hit me upside the head but honesty they aren’t tough enough to mob up… yet. When an unapproving sneer wasn’t enough to make me flee she was all out of ideas. Up north a group of truckers parked for a week and Turdo about had organ failure. In 2021 the American president said he’d use OSHA to fire every unvaxxed American. I was like “do it bitch” and to my surprise, I’m still employed. Go figure.

      We face a massive, remorseless, heartless enemy but it’s less strong that it projects. A paper tiger. It controls every bureaucracy from the church to the army to a little league team… but it’s almost entirely without substance. Companies are fucking up simple shit like selling beer. College enrollment is dropping. Hollywood is losing money. American president Geritrol especially can’t keep a lid on anything. I joke about Chinese balloons but the dude can’t manage real things either. Inflation, OPEC, Ukraine, I can name about 99 things the guy (or his handlers) can’t manage. Which one brings down the house of cards is anyone’s guess but he sure doesn’t appear strongly in control. Everything feels like it’s falling apart but that’s partly because the monster is inches from collapse and it’s flailing around without any solid foundation. Nobody knows what the future holds but a long dark decline is not carved in stone any more than a ten year tantrum followed by everyone saying “man, the 2020s were fucking weird, you had to be there”. The people least sure of the future (at least in America) are in DC pretending to be infallible Gods.

      I don’t know what preps are best. Nobody does. All I know is it never seems sufficient.

      Also, I say this in goodwill but DAAAAAMN doesn’t it suck that US and Canada both crawled up their ass at the same time? In my mind, Canada was my go to place if America got too stupid. Good fishing, decent wifi, I like poutine. I miss you guys man! I used to vacation there all the time. Then y’all went just as dumb as us! I wasn’t prepared for that. Canada was always the saner nation. The intelligent older brother to eternally adolescent America. We were always the ones sticking our dick in the light socket. You were the ones to walk our drunk stupid ass back home and tell us to sleep it off. We need ya! Now, where am I supposed to go? Bulgaria? Morocco? Pain in the ass to ship my bike to those places. We can’t BOTH be stupid nations.

  3. JFM says:

    I loved Max Headroom. Especially since the writing was smart. One scene I remember the most was an opening. A jocked up cop with a landlord gets into a woman’s apartment with the landlord and the landlord says “Look at her TV! It has an off switch!” The cop grunts “She’ll get twenty years for that. “

    I saw thru all the Covid bullshit in 2020. The way it was transmitted you would need a real up to date gas mask. Face diapers wouldn’t stop it. I talked about it with my doctor (who was vilified for subscribing ‘horse medicine’) and she said with the face masks the flu is way down. Then I crunched the numbers in my state for cases vs. mortality. It consistently between .05 and.04. OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAD COVID. That meant you had Covid you had a 99.5 or a 99.6 percent chance of survival. I tried to tell people that. You can’t reason with fear. I’m 63 and I have never hated the government as much as I do now.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Ha ha ha! A TV with an off switch! Gotta’ love it.

      BTW: Cell phones can be turned off (though I assume they’re still spying on me) but I don’t know anyone but me who “can” turn one off. I regularly leave my cell phone off for a few days, or I’ll leave it in my truck for a week, if I’m camping it’s off and wrapped in a plastic bag stashed in the bottom of my backpack, etc… People who have known me for decades and know goddamn well that I keep my cell at arm’s length still freak out. It just cannot compute to them. They’re just hardwired to assume 24/7 connectivity. No matter how many times they’ve experienced an “off grid event” from me they’re still baffled. Many default to “he’s not responding to a text, must be dead”.

  4. Michael says:

    Depending on how serious the searchers are a well equipped Search and Rescue Aircraft team can find a “Dead or Turned OFF” cellphone from the aux battery that keeps its internal computer clock going.

    Probably why they tell you to TXT people when you think your cell phone is “dead”.

    I know this because I’ve been on those S&R aircraft. A tiny electronic signature but if you’re on the side of Mt Washinton NH there IS no other electronic clutter to mask it.

    If your serious about keeping that electronic leash under control an EMP style metal box with internal insulation is my suggestion. Then test it by trying to call it.

    Karens generally are but an annoyance (OR a Turn you in for a reward, or the “Glory” of being a Karen), but history proves enough of them motivated by a demagogue can become a seriously dangerous mob.

    That paper tiger CAN turn off your banking, your credit card and your electricity. That would be more than a annoyance. They CAN also get most employers to put you “On Leave” or fired for some BS “Cause”.

    Most of us are not ready to become a Jermiah Johnson style Mountain Man.

    Lawfare IS their most powerful weapon right now. Used to be that serious medical bills were the greatest threat for American Bankruptcy. Now it’s Lawfare.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I appreciate your comment. Don’t take my lack of a response to be disinterest. I wrote a long and thoughtful (theoretically) response but the computer ate it. Damn computer! I ran out of time for blogging just lately and didn’t have time to rewrite it. Hopefully I’ll eventually find more time and respond in more detail.

      • Michael says:

        I just hope you have trusted friends, plenty of storage food, safe water and ability to repair your shelter, friend.

        I did an extra set of Mercy Buckets yesterday, everything was up at least 20%. Even GV dry pintos and salt.

        A Banking Holiday is but a decision away and you and I are not in that OODA loop.

        Everything else can wait.

        Tempus Fugit.

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