
I’ve been quiet. You might think I’ve been inert. Nope! I’ve been doing my own thing. Society is crawling up it’s own ass too deeply. It’s gross. I can’t watch.

Topic #1: What the fuck?

The cure for a world of brainwashed morons deliberately faffing about in a performative chaotic frenzy is to step out of their arena. Reality is the proper locale for a sane human. Remember before social media? That place still exists. I welcome you to join me: the sky is blue, gravity works, physical objects persist (unlike your money’s invisible decay through inflation), beer tastes good, the sun rises in the east, your dog isn’t trying to put on a dress, a tree won’t pretend it’s a goldfish, and I recently saw top notch northern lights.

The water’s fine, come on in!

I do have one question. What the fuck are people thinking?

The mix of bad ideas repeated on a loop and growing weirdness is unstable. The Bidenverse’s inevitable decay has gone to ludicrous speed.

When will we cross the stupid event horizon? Perhaps we already have? Each yeas is dumber than the last. The election cycle in 2016 was dumb and yet it was smarter than 2020. Twenty years ago people were idiots too but that feels like a long lost era of erudite philosopher kings compared to the medically assisted meat zombie we have now. Last week was dumb even by 2023 standards. At what point does it all collapse? I assume it has already collapsed. When will people accept the collapse their eyes are seeing but their mind won’t grasp?

Most things I see on “media” wouldn’t convince gullible houseplants or persuade lawn furniture. The only people who buy it want to believe. They don’t actually buy it either. They just pretend. Even your cat knows it’s bullshit.

The chaos accelerates. In 2023 I can make a ham sandwich that will outlast the shelf life of a news “scoop”. Consider anything that was important a month ago. Ask yourself “what happened to that”?

If you fret over something but forget about its final resolution, all you did was participate in someone else’s performance art. The world is awash in events. What happened to all that shit?

Everything dumb from an month ago has rifted from conspiracy theory to known fact. Yet all issues remain unresolved.

The Hunter laptop is now officially real. As we always knew. What happened with that? What happened to the 51 people who swore on the front page of a newspaper that it was Russian propaganda?

The southern border was open and thronged by illegal crossers. What happened with that? If Trump’s wall sucked, why is this solution better?

Two banks (three if you count Credit Suisse, which I do) have gone tits up. What happened with that? What has been learned from their failures? Did anyone mention the repercussions of extending FDIC insurance to infinity? We all know more banks will follow.

The J6 videos were pried out of the hands of congress-beings and shown on regular TV. You can see for yourself it was tamer than the crowd at a golf tournament. So what happened with that? We have political prisoners in the USA and it’s directly related to the videos. Those videos are exculpatory evidence. Withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime. What about that? Who is Ray Epps? Why are American taxes paying to staff American political operatives on American soil?

Musk blathered the details behind all sorts of hidden (but obvious and suspected) dirty censorship and propaganda. So what happened with that?

The Air Force spent a week ignoring a monster spy balloon and the next week shooting down hobbyist toys over Canada. What resolution has come of that?

In January, there were classified papers coming out of Biden’s garage, old offices, and various other orifices. What happened to that?

Are the plucky Ukranians still just days from total victory? Are they still heroically shooting down Russian jets with deer rifles? Someone blew up the Nordstream pipeline. If it was America, then Americans are the bad guys. What about that?

I’d like to see something that began… finish.

Topic #2: I’ve seen this show before:

When I turned my on computer after only a few days off grid I found out they (whoever “they” might be) spent all week on another Trump hunt. You know the guy who officially hasn’t been president for over two years? The guy who lost to the person who got more votes than any other candidate in history? That guy.

To damaged minds the period from November 2020 to February 2023 never happened. But I have a calendar so I know the truth. For better or worse, Trump is not president; it’s not his war in Ukraine, it’s not his inflation, it’s not his spy balloons, it’s not his southern border, it’s not his propaganda on Twitter.

The people who drove their own car into a ditch are blaming the car’s previous owner. Orange or not, Trump handed over the keys to a functioning society. We had a thriving economy, a secure border, a stable and minimal presence in Afghanistan, and oil independence. All that is gone. Trump is not why it’s  gone.

Some folks died in the election of 2016; Hillary lost and they never recovered. They don’t know they’re zombies but that’s what they are. They haven’t successfully lived since.

Others got exactly what they want in 2020. Biden got more votes than any other candidate in history and if you question it you may be thrown in jail. They got what they want and are miserable. They’re zombies; unhappy and dead. Shuffling around seeking some external force upon which to blame their own failures.

Folks who have accomplished nothing hate to see others thrive. They pursue Orange Man Bad as the avatar of their inner demons. They have nothing about which they can be proud. They’re nothing but the pursuit of and destruction of things others have built. Like him or hate him, Trump did stuff. They hate that.

People who still have their panties in a bundle over the Orange Menace are human train wrecks. (That reminds me… the mushroom cloud of chemicals over a train wreck in Ohio. What happened with that?)

Sane people get over things. I hated the AMC Gremlin, the 55 MPH speed limit, and disco. But they’re all gone now. If I spent my days burning junkyard Gremlins on a stack of disco LPs you’d know I was mentally ill. I don’t. Because I’m sane. To hate others without doing something of merit with one’s own abilities is the mark of someone who has no value. Deep in their heart they know it.

Last week, the perpetually aggrieved were going to indict Trump? Again. Why? The other dozen bullshit attempts didn’t flame out quite stupidly enough? They wanted to bolster his chances in the next run? They won’t feel complete until they’ve made him a martyr? They hope one more bite at the apple will finally heal their wounds? They’re getting old and want one more cycle of power? What good can come from bad intentions?

This round of the story that never ends didn’t even pretend to be solid. A legal non-disclosure agreement with a porn star is… and I know this may seem irrelevant to many… LEGAL.

As far as I can tell the porn star (who admittedly has a righteous rack) has already lost to Trump in court. She owes him (Trump) $300,000 from her ill advised and failed legal attack. Pause and savor the fact that a slut and a real estate showman fucked (allegedly) and the slut winds up owing money. How funny is that?

The slut’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, has been convicted of an array of crimes. He’s doing a 14 year sentence. (Possibly more, I get confused trying to tally up his multiple convictions.)

Someone looked at this mess and thought; “The slut went bankrupt and the lawyer is in jail. I want a piece of that action!”

Trump did the right thing. He said, “let’s do it”. That’s all it took. The whole thing evaporated.

The willingness to do the right thing is exactly how American citizens killed power-mad Biden’s vax mandates. Biden freebased power until he decided to force his will on the people he should respect. Remember when Presidents said “my fellow Americans” and didn’t list off “people with whom they’ve lost patience”? Biden intended to put me on a list of people who were forever unemployable. Imagine that! America creating a caste of “the unemployable”! Picture that chapter in future history books. “President Biden who got more votes than any other candidate in history is credited with creating the biggest number of American political prisoners. Then he made a list of over 2 million Americans who could never have a job. His was the first legal apartheid unambiguously targeted to economically ruin his enemies. He’s a true hero of democracy!”

I don’t do victim. I told the bully “fire me if you can, but I will never bow the knee”. To my surprise and relief it ended. Poof! Gone! Just like Trump’s most recent arrest. Me and a couple million others stood up like true citizens and the fever broke. Biden talked big about imaginary Corn Pop but retreated behind concertina wire as soon as people told him they wouldn’t obey his will. Whiny bitches like Biden are bullies that never grew beyond high school.

You gotta’ hand it to Trump, he’s the glasses from They Live. Trumps enemies do shit that show you what they themselves are.

Topic #3: Plowing is a job that doesn’t pay:

Reality (unlike the panic on the media) has been all about plowing snow. I bought some gear (I’ll elaborate later) in anticipation of a happy fun-time summer. This apparently angered the Gods! Every 2-3 days since that optimistic gamble I’ve been in the tractor plowing snow.

I’ve been pushing mountains of snow on top of the towers of snow I’d already amassed. From a practical perspective, it’s like I picked up a part time job for 10-15 hours a week. There’s no pay and all I get out of it is a driveway that’s passable (sometimes).

I know spring will come but it’s dragging its feet!

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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6 Responses to Miscellanea

  1. Michael says:

    We are living in Orwell’s 1984

    Prove me wrong, my tables over there with the sign.

    Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein

    Another figure who exerts an influence on the novel without ever appearing in it. According to the Party, Goldstein is the legendary leader of the Brotherhood. He seems to have been a Party leader who fell out of favor with the regime. In any case, the Party describes him as the most dangerous and treacherous man in Oceania.

    “An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” – Sun Tzu

    Maybe we can change enemy to own leadership? Sun Tzu never thought a leader would destroy it’s own country?

    Republicans are red, Democrats are blue
    and neither give a Sh*t about you.

    It’s a big uniparty club and you and I are not in it.

    Protect your family, that’s your one responsibility.

    BTW I’m still pushing around snow into the sunshine where it will melt faster.

  2. Prairiedruid says:

    You asked what happened to Biden for having classified materials; the same as Trump a special prosecutor was appointed. The whole mess with classified documents is somewhat understandable; it isn’t like Trump or Biden packed up their own papers when they left office. Some young dumb White House intern or junior staff packed boxes and sent them off by the pallet load.

    There is so much that is some level of classified it makes it likely that mistakes like this happen. The FBI searched Biden’s and Pence’s offices/homes and found some which was forwarded to the special prosecutor looking into Biden’s handling of it. Pence seems to have gotten off with a “be more careful”. Trump’s issue is that he and his attorneys told the court that they had searched and had turned over all the classified documents they had which turned out to not be the case. Then they said that it was in a secure location which wasn’t totally true either.

    Realistically all of this is just filing errors. Turn over the papers and promise not to do it again and end of story. The only really criminal element is whether or not Trump and his attorneys “knowingly” filed false statements to the court.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Ahhh “special prosecutor”! I should have guessed. You can Ken Starr it or you can hide like a turtle. Good plan for everyone involved. Thanks for the info. I had no idea and wasn’t willing to wade through dozens of “this time we got him” articles to drill down to “a couple of special prosecutors are killing the discussion for now and will do so until it’s handy to get it in the news again”.

      There’s an irony in both Trump and Biden having special prosecutors. Symmetry if you will. Pence (quite reasonably) skated and of course there’s nobody willing to ask about Obama and I don’t think anyone takes the Bush clan seriously anymore.

      Once again Trump gives the lesson “don’t talk to the cops”. It seems like Orange Man Bad is a case study in what happens when “they’re out to get you” and you don’t quite grok the bias you face. Someone ought to do a lecture series. He made a statement which could be tested. Bad idea! The better solution is this: Q: “Did you turn over every document?” A: “I haven’t a fucking clue. I don’t even know what day it is. I refuse to comment on whether the sky is blue. I’m never picking up my phone again.”

      I’d like to see a lot less classified everything. Only a tiny bit of the stuff the government (and politicians) do should be classified. I get that there’s a few military and law enforcement issues but for the most part, if it has to be classified they shouldn’t be doing it. If they couldn’t hide documents they’d lose a venue for the preservation of corruption.

      We’re getting to a time when an opposition party wins the election (if that ever happens again) the president’s last day in office he should pardon himself and also declassify anything he has. Doesn’t matter who, just do it to protect against what appears to be an inevitable revenge cycle. Even Biden, if he doesn’t die in office first, should cover his ass. “I president X declare that every piece of media and paper in my control is declassified. Also I’m pardoned of everything. Also here’s a list of my spouse, kids, lawyers, and uncle, they’re also pardoned of anything.” It wouldn’t be necessary in a “rule of law” society (which was the case until fairly recently) but it’s clearly necessary now.

  3. AZDave says:

    Politics…..It’s a crap shoot no matter which party you choose. Stay fast in your own convictions and take care of family first and relatives as needed. For I myself will continue on as a free thinker.

  4. Terrapod says:

    You have identified the cause, very few are thinking through the possible outcomes of actions before making them. It appears to be the true disease of the body politic and that includes the voters. Were we sane, we would not allow any digital electronics anywhere near the voting precincts. Until that is remedied, we are all on the well greased slope to hades.

  5. Bear Claw Chris Lapp says:

    Yep where is Sam Bankman Fried when you need him.

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