The Chinese Spy Balloon Was Seen In 1987

Last week a slow, crude, dumb Chinese balloon flew over a huge portion of the continental United States. The Government and its air force had the capacity to shoot it down. It lacked the decision making capacity to do so. Nor did it express some decisive alternate action. Our military and government did the same thing your geezer neighbor did on F***book; they literally watched it float over domestic airspace for thousands of miles. The people nominally in charge witnessed events but did not drive them; no different than someone watching a sporting event.

After the balloon completed whatever its mission was (assuming it had one) and after it had (presumably) gathered as much data as it possibly could, it was shot it down. It was dispatched where the wreckage would be submerged in salt water and hard to recover.

Nobody thinks the air force is incapable of destroying a balloon. But the people in charge (including the president that got more votes than any other candidate in history) weren’t capable of deciding what to do.

The inability to make decisions and implement swift rational responses to events are the end state of decay. Part of any collapse is the point when nobody knows what to do because nobody knows who’s in charge or even why they show up to work in the morning.

You’ve seen this for yourself. We both experienced the last few years of concentrated panic and chaos. You know it as well as I.

The core purpose of nearly every system in society has been discarded. Are doctors really curing sick people? Is the FBI solving crime or causing it? Why does the Post Office have guns? Does your bank have enough money to pay you back if you make a withdrawal? Will that withdrawal happen if you vote the wrong way or have unpopular opinions? Will the police protect you if someone tries to rob you? Do elementary schools teach reading or racism? Do universities teach anything at all? Does your church try to save your soul or is it doing something else? When was the last time the press told the truth? Do you have freedom of speech? Of the rights written in the constitution; how many can you exercise right now? Who decided you can’t have an incandescent lightbulb or a certain flow showerhead or a gas kitchen stove, and how did they get to be in charge? Why are fences put up periodically in Washington DC? Cuba or Iran might have political prisoners but why does America have them too?

Think of all the things that are done which don’t match the original purpose of the organization doing them. Think of all the things they should be doing. Think about how many things just don’t get done.

Don’t take it from me. I’m just a dipshit blogger. Look with your own eyes. Witness today’s post covid paralysis using whatever common sense God gave you. Watch whatever system interests you to see if it still does what it was created to do.

Some people call it Clown World. I call it the Bidenverse. Whatever vocabulary you use, you know what I’m talking about.

In 1987 an inexperienced German amateur pilot had a fun adventure. He rented a Cessna 172. It was not a particularly powerful plane and he wasn’t some sort of super duper ace pilot. He was a 19 year old weirdo with a starry eyed view of the world and perhaps more initiative than common sense.

Mathias Rust and his rented Cessna flew straight into the heart of the biggest baddest Communist empire in human existence. He flew into their capital city. He landed there. He signed autographs and waited to be arrested; two hours later.

The Soviet Union (USSR) had been a mighty, unstoppable, globally dominant, militarized, superpower but it was in terminal decline. By 1987 it was hollow. Nobody knew what was going on. Nobody knew who was in charge, what their orders were, or if they had the authority to do anything.

The USSR’s fearsome military and government had once been murderously powerful. It fought wars and starved whole regions to death. It could vaporize a Cessna at will and had Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that could do the same to cities anywhere on earth. A few years before Mathias’ little joyride, the USSR would have shot him down pretty much instantly.

But that’s the point, by 1987 the USSR was just a shell. They couldn’t  figure out what to do about a youth in a simple little airplane and so they did nothing (emphasis added):

“A teenage amateur pilot, he flew from Helsinki, Finland, to Moscow, being tracked several times by Soviet Air Defence Forces and civilian air traffic controllers, as well as Soviet Air Force interceptor aircraft. The Soviet fighters did not receive permission to shoot him down, and his aeroplane was mistaken for a friendly aircraft several times. He landed on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, next to Red Square near the Kremlin in the capital of the Soviet Union.”

I’m not saying it would be a great thing if anti-aircraft fire had downed idealistic Mathias and his rental (I wonder if he put down a deposit on the plane?). I’m saying the USSR in 1956 would have blown the plane to bits but the USSR in 1987 was so internally contradictory that it didn’t know what to do.

Here’s a picture from that day:

It was 1987 when the mighty and feared USSR couldn’t figure out what to do with a nutty teenager in a Cessna. Four years later, in 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics completely dissolved. I’m not saying a Chinese balloon last week means America is toast… I’m saying America right now behaves like the USSR did back when the USSR started not meaning anything.

Now here’s the good news. The oppressive and miserable USSR (at least some of it) is now the Soviet Federation. The transition sucked and the ensuing Federation isn’t perfect… but the nation that rose from the ashes is a vast improvement. The Russian Federation is better for its people than the totalitarian shithole it replaced. Collapse was followed by renewal and improvement.

There’s always hope.

Here in the west, politicians and boomers and dipshit “journalists” haven’t yet figured out that cold war USSR is no more. They act like it’s 1973 and Putin is one James Bond plot away from nuking Baltimore. That’s not true.

Whatever is damaging society domestically is based in city, State, or Federal mis-governance (or a combination of all three). Failure is not inflicted externally from Moscow or Beijing. Like the chaotic fading mess of USSR in 1987, whomever is making a mess of Baltimore or Portland in 2023, is failing due to internal contradictions. Locally, governance isn’t assuring domestic tranquility, clean water, stable economies, or the freedom of citizens… and at the national scale it didn’t know what to do about a Chinese balloon. Nationally, the system that can’t handle a three story floating fabric ball has opinions about your kitchen appliances and the contents of your bloodstream and everything else but it can’t do much of anything well.

Today, the leader of one of two nations that couldn’t make a clear decision about a balloon (not Trudeau) will give a speech. This man, who got more votes than any other candidate in history, will give a speech from behind temporary fences, in the city where he imprisons his political prisoners.

You will be given orders. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Toe the line. Forget about the balloon. Eat your bugs, get rid of your gas kitchen stove, line up for the next booster. Don’t say certain sentences and you are required to at least pretend to have certain official beliefs. Do as you’re told. Why? Because you are told to do so.

Will you?

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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3 Responses to The Chinese Spy Balloon Was Seen In 1987

  1. Dan says:

    The Russian Federation may be an improvement over the USSR but that’s not saying much. Not that the USSA has any right to brag anymore either.

  2. Stefan v. says:

    Our toolmaker is getting booster #4 today…I told him straight that is is poison and does not protect anybody. He needs to get it to be able to take his wife to the hospital, and doesn’t believe me that it is dangerous. I hope he survives it. Most folks are insane fools. God have mercy on us.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      If he wants it that’s his business. My only complaint is the people who would force it on those of us who don’t. (Note that if he happily volunteers that’s just fine with me but if he’s forced against his will by hospital rules that drifts back toward a Nuremberg situation.)

      Just like you, I hope he wins the roll of the dice. However, if he lines up for a dose of his own free will then don’t put the burden of unhappy results on your shoulders. A mysterious case of “sudden” that takes out a man who volunteered for it is his problem and it will be resolved in due time; well above our pay grade.

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