Seed Drills And Fate: Part 4

I want to explore the importance of “internal locus of control”, particularly in the chaos of the Bidenverse. My wordsmithing hasn’t been focused.

So let’s start again shall we?

Waaaaay back when the son of a single term president was mismanaging his way to being a second generation single term president I bought a motorcycle…

Dammit! I just can’t come at it from straight on! If I say the obvious too cleanly some folks can’t see it. It’s shockingly Plato’s Cave-ish. Oh well, I’ll keep typing and see what happens.

Back when it wasn’t considered racist to compare the president to a monkey, Chimpy McHitler was the president and the American people were blessed with cheap gasoline. (This was much to the horror of Al Gore who likes nothing more than Powerpoint slides and expensive oil.)

Anyway Chimpy McHitler started out a pretty average and ignorable president. He was likely to have an average and ignorable one term presidency. But at least gas was cheap.

I didn’t know those were the last few years of partial sanity. Do you remember sanity? Pepperidge Farms does.

It’s hard to remember that short chunk of peace after Clinton and before the Light Bringer. It wasn’t yet official that everyone white was a racist asshole. People could take a dump without a political debate over which bathroom. Gas became so cheap that Al Gore grew a beard. Hippies bitched (as they always do when the president is an “R”) but that’s just what they do. They whined that the President was an idiot and I didn’t necessarily disagree; but it was still relatively calm.

I miss the good old days when not all crimes were caused by the FBI. “Maniacs setting shit on fire” was wisely called “arson” instead of “peaceful protest”. Back then the X-Files was fiction!

Americans enjoyed relative peace the way Americans should. They bought BIG CARS! Everyone and their dog financed 4×4 monstrosities. It was the era of the SUV. The greatest of them all was the H1 Hummer; a military truck which looks like it’s two lanes wide and gets incredibly shitty mileage. Hummers were used to signal how manly one was’ back when being “manly” was legal. Of course Hummers mostly sat leaking oil on paved shopping mall parking lots. (I was a 4×4 guy… you never saw an H1 on trails!)

Who wouldn’t want to bet on cheap fuel forever? Me!

I bucked the SUV trend with a motorcycle. My cruiser is just as ridiculous as any mall cruising Schwarzenegger-mobile. Yet it had practical aspects. It got 45 mpg (much better if I rode slow, which I didn’t) and it cost somewhere between a fifth and a tenth of a H1.

It seemed silly to conserve gas, given its low price, but I did. I chose to avoid depending on cheap gas. Good times don’t last forever.

I joked about my bad timing; a world where hulking military trucks were parked at Barnes and Noble is a weird time to have a daily driver with a 4 gallon tank. I had bad timing. Then again I was fine perfect timing; a year too soon is better than a day too late.

A clever fellow can make biodiesel but making gasoline is pretty much impossible. So I bought an ancient diesel Mercedes for non-motorcycle days. It gave me another option. If the world went Mad Max I could learn the dark art of biodiesel.

Then 9/11 happened and everyone lost their shit. Sound familiar? Panicked nitwits installed a police state . It’s the panopticon hell in which we now live. Bush flaked and there was war, then a second front, then increasingly centralized power, and then state sponsored torture. The icing on the cake was domestic spying on innocent civilians! (Sound familiar?) If you questioned any of it you were a terrorist.

Bush, who otherwise would have been toast, was re-elected. A surprise terrorist attack apparently makes a half assed president more electable and indeed every president since has hoped for another attack.

He muddled through until hurricane Katrina spiked gas prices. Cheap gas was over. My cynicism had come true.

Prices set records and everyone bitched about “big oil”. Except me. It makes no sense to blame my dealer for supplying the drug I requested. I rode my high MPG motorcycle until the Hummers disappeared. Soon the Malls faded too. I guess there was nowhere left to drive Hummers anyway.

I hadn’t gotten around to making biodiesel but the plans were in place. While everyone else shrieked about “big oil”, I read books and tried to remember high school chemistry. This is how you get an internal locus of control. I can’t change the world but I can change my relationship to outside forces.

Gas crept up. I paid higher prices just like everyone else but I didn’t feel like a helpless “victim”. I’d partially avoided dependency and thus had a measure of freedom.

Fuel prices ebbed a bit and then started a steady rise again under Obama. I can’t remember for certain but I feel like it was in his first term. Finally, I made biodiesel.

Biodiesel worked great! It was like magic!

People viewed my project through a short term lens. If I made biodiesel when pumps were charging $2.50 people thought I was an idiot. If I made biodiesel when pumps were drifting toward $3.50 I looked smart. See how that works? The same act is perceived differently based on things I don’t control. The solution to that is to ignore other people’s opinions.

I chugged around on homemade fuel and the grin never left my face. It was awesome! I felt so smug and superior you could see my ego from space! I’d earned it. I’d mastered various skills. I’d built equipment. I’d achieved something. Achievement feels good. It was a fun hobby. Even so, I knew it was temporary. Bad times don’t last forever.

Smart people in North Dakota started fracking. Pipeline protesters and regulatory brick walls couldn’t stop them. Private fuel off private land dropped the price of gas. The President tried to throttle things but he couldn’t keep the prices high. I stopped making biodiesel. Fuel stayed cheap-ish during a long long slow decline that the press carefully avoided calling a recession.

There was another election. Just like the one Al Gore lost, this one wasn’t well received either. Yet again the press woke-splained that it’s patriotic and legal to question an election but only if a Republican wins. Former president Clinton’s angry wife unleased throngs of harpies on DC. They wore pussy hats and set fire to cars on inauguration day. You know that meme where the spastic girl screams at the sky? That really happened. If you want to understand a person who has a completely external locus of control that would be it. Flaked out lunatics screaming in the middle of the street control literally nothing (not even themselves).

Fuel prices dropped during the horror of a thriving economy after the election. The press insisted we were doomed but Orange Menace created the best economy in 40 years! America became a net exporter of energy. Gas was so cheap that Al Gore wept every night!

By then my first motorcycle had outlasted virtually every H1 sold. Between high mpg vehicles (which were paid off), a garage full of biodiesel gear, and a head full of knowledge, I’d built a wall between myself and the price of fuel. This wasn’t necessary. After all, fuel was cheap. On the other hand, good times never last.

Then came covid. (We are required by law to believe nobody has ever tried a covid-type panic before. That’s why the predicted mass death over SARS, Swine flu, Ebola, Zika, Bird flu, Mad Cow Disease, and West Nile Virus are memory holed. This time Orange Man Bad needed to be defeated and therefore we’d all die!) Civilization deliberately punched itself in the balls.

Remember when civilizations didn’t lose their shit every few years? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

After nuking the economy and spending all summer of peacefully burning cities, we had another election. This one was such a mess that spreadsheet programs spontaneously combust when exposed to it. Orange Man Bad got more votes than any other candidate in history. Whoops! At 3:00 am, while nobody was counting anything, because the pipes were clogged, Captain Dementia broke Orange Man Bad’s brand new record. Biden, who barely left his house, set a super duper record! What are the odds?

I’m required by law to pretend that Biden got more votes than anyone (including Cheeto Jesus) since the beginning of time. No human has any reason to doubt it and to do so is (inexplicably) racist. As the woke-splainers instruct, if a Democrat “won” it’s illegal to complain. Them’s the rules!

As with any other third world election, political prisoners were rounded up and a swearing in ceremony happened behind concertina wire.

What happened to the cheap gas?

You know where this is going…

…the price of fuel doubled. BOOM! Good times never last.

Within a year, America went from a net exporter of energy to begging Venezuela for a tank of go-juice (which worked about as well as you’d expect). Before the second year the petroleum reserve had been drained. Gas isn’t cheap and it won’t be again for a while.

It’s funny how quickly economies respond to good management and bad. An eight year Obama-slog was exhausting and slow. Trump’s economy soared like a rocket. Biden drove it back into the ditch within months. You were there. Don’t let yourself be gaslit. Remember what you saw. Trust your observations above all else!

So gas was at eyebleed prices last summer and it’ll stay in that vicinity until someone new runs things. Raise your hand if you didn’t see that coming; if you raised your hand, use it to slap your face. You ought to know better.

It’s a good time to have internal locus of control. It gives me mental and spiritual distance from the lunatics in politics who deliberately ruin all the touch. This doesn’t mean it’s painless. I too suffer over these costs. But I’m not merely a punching bag for idiots. I have a few options and a bit of independence.

Also, I still have sufficient knowledge and tools to make biodiesel. Anytime I want I can start mixin’ up biodiesel. It’s hard work and so far I’m still lazy but the option is priceless.

That’s why I recommend an internal locus of control. I don’t feel helpless because I’m not. There’s only so far the pendulum can swing. An external locus of control is the opposite. You spend every day wondering what fresh hell will be inflicted this time. Eventually you wind up screaming in the streets and wearing a pussy hat. If someone you’ve never met controls your life from a political office, why not throw tantrums?

How does this relate to farm equipment? I’m getting there. It takes work to start in Plato’s Cave and wind up free. I’ll drag this series to conclusion in my next post.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to Seed Drills And Fate: Part 4

  1. Michael says:

    Chuckling I *think* I hear the chains of the shadow cave rattling.

    While I fully approve of the internal self-control and such your discussing, I must point out that idiots in mass are DANGEROUS.

    Also, the Demos in Democracy comes from the Demagogue, the power mad that drive the useful idiots into a weapon against all that the Demos dislikes. One can quibble about the Greek, but I think my basic thesis stands from examples of the French Revolution and others.

    In one version of the story of the one-eyed man in the land of the blind they BLINDED the one that was CRAZY, I.E. Could SEE and tried to explain what he saw to the blind.

    Farm equipment? It looks like I’m going to have to weld repair my broad fork again, maybe build a new one.

    Blacksmithing a hobby that maybe again become a lucrative job, IF I don’t get hamstrung by a Chaos Warlord so I cannot flee HIS village.

    • Tree Mike says:

      Haa! Chaos Warlords, the way things are going, that could be sooner rather than later. Think Mad Max without gas, but there will be ammo for quire awhile.

  2. Tree Mike says:

    I’m sure your conclusions from sitting under trees is as close to divine inspiration as we’re likely to get these days. In my best Gump: I’m not a smart man, but I’ve paid attention through many miles and hard knocks. It’s obvious the Beast is now all in, his minions are redoubling their efforts.
    We aren’t voting our way out of this (WAVOWOOT). They want (enough of) us dead or debt (or actual) slaves. Meanwhile, all the tools of civilization are aimed at keeping us worried, fearful, tearful, sick (low grade), unsatisfied, impatient, mean, angry, foggy, stupid, short sighted, absent minded, down, depressed and go ahead, add some more.
    Thank you for your ruminations. This old man, (72 in 3 weeks) appreciates it.
    Nobody gets out alive, so do the right thing while we still can.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      While I agree that we probably aren’t voting our way out of this, it’s unnecessary to give in to despair. At least not yet. Our doom is not yet assured. Our oppressor’s successes seem ephemeral and weak. It could get better before we all get offed. Maybe. Stranger things have happened.

      I’ve seen something like this before. The mighty, hegemonic, unstoppable, Soviet, communist, juggernaut (with enough missiles to kill us all) ruined a great many lives but then it just plain dissolved. Nobody anywhere expected the wall between East/West Germany to fall without a shot fired. USSR had a tiny abortive coup attempt but it too just plain evaporated without a massive bloody civil war.

      The war everyone spent 50 years fretting over didn’t really happen. It turned into nothing but Hillary Clinton’s false accusations and an exceptionally dumb involvement in a country run by an authoritarian former comedian who did a bit about playing piano with his dick.

      When things get dark, remember that the stupidest dumbest ugliest thing indeed usually happens but there’s an occasional miracle. I grew up under the threat of mutually assured thermonuclear destruction and it all just went POOF in a couple of years. What could that be other than a miracle. I’m still thankful for that.

      Shit looks bad right now, but the maniacs in charge aren’t shoring up the mess. They act like they’re in charge of nothing and they seem increasingly incompetent. Rather than cold control they seem like morons “winging it”. They create huge messes everywhere they go. They get caught doing things they should have been able to cover up. They lie so much that they do so unnecessarily. Half of them are corrupt geriatric fools who’ll be dead in a few decades, the rest are corrupt clueless dipshits, and they cheat to control an economy so hollow they might as well be holding a bag of air.

      So maybe no fixes through voting but there’s always hope. That’s my weird way to say there’s always hope.

      Or at least I hope there’s hope.

  3. Terrapod says:

    Would you be terribly miffed if at some point in the near future it is found and documented that the fourth estate (unelected security apparatus and other agencies) subtly managed attacks on the US in order to establish and cement all those things mentioned which we are now living under? Spying on, controlling and forcing the entire populace to bend before centralized power? Just an errant muse on my part, but so much is openly documented (video recorded no less) and espoused by the self aggrandizing Orcs within the WEF, the EU, globalists and NGOs, latter funded by many of those same individuals that participate? I don’t farm but I repair stuff, some with skill, some with “good enough to operate”, but not much operates without energy, which is why so many of the Orcs are pushing for destruction of all aspects of our energy supply and by that avenue harming food production, employment, living standards and all else of modern society..

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      “ Would you be terribly miffed if at some point in the near future it is found and documented that the fourth estate (unelected security apparatus and other agencies) subtly managed attacks on the US …”

      At this point I’d be surprised if it doesn’t eventually come out exactly like that. Also I’m not sure most people would register the idea. They could come up with signed, notarized, documented, witnessed, replicated, recorded evidence and how much different would it be from evidence already ignored en masse?

  4. Anonymous says:

    How are going to harvest all of this corn?

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      So far by hand. A combine is way out of my league.

      I’ll probably plant enough to eat/can. I’ll also plant some game food plots (about a half acre). I’ve been hand broadcast seeding the food plots so far.

  5. Richard says:

    When I was still in the garage business, the shop owner and another employee with diesel trucks (Dodge and GMC) started mixing waste oil with diesel in 50/50 ratio. We had a pump to pump out our roll around drain buggies into the waste oil tank. They strung together a series of filters and used the same pump to pump oil/ATF out of the tank, through the series of filters and into their trucks until the tank was half full then immediately drive to the station to top up with diesel. To my knowledge neither had any ill effects. The state tax department would have thourghly roasted their asses if they got caught, but neither use their trucks commercially so they are unlikely to meet up with a DMV officer in possession of a fuel tester. This is in NC, your results in the frozen hinterlands might well be disasterous.

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