Seed Drills And Fate: Part 3

[This post took on a life of its own. I didn’t set out to write anything controversial but that’s how it might sound. A person might possibly read this post and think; “This jerk is talking about me!” I’m not. I’m thinking only of a terrible wrong done to a lot of people. If what happened was ok for you and/or it came to a resolution that pleases you then that’s great! If it sucked, I’m not trying to throw stones and compound your misery. I mean to offer sympathy.

I sit under trees and think. Whenever I foolishly share whatever I’ve supposedly figured out it’s a risk it’ll come out bad or poorly written. If the positive intent I had in mind fell flat, I apologize in advance.]

We just watched a planet wide experiment: does freewill matter? I think so. Here’s how I figure it:

  1. People who deeply wanted the vax are happy. They exercised freewill, made a decision, and got what they wanted. Nothing (possibly including death) will change their opinion. Also, should their opinion change, there’s not a damn thing they can do about. Once the vax is in the blood it can’t be “removed”.
  2. People who deeply did not want the vax (and were strong enough to remain intact) are happy. Nobody wanted the beating surrounding their decision but they definitely exercised freewill. They made a decision and got what they wanted; often at a heavy price. They aren’t likely to change their opinion. When you stand up to oppression, bullying, mistreatment, possibly got fired, and were literally told you’d die… you don’t choose that path lightly. No new information will likely change their mind. Ironically, they’re the only people on earth that can still do something if their opinion changes. They can always get the shot if they want.
  3. Many people in the middle ground had the decision (to one degree or another) inflicted upon them. They’re the least likely to be happy. Nor is there a damn thing they can do about it.

The middle ground was a rough spot.  After you eliminate the people who willingly stampeded to get the shot and the ones that won’t take the shot even if you put a gun to their head, you’re left with people who didn’t make a firm call. Those poor souls have an external locus of control. Many got the injection simply because someone other than themselves wouldn’t shut up about it. None got the option of simply ignoring the whole thing.

Everyone who didn’t make a firm call got injected. All of them. If you were mildly opposed but not invested, you got the shot. If you were mildly in favor but dragging your feet, you got the shot. No quarter was given.

To a different degree for each person (shall we call them victims?) folks in the mushy middle were humiliated. Maybe they barely care what’s in their veins. If so, the humiliation was just a small one. Easy to shrug it off. That’s good. Maybe they were strongly opposed but not willing to risk their job or piss off their wife. In that case the humiliation was bigger. That sucks!

Possibly the most tragic were the ones that might have eventually gotten the vax of their own volition but just hadn’t firmed up their decision yet. If a person was slowly drifting in mild preference for the vax they got it accelerated to the State’s schedule. That’s humiliating too.

To subjugate a person is to humiliate them.

I like chocolate ice cream. It’s delicious. If soldiers kick in my door and make me eat a bowl of chocolate ice cream at gunpoint… that’s humiliating. Making an adult do your bidding humiliates them. It feels like that was the point of the vax mandates.

A person without strong preferences one way or the other was doomed. People flipped over rocks and pried into private lives trying to ferret out and “fix” every single human being that hadn’t yet complied. Anyone without will of steel was found and “fixed”.

It didn’t stop until people stopped it.

Rampaging bureaucracies only stopped when they ran out of easy victims. They didn’t stop for any other reason. Truck convoys in Canada, concentration camps in Australia, locked down cities in America… governments didn’t stop forcing things until each of their the countries was teetering near chaos. (Possible exception for Sweden and maybe some African nations.)

In the end, the great big middle ground of people were mistreated.

Every person who could be “forced” was forced.

We should pay attention to this experiment. It’s the biggest of its sort in centuries. The results are clear. The urge to subdue was a filter applied to the entire human population. A fearful angry mob subjugated every single person who was in the middle ground. Anyone who didn’t have a strong opinion and stronger will did not control their fate.

In less than a year, the only remaining unvaxxed population was a minority remnant. This is true at the planetary level. The remaining unvaxxed are (by definition) intensely committed. Most of the world wasn’t that committed and some of them are mildly or deeply nursing the suspicion that they’ve been misused… because they have. Only two groups came out more or less happy; the people who wanted the vax on day one and the ones that refused no matter what.

The refusers are particularly hard core. Everyone with weak preferences was isolated, pressured, and injected. The remnant is iron. They’re (still!) willing to lose jobs, lose friends, lose family ties, be ostracized, ignore their pastor, fight back against frozen assets and other forms of dirty pool, face jail time, get kicked out of a grocery store, be expelled from college, tell the president to fuck himself, and do whatever else they have to. They were told they stood at the precipice of death and they didn’t blink! America’s president Biden (who won more votes than any American president in history) gave a live speech insisting he was going to get me fired because I had exceeded his tolerance. The press laughed that I’d be dead by mid-winter. I’ve heard the press exaggerate but I’ve never heard a president speak so cruelly to me personally. It was a new world.

Yet, I’m still alive. Ha!

How far was this going to go? My answer came to me in late autumn 2021. While pondering my fate and waiting to be fired, everything clicked. It all made sense. I still remember that moment. Resolve led to relief.

I was beneath a tree (where all good thoughts originate). I desperately didn’t want to lose my job but it unemployment was just about a done deal. Regardless, I just couldn’t accept forced medical compliance. Then it came to my mind like a revelation: There’s no shame in falling in battle but walking into a medical facility and requesting your own subjugation is nothing but shame.

I can’t believe it took me so long to see the obvious. Everyone who’d complied against their wishes had done so merely because of a speech or paperwork or a memo.

I might get injected by force but I’d never subjugate myself. That’s all I needed to know to feel a measure of peace.

This didn’t mean I would prevail. I’ve seen what cowboys do to get an injection into a bull. The bull is unwilling but teams of mounted riders work against him. What had I faced? So far nothing a bull would understand. I’d faced nothing threats and mind games. Everything was aimed to make me give up on me. Would I? Nope! It was rodeo time!

Why not? Teams of cowboys routinely inject huge thrashing dangerous bulls. It’s a known technique. Meanwhile, the bull at least tries to defend itself. Why should I bend the knee just to make someone else’s life easier? I would demand the same battle that the bull gets! They’d have to find me, chase me down, absolutely overpower me, and do the deed themselves. If there was going to be a needle in my arm, it would be in the hand of a man who knows precisely what he’s doing and his moral place in the world. Ideally he’d spend the rest of the day wondering where his missing teeth had landed.

God was probably frustrated at how slow I was to figure it out. Nor was my little revelation unique. Millions of others reached their own moment of understanding in their own way. Each dwindling increment of unvaxxed people had to consider their own line in the sand. As each safe haven was eliminated, the remining unvaxxed became more rooted

Here we are. If you’re gonna’ do this… do it!

As far as I know, only China (and North Korea) actually went full rodeo. Europe went loopy but nobody wandered around France with a veterinary injector. Australia put people in camps at great expense instead of a $5 whack with an injection gun. Canada stole money and froze bank accounts but Mounties weren’t riding down fleeing Canadians. America didn’t forcibly inject prisoners who were already in jail. Why should I accept based on an employer’s policy what was not done to a convicted criminal? Why would any of us? I don’t think militaries literally dogpiled refusing soldiers. Fired, discharged, and censured, but the very people who owned a literal Army didn’t actually use force.

I’d discovered something very important:

Governments wanted submission, not merely an injection. It was the whole point. You had to walk on your own legs into a room. You had to sit quietly while something you didn’t want was done to you. The meanest shrieking Karen out there might demand the Government physically restrain a victim and slam the needle home but Governments mostly wouldn’t cross that line. Jamming a needle into the arm of a screaming fighting man doesn’t mean he submitted.

The only thing that could make me submit, was me. That’s what God wanted me to know. What a weight off my shoulders!

I’m not the only one of course. Bureaucratic monsters turned toward the last few remaining people and saw they’d sifted through the world and isolated a different kind of person. They backed down… just a little. That’s where the wave crested. To everyone’s relief, the madness stopped (at least temporarily).

Sadly, the people in the middle got none of the great relief I felt. How many wish they’d held on a few months more?

Now everyone knows exactly what can be done to them and precisely who could do it. That’s gotta’ hurt for that squishy middle ground person. Many of them will spend the next ten years wondering what has been done to or inflicted on them. Every healthy athlete that collapses for no good reason will make them nervous. Every statistical blip that’s censored online might hold a horror. It won’t get better. That’s their future.

It really sucks. I wish it never happened that way.

[Hm… this all started with a seed drill. It’s in the title and everything. Presumably I’ll re-route this essay back to less dire thoughts. Stay tuned.]

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to Seed Drills And Fate: Part 3

  1. Jo Ann Pellegrini says:

    What group am I & others in? My husband & I took the first 2 injections back when (remember this?!) we were told that we would not get the virus & wouldn’t transmit it if we just accepted the shots. Then we got covid & practically everyone we knew got it. The end. No more shots, period. No more “vaccines” or “boosters”. We are not anti-real-vaccines, but not this pretend one. People like us, who read the writings of actual medical people, investigative reporters, & not robots, are still called anti-vaxxers & science deniers. Thank you Elon Musk, for showing what was done by our own government with unknown harm to so many. We’ll see what they come up with next to try to subjugate us again.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’d say you got just about maximum self-realization one could reasonably get. When you wanted the shot you got a shot. When the shot turned out crappy you didn’t want the booster. So you didn’t get the booster. On both ends of the situation, you made a decision and the decision was respected. It’s not the worst of all possible outcomes.

      It sucks that the shot didn’t work but at least the choice to take it and to not take it was yours. That’s something. (Of course it would be better if you were told the truth right from the start. But truth just wasn’t in the cards no matter what. The shitheels who run things are irredeemable. Fauchi, to pick just one example among thousands, is such a shitweasel he wouldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it. For a lot of these liars I’m not sure they even recognize such a thing as truth.)

      One last note, good for you for learning. Nothing is weirder than the people who who were told the shot would grant immunity, got the shot, then got sick, then… inexplicably get the booster anyway. What’s up with that? If getting sick yourself doesn’t teach you the shot didn’t stop you from getting sick then what the hell would teach the lesson? Animals learn to not do something if it made them sick in the past; some humans seem dumber than animals.

      • Roy says:

        I am in the same boat as Jo Ann.

        If you remember, in the very beginning when the shot first became available, it was touted by one and all as the miracle that would save us from the dreaded pandemic and bring back normalcy. (… it can’t be blamed on president brain-dead either. Trump was still president when the shot first came out.) However, I am a diabetic, and at the very beginning of 2021, I was 67 years old. I am in one of the groups that was said to be the most vulnerable. So, when the shot first became available to me in early 2021, I lined up with all the rest.

        However, as time went on and more data came out, I saw for myself what was happening. I realized I had been had, and it has royally pissed me off. So, no boosters, no way. I’ve had the first two Pfizer shots and that is IT! And if I could reverse that, I would.

        (As it happens, my wife and I firmly believe we both caught covid way back in December of 2019 – before any vax and before covid was ever heard of by the general public. Our symptoms matched exactly but back then it was called just a bad flu.) So far the only side effect I’ve had from the shot is a sore arm for an hour. Since then every single person I know that got the shot + boosters has had covid at least once. For me, ever since that late 2019 episode – which occurred before I got the shot – not only have I not had covid, I haven’t really been sick at all. Indeed, the main side effect is that the entire episode has destroyed any trust I’ve had in the medical establishment.

        I am also a cantankerous sort, so had I been coerced, like you, I would have dug in my heels and refused the shot altogether.

  2. FeralFerret says:

    Now if only there was a way to have blood for transfusions available that was guaranteed mRNA free. There is an organization trying to do that worldwide, but of course the FDA is fighting them tooth and nail in the US.

    Also, the experiments for slipping the not-a-vax into our bodies via foodstuffs and mosquitos continue on.

    Control and humiliation are their primary motivations, but there are still some who will stop at nothing to force compliance. They will not accept being told NO!

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I wish there was a way to donate your own blood for your own use in the future. Like donate a pint a year for a couple years until there’s a bunch stored and you’re covered? I have no idea how long blood can be stored.

      Then again I might need my blood right where it is now. When I was younger I donated a lot but no man lives forever. I believe I donated well over a full gallon before I quit doing it. Alas, they didn’t keep great records back then. I was hoping for a cool little pin or something. But what the heck, when you’re young and bulletproof donating a pint to get some free cookies is fine. Bonus points if you sip a little vodka later on! (Note: that last bit isn’t wise. I stopped doing that when I knocked myself on my own ass one evening.)

  3. jrg says:

    I wonder why after three years have passed, that research on the long term effects of the Covid vaccines have not been started. Likely at least a BILLION have had at least two shots – plenty of documented data available for crunching numbers and finding out once and for all the side effects. As well as studying if the boosters have helped vs. hurt us.

    Might not be all bad news. Some other diseases may have been reduced or even stopped without any intention. I’ve heard that happens from time to time, a side affect becoming a positive for other afflictions.

    Regardless – three years is plenty of time. ‘Taking it because its an emergency’ is over – now to do the work.

  4. FHubert says:

    I got sick very early on in the madness for about 10 hours. My job made me get tested, so I was really pissed for my 10 day quarantine. I had plenty of things to work on here so it wasn’t a total loss. Back when I was cow college in the early 80’s, I took a virology class through the vet school. At that time if you got a virus your body built up a natural immunity and you were protected from that point on. Im pretty sure things haven’t changed in 40 years. They also told us that god didn’t intend for anything to rebreathe carbon monoxide. NO VAX, NO MASK, NO VAX, NO MASK! Sorry, I got a little revolutionary there.

  5. Virgil says:

    My wife and I decided we would not take the vaccine or allow our three children (all in school) to get get the vaccine. It is my opinion, that anyone who actually researched mRNA gene therapy technology and realized this was not a vaccine in the traditional sense chose to forego the injection. Although I generally agree with your overall assessment (A,B,C above), not all of us that did not take the vaccine are happy. We have no regrets, but I would not say happy. We are angry! Angry because of the evil we had to endure in order to protect our children. In the beginning, my wife and I had many conversations about caving to the pressure or at least one of us. After a few weeks, we began losing friends and arguing with family and in the end, it strengthened our resolve. But… has had a negative impact on us. Before, society was angry with people like us, now we are the ones that are angry. My wife was shunned and treated like a criminal at her office and now those same people have acted as though nothing ever happened. Not one person (previously close friends) who avoided elevator rides or made uncomfortable comments has apologized or admitted they were misled. We almost feel as though they now have animosity towards us because we made the right decision and they did not. Those us us that chose correctly, have NO-REGRETS! But we do have scars……

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I should have phrased it better. How about “satisfied they made the correct decision for themselves despite the misery of society shitting on them?” I have the same feelings as you. I see now what my fellow “citizens” are willing to do and clearly the vast majority were willing to march my ass straight into a concentration camp. I always suspected people were willing (and eager!) to do evil but now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. I too have no regrets but I too have fewer people in my life than before. Good luck, even if nobody else is, I’m rooting for you.

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