The Future’s So Bright…

I’ve been thinking through cycles of failure in human endeavors. I did a deep dive into the parallels between Cycle #1: Incompetent Carter and Cycle #3 Colossally Incompetent Raging Moron Biden. (I make an occasional reference to Cycle #2: The Craptastic Economics Of Obama… but I have to hand it to Obama, he just couldn’t reach the scale of disaster of the other two.) There’s no two ways about it, Carter and Biden are the true rock stars of fucking up in a way that Obama can’t quite attain.

It’s hard to examine cycles of disaster without sounding glum, but that wasn’t my goal. I was trying to say “I’ve seen this three times and twice we’ve pulled out of the nosedive rather well, I feel ok about the third cycle over time”.

Precisely because Biden is less popular than dogshit on a pieplate and precisely because he doubles down on everything like a gambling addict at a casino, he’s cratering faster and harder than I’ve ever seen. He’s doing so bad that it’s more or less forcing the universe to counteract him. You can be stupid for a long time but you can’t be a flat out fucking walking trainwreck for nearly as long. Who knows when or how things will improve but I have a good feeling about it in the long run.

The future’s so bright I gotta’ wear shades.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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10 Responses to The Future’s So Bright…

  1. Tree Mike says:

    O Bummer greatly increased the deep state with evil fukkers, and diversity hires into FedGov. It’ll be fine.

  2. Differ says:

    But it’s not just the current US administration; Europe is about to see civil unrest as fuel costs soar. From a friend in UK:

    “Think there may be civil unrest this winter. It’s seriously crazy. Unit cost of gas has gone up 13x over the year.
    …. there’s an Ofgen (ombudsman/public service commissioner) price cap that has risen from £1.2Kpa 31 Mar 2022 to £3.5Kpa Oct 1, and likely to rise £5.4Kpa from 1 Jan 23. And this is pretty much what every energy company will be charging. So the per annum element is a joke if it goes up 50-80% every quarter.”

    Very concerning; potential civil unrest in UK…never mind Germany.

    • Jerven says:

      The UK is a “special” and very different case, and entirely justifies some “unrest”. (and like the rest of the world, except the US, what has been happening daily for the last coupe of years fighting to remove the idiotic restrictions).

      Britain (despite the lies) is still a net producer of oil, gas and coal (and has reserves of each out the yin yang, if they were allowed to access/use them by the suicidal greens).

      Germany imports 55% of its gas from Russia. France 17%. The UK? 4%.

      Price rises though. Germany 23%, France 4%, UK … 215%.

      Why? because the (foreign owned/operated, mainly French and US) energy companies are making a killing selling British oil/gas on the open market for massive profits whilst simultaneously charging exorbitant rates to the British people because of … shortages.

      That, right there, should tell you that all the current madness has nothing whatsoever to do with either Russia and/or any supposed real decrease in oil/gas supplies, and that any shortfalls are entirely due to profiteering and deliberately manufactured shortages.

      Now, tell me you believe the very same thing isn’t happening everywhere else, including The US.

      This is what you (predictably) get when you sell off critical, strategic, fundamental infrastructure and supplies to foreign companies (owned partly or wholly by their governments), especially ‘enemies’. Sounds a little familiar, yah think?

      Coming to a gas station near you (again) soon.

  3. Prairiedruid says:

    Awesome song! I can’t play the violin so I’ll just light a cigar and sip scotch while the world burns.

  4. Nolan Parker says:

    How convenient they installed an obviously mentally deficient established criminal to pretend that He is actually somehow responsible for the headlong rush into everything stupid. He’s Not pulling the strings. But one thing is certain
    Stupidity stops being cover for sabotage at some point.
    A decision made that conflicts with good sense, like destroying America’s energy independence, selling off our emergency petroleum supply, things like that are not the result of just being stupid. If someone wanted to destroy America, I don’t know what they would need to be doing differently. How many Billion dollars have we dumped on Ukraine? What if we had used that money to solve problems here?
    Close the border, take care of our veterans, plenty of things besides sending it overseas.
    Ever wonder why the politicians had to go visit all that money? Four sons of politicians had positions on the boards of energy companies. I’m Sure they were qualified.

  5. Mark Matis says:

    You do not remember the story of how Biden was Obama’s guarantee against assassination? And that Kamala performs the same function for Biden?

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      That idea is used every time a VP is unpopular. I remember the press shouting that Dan Quayle was so dumb he spelled potato incorrectly and that Dick Cheney was pure distilled evil.

      My theory is that many politicians are stupid or reprehensible and they tend to pick someone even less capable than themselves (as opposed to the most talented) to play second fiddle as VP. This allows the true nature or incompetence of the VP to show through and then everyone thinks it’s 5d chess that the President put a buffoon second in line.

      • Prairiedruid says:

        I agree for recent history. The elder Bush was a good VP for Reagan and one could argue that Mondale was more capable than Carter.

  6. Zorost says:

    Don’t fall for thinking Biden is making any decisions. One of the few reasons I could think of for choosing an obvious dementia patient is to set him up as histories’ greatest fall guy. Make a try for tyranny, doing whatever it takes. If it looks like they are going to fail, sacrifice Biden for a “do over.” Oops, he was president and we were just obeying orders, good thing he fell down the steps when he did.

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