Keep Your Head: Part 4: There’s Nothing But Me So It’ll Always Suck

Captain Recordvotegetter is giving a speech today. Whatever he says, it’ll be another effort to break your will. That’s how the cycle works. Biden wants you to believe “this is never going to get better”. Once you think there’s no chance of a better future you stop exploring ways to make it happen. Every way to improve things is a way he won’t consider. Losers and morons that created the shit sandwich we’re in want to keep doubling down on their bad ideas over and over. They will keep doing so until an external force stops them.

Luckily, the more stupid and unwilling to adjust they are, the quicker an external force shows up to correct their bad choices. Nature abhors a vacuum. Reality won’t long abide a dipshit.

That’s how the cycle works. Here are fond memories from two notable Bidenverse speeches.

President Popularity tried to force 80 million people to subjugate you to his will exactly 355 days ago.

This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  And it’s caused by the fact that despite America having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans
who have failed to get the shot.

Pandemic of the unvaccinated. How’s that phrase holding up?

This is not about freedom or personal choice.  It’s about protecting yourself and those around you — the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love.

It is absolutely about freedom AND personal choice.

My job as President is to protect all Americans.

Great, then protect my freedom AND personal choice.

So, tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers

Going after a man’s ability to make a living. Class act. Very kind of you. What’s next, going to throw a kitten in a woodchipper?

We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.

Holy fuck! He said it. No mention of freedom or hope… only submission; because I’d worn out his patience. Well excuse me King Awesome… may I please bend over so you can fuck me harder?

I have never spoken to another man like that. I wouldn’t! I just simply don’t do things like that. I would never ever tell another person to what degree I’ll tolerate their existence. Men never ever ever say things like that.

I go to bars where a sentence like that will get your ass beaten. It’ll get your ass beaten by whomever you said it to. It’ll get your ass beaten by everyone in the bar. It’ll get your ass beaten in the parking lot. It’ll get your ass beaten until you run out of ass to beat. I don’t care if you’re the love child of Chuck Norris and a chainsaw, talk like that and you’re about to get your ass beaten.

I don’t give a shit about tiptoeing around some old man’s patience. Some jackoff I’ve never met who lives in a basement in Delaware can patiently tolerate me or get so angry he shits himself. Not my problem. Fucker comes within range and I’ll take his head off… which is why Biden is as poplar and dogshit in your morning coffee. He said shit that he should have learned is intolerable. No man who speaks that way is actually a man. President or not he was a child having a tantrum.

I’m an adult. I exist on my own. Fuck him!

But maybe that was just a bad day? Nope. Biden makes speeches where he says things that he legitimately believes and they demonstrate how stupid and cruel and vindictive and childish he really is. He should shut his fucking mouth until he grows up… which given his age, might be when they bury his ass.

Remember what Captain Happy said just before Christmas?

“For [the] unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — the unvaccinated, for themselves, their families and the hospitals they will soon overwhelm,”

A sane man, perhaps a kind one, would say “Merry Christmas”. But the week before America’s biggest holiday and all Biden could talk about was “winter of death”?!?

What kind of monster says things like that? Well the kind of monster that needs you to be without hope. When Biden says “everything sucks and it will never get better” what he’s doing is making sure the only path you imagine for the future is the one he’s slammed into the ground and is now beating with a stick. “The only option you have is me, the only future is death”.

Fuck that! If a man offers only misery and death, stop listening to him.

Whatever the doddering creature says this time, remember doom and gloom is never unavoidable. You can exercise agency. Care for yourself as best you can and it might turn out pretty well.

As for Biden, maybe there is nothing good in his future. He only knows to double down on failure after failure, so he’s not going to suddenly start getting different results.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Barak Obama, 2020

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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One Response to Keep Your Head: Part 4: There’s Nothing But Me So It’ll Always Suck

  1. Tree Mike says:

    Xiden doesn’t KNOW anything (sorry, wrong! he knows ice cream). Him or his doubles, parrot everything. (((Their))) plans are running into push back, Murphy and the “systems tend to fail” part of thermodynamics, so things aren’t going the way (((they))) want. Things will likely get worse before better, but they will get better. I’ve got about 10+ years on ya and not as much optimism, but I still have some.

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