Force Versus Choice

I’m not writing this to piss and moan about outrageous fortune. I’m trying to offer what clarity my limited, pointy, little skull has come up with. (Including ending a sentence with a preposition.) This is a thought experiment. If it pisses you off, I’m sorry.

Part 1: Torture:

Early in 2020, I watched a video that asked the simple question “does what is happening right now constitute torture as defined by the Geneva convention of 1949. That seemed a pretty overwrought analysis!

At the time COVID stuff was limited to mask mandates, shutdown schools and businesses, and various forms of “lockdown”. Mandatory injections were not yet in the mix. At the time, nobody had been fired. Though, famously, surfers and joggers had been arrested for being alone on a beach. Meanwhile, convicts were being put out of jails… possibly to make room for surfers? (I forget the link to the video, the point is the question seemed odd at first but then made me rethink my assumptions.)

I didn’t really like the tone of the presenter. But I listened and she articulated her point well. What she had to say changed my point of view. My knee jerk reaction was “of course this isn’t the same as a beating”. But that’s oversimplifying. If you listen to the definition in an actual damn treaty that came about after the Nazis were defeated there was something to it. The ever evolving lockdowns with rules and regulations emanating from not law but more or less just what some guy said under emergency powers for whatever reason… well that’s not business as usual (or at least it wasn’t back then). It started seeming eerily like the definition fit. Torture isn’t always physical. It’s also mental. There’s a spectrum; it might end just short of a bullet to the head but it starts with “privileges revoked at will by an all powerful entity”; especially if they’re temporarily restored for “good behavior” and then revoked again for infractions both real and imagined. That stuck with me.

I was like… yep I’m being tortured and didn’t acknowledge it because that sounds so weird. If nothing else, it steered me toward a different way of thinking. (Before y’all go pedantic on me this is just a thought experiment. I get it that a cloth mask isn’t a crowbar to the teeth. Also there are legal issues about civilian versus soldiers and international war versus domestic oppression and all that. Nor is one bad thing equivalent to a different also bad and much more painful thing. I’m just talking about a way of thinking about events that would have been unthinkable in 2019 and were happening in 2020.)

It’s easy to forget that there was one world in 2019 and a different one in 2020. It bothered me a lot how quickly everyone succumbed. If you’re wondering who’d hide Jews in the attic and who’d make a list to help load the cattle cars… now you know. You also know how far you’ll personally go. Or at least you know how far you’ve already gone.

And yes, for some definition of torture, we’ve been tortured. If some Governor suddenly has the ability to make big changes in our life… based on whatever strikes his or her fancy… that’s the slippery slope. Part of the issue is forcing people to do something that has no clear reason. It’s legal to run a liquor store but not host a church service. Really? Wear a mask from the front door of a restaurant but then you can take it off to eat (because the virus is afraid of dinner?). That’s some weird splitting of hairs going on… or in other words it’s arbitrary and capricious. Most of us know it’s stupid… but how many of us comply anyway? What about closing a corner grocery store but not Walmart? What about chasing down a dude surfing on an empty beach? How about stopping people in one place that has covid from interacting with people in another place that has covid. Why? Is covid a different flavor on the other side of a line? My favorite illogical issue is a curfew. Are viruses like vampires in that they only cause harm at night? What does a clock have to do with a virus?

Consider when a governor (or whomever) somehow has the power to force you to do illogical things… that’s not normal. The dude in a suit announces “you have not done as I recommended, so I have taken away schools, movie theaters, and more. If you continue to be disobedient I’ll shut down your job.” Is that not the same as saying “you are my bitch, do my bidding”. Is it unlike demonstrating power over you specifically so you know you’re not calling the shots?

Remember, this was all before mandatory vaccines were even a glimmer in Fauchi’s lying eye. By the time Biden invented the ability to fire anyone in America who doesn’t get the shot we’d been eating shit almost two years.

Incidentally the 2020 video was about “torture”. A portion of the Geneva convention covers medical procedures without consent. Lets face it:

If there’s a line, a needle in the vein crosses it.

Part 2: Force Versus Compliance:

Forget all about the heebie jeebies I get when the “Geneva convention definition of torture” starts seeming relevant. Here’s a second topic that’s even creepier. (I forgot the source of this too, but bear with me.)

Back in very early 2021, someone somewhere said “the one thing that’s guaranteed not to  happen is some big burly goon grabbing you and holding you down while someone physically vaccinates you with a dart gun”.


So far this is true.

At least in America, all this vaccine mandate stuff has involved forcing you to “choose” to comply. You might be threatened with firing, kicked out of college, hassled at the grocery store, publicly outed, called bad names, hear speeches about “lost patience”, fined, denied services, denied medical care, denied travel, hassled and manipulated in all sorts of brutal ways… but you’re still going to have to personally walk into a venue and offer up your arm. Why? Why not just whip out the tranquillizer gun and fire a round into your ass?

A big guy just grabbing you and holding you down while another one hits you with a dart gun is just not happening. And before you mock me, I’ve seen how reasonable that could be. I’ve worked with livestock. I know precisely how effectively a little brute force can be when creating herd immunity. (See what I did there?)

If they’ve gone this far… what held them back from the next step? Six mounted cowboys and one immoral veterinarian could sweep through a WalMart and drive everyone through a chute. At the chute you’ve got five seconds to produce the vac card or WHAM… vaxxed! Laugh if you will, but does Fauchi seem like a guy that wouldn’t enjoy that?

Of course, there are manpower and logistics issues. Someone somewhere might actually have some sort of kindness left in them. Plus some places and groups are more resilient than others. You might be able to sweep a suburban mall full of gutless puffballs or a college campus full of woke soyboys but ‘aint nobody got the balls to try it in Compton. Now that I think of it, if you pull that sort of shit in a Kentucky hollow nobody would even find the bodies of the vax enforcers. So maybe it has to be limited to the weaker parts of society. A Starbucks, for example.

Is it they know that every so often they’ll encounter someone like me? I’m not immortal, they could get me down if they use enough people. But once it’s on, I’ll give it my best go. It seems only fair to give an opponent a good challenge. Maybe it’s hard to know when a guy like me is in the cattle chute? I don’t look like much and ten beefy cops could get me down but I’d rip someone’s eyeball out on the way to the pavement; just ’cause.

Yet it’s still a puzzlement that nobody is trying it. Mistreat a guy without the vax until he breaks but always always always make him walk to the shot delivery station on his own.  Perhaps there’s a certain line that even the most evil overlords are reluctant to cross?

As far as I know, nobody’s doing it… nowhere. Not China, not England, not Russia, not Japan. There’s something to this. Show up at a vaccine required situation… they’ll turn you away or bitch you out. Why not whip out a hypodermic and throw down right there?

There’s something to it.

Australia is putting unvaccinated people in concentration camps… why?

Australia seems intent on being the worst so think about what they’re doing. Stormtroopers dressed like Robocop. Shields and helmets and no holds barred. We’ve seen videos where they grab someone, throw them on the ground, handcuff ’em… and then thrown ’em in the Paddy Wagon. Why?

Why make a concentration camp at all? It’s expensive to operate a minimum security jail. Why do it?

After they’ve got someone subdued and lying on the ground why not then? If they insist on inflicting the vax… there’s nothing stopping them on the person they’ve just physically beaten.

Yet something stops them. What is it?

For that matter, why did the Nazis make concentration camps? The evil bastards eagerly hunted innocent Jews… but then handed their terrified prey off to a bureaucracy. A pistol weighs 20 ounces and it’s sitting on an SS guy’s hip. A cattle car weighs tons. Is there something wired into the brain that the most unhuman of monsters still needs to feel like their victim chose their fate?

I’ll be honest with you, I have no idea why it is so, only that it seems more important that they break you to compliance than the vaccine hits your bloodstream. If there’s some unplumbed depth of human evil that modern man (so far) hasn’t effected; it behooves us to know what it is and why.

In case you’re wondering what started all this. I was set to rumination by three sources:

The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice”


The Babylon Bee


Fight Club

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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10 Responses to Force Versus Choice

  1. Weisshaupt says:

    Depends on who you believe…

    We do know that the military did roll trucks
    we do know that people were taken by force to the camps.
    Were they forcibly vaccinated while there? Is there any one who is going to check? Will they be allowed to report on it if they do? We have that woman who claimed she was taken to the camp – without trial – because she lied about her vaccination status – as was kept there – without a positive test – and threatened with a longer stay if she didn’t “behave”
    If the forced cattle chute shots haven’t started there, they have the systems in place to disappear anyone they like for as long as they like. That means the cattle car state has been achieved, regardless of if there is a forced shot at the end of it right now or not.

    Or maybe this is Satan’s war and he needs you to take the mark willingly to satisfy the deep magic. At this point nothing make sense,so demons, aliens, and Satan worshiping free-masons are all still on the table, till someone can give me a more rational answer why authorities and big businesses are all in on this – world wide. They are doing things that are ultimately harmful to their own best interests – from get woke go broke, to loosing the employees they need to make the firms run.. they are systematically destroying the economy, the money , and most importantly the trust and credibility of long standing institutions and even in each other. You won’t get total control out of that scenario – you will get chaos. One might hope to build something on the ashes.. but thinking you will control that process is dead wrong. I don’t see how so many people don’t see that – and I can’t see what is so scary to so enticing ( or both) that they are going along with it. Its like they have all been hypnotized – trying to figure out why they count 11 fingers after they have been told to forget the number 7..when they know they have 10…

  2. Nesalpers says:

    After they’ve got someone subdued and lying on the ground why not then? If they insist on inflicting the vax… there’s nothing stopping them on the person they’ve just physically beaten.

    Yet something stops them. What is it?

    Oh, no. Australia crossed that line a few weeks back. The Australian army was out surrounding aboriginal villiages, and intecepting escapees, while other teams moved in and forcibly held people down while vaccinating them. Then they marched them all off to one of the concentration camps, because they couldn’t have them escaping to tell the world. Some Australian troops with PTSD were calling in “sick” to try to avoid being ordered to do it, but it got done.

  3. alan says:

    Good points. However, a quibble. As a full-blooded Appalachian-American (Haldeman, KY 40329), instead of the “Kentucky hollow”, if not grammatical, I’d go with “Kentucky holler”. You’ve not seen places for people to disappear till you’ve roamed strip mine sites across Floyd, Pike, Harlan counties. The elk herds seem to love it though.

  4. KA says:

    Apologies AC – this is a long one.

    This week, the Australian TGA (national body equivalent to your FDA) proudly announced that it has recorded 88,549 adverse effects and over 700 DEATHS have been reported to them associated with these injections.

    Please see – – for proof (that date is read as 9th Dec 2021 in Australia not September 12th, 2021). There are 50+ pages of known adverse side effects too if you search this website.

    Don’t worry though, because our wonderful TGA tells us that “over 39.6 million doses have been given”. (Our population is ~26 million – so does it sound like over 90% double injected is genuine??? Our mediots would NEVER lie – riiiiiight?). And the TGA have decided that of the 700+ deaths reported by medical doctors to be associated with these injections, really only ELEVEN REPORTS OF DEATH were genuinely linked to injection.

    No autopsies, no explanations as to WHY the TGA said ~689 DEATHS reported to them BY DOCTORS were NOT injection-related. Just we said so, so they are not.

    “The deaths … occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases, 2 were linked to Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).” Yeah, move along, nothing to see here.

    My thoughts on why we have not seen a mass civil revolt is simple. If you go along with it, all seems to be normal. The chance of death or injury appears negligible. Don’t have too much to think – or say – and you’ll keep your job.

    The job market is non-existant if you haven’t been injected. No welfare to see you if ou don’t comply through. There are rumours of forcing coof-victims who get hospitalised to pay for their own treatment out of pocket (no so for the injected). The pressure is barbaric and predictably unrelenting.

    Real estate is artificially high – interest rates are almost zero. Gee I wonder why? Do the governments want you to get eyeballs deep into debt? ? ? ? ?

    To my cynical mind, a population that is utterly, completely and totally up to their eyeballs in debt is a QUIET, NON-RESISTING population. Be a good boy or girl and get your injects – or lose everything. It is a very very clever strategy and has taken a lot of careful planning and war-gaming as to what the options for response are.

    We all know there are two main options – live like a monk which means certain DIVORCE. Our women – virtually every last one of them – will NEVER tolerate that. They ALL know they can walk out of a marriage with 1/2 of everything with the majik incantation – “I’m not HAPPY !”

    The only other option is to resist – as so many keyboard heroes are suggesting. Heroes are wonderful, but sadly, they NEVER die well.

    The third option is to seek asylum in Texas or Florida. Anyone care to sponsor my wife & I ?

    Kind regards to all,


    PS – if I’m cynical, I suspect they simply do NOT want a control population of unvaxed to compare the vaxxed against long term. Otherwise, I suspect this is the start of the inevitable global financial recession. Or more outlandishly, perhaps we are already at war global – the shooting part just hasn’t started yet.

    PPS – The one good thing about all this insanity is that it has completely hardened my belief in God. That I will always be grateful for. I am now proudly and openly Christian should anyone be rude enough to ask me. Before I would evade or give a non-commital answer as I saw faith to be a deeply personal, private matter and absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone else. I no longer care to hide the fact.

  5. Glenfilthie says:

    Well AC… if ya gotta ask these kinds of questions, ya probably know the answer. And historically, we know that these people never stop. They have to be stopped. Somebody’s going to get shot soon… and they will deserve it too. After that it’s game on…

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      That’s quite possible. It appears the ability to back down from a stupid thing going wrong is literally beyond the cognition of “social justice bullies” (and nearly all political creatures). I suspect when/if shit goes truly berserk it’ll go nuts everywhere all at once. That wasn’t in my plans. I always assumed at least one side of the USA/Canada line would be sane. Damn was I wrong! If shit gets crazy it’ll be too late to run. You’ll be where you are. It’ll be a good time to hide under a rock and watch from afar.

      Ha ha ha… I just realized Biden’s fictional Corn Pop backed down but Biden can’t. How hilarious is that!

  6. eli says:

    “A pistol weighs 20 ounces and it’s sitting on an SS guy’s hip. A cattle car weighs tons.”
    I believe, and its implications scare me, that liberty cannot be taken.
    It can only be surrendered.
    For one person to won another, the other must acquiesce.
    I pray God my freedom isn’t cheap, but they have ways…

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Yes, you got it. “Liberty cannot be taken, it can only be surrendered.” I was trying to figure it out but you got there first and said it clearer. Thanks.

  7. Jerry says:

    I think it’s about Lawyers. There is still enough “respect” for law that the PTB know they could still lose when it comes to Hold Harmless on vaccine damage, or a class action on No Unemployment for you, pureblood. It’s about calling bluffs, and they hope people will fold instead of fight.
    When you’ve got 10 rounds and you’re facing 20 people you’ve pissed off enough, the odds are not good that you won’t have 10 people left putting you in your place?
    Some store owners also realize that if they piss off their customers, amazon will deliver and they may never see them again.

  8. Max Damage says:

    The phrase you’re looking for is “plausible deniability.” Not a claim in court or anything like that, but what you tell yourself after there’s millions dead but you weren’t the one who directly killed them. To the Nazi soldiers, herding Jews onto trains might lead to their deaths, might not. You didn’t kill them. Somebody at the camp did.

    Ever read “A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote a letter critical of Stalin, and was sentenced to four years in the gulags. He published that book in 1962, mostly thanks to leniency from Nikita Khrushchev (who was not a fan of Stalin), and later The Gulag Archipelago I think in 1973. The Soviets deported him to West Germany rather than directly kill him. See, dying in a gulag? Eh, it happens. Never know what could have caused it. Stalin sure wasn’t squeamish about disappearing rivals. But if you want to sleep at night, if you want to have the world see you as one of the possibly decent sorts, you can’t be seen as directly responsible. Hence Solzhenitsyn had to be removed, because killing him had no deniability.

    And that goes right down to the prison guard who flips the switch on Old Sparky. Yeah, he killed that prisoner directly, but it wasn’t him who did it. It was a system, with checks and balances and a court and jury who decided this guy has to die and I’m just doing my job. It was the system or the jury what killed him, I just did the work they decided needs doing.

    It may also be termed “a state of denial” but that is one thing we humans are decidedly good at.

    – Max

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