Bat Signal And I’m Outta’ Here

Some basic announcements for the upcoming weekend:

  1. I’m going off grid for a while. This is normal. No cause for alarm. My absence probably will be brief… unless it isn’t. In which case it just means the trout were biting; or possibly I went feral and now live in a tree stump.
  2. I officially have a designated Bat Signal. In the unlikely event I wind up deplatformed, Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise has kindly offered to be an alternate source of contact. Should this blog disappear, check there. Theoretically, I’ll get in touch with him (possibly by telekinetic carrier pigeon) and his blog will post relevant information. “Curmudgeon has been attacked by Jeff Bezos’ flying monkeys. Curmudgeon reports that flying monkeys move just like skeet and taste like chicken. Curmudgeon has moved his blog to http://YouCantStopTheSignal.FU”. I mean to work out a more complete system but am currently indulging in procrastination. More on this topic will follow; assuming I get my ass in gear to do it.
  3. The generous offer of Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise has encouraged me to offer the same courtesy to others. E-mail me privately before the Storm Troopers surround your bunker, so I can be ready. Not after. Before. That’s how things like this work.
  4. I totally dig that I can set bullet points to Greek.
  5. Enjoy your weekend. Let’s all pray that the ruling kakistocracy doesn’t fuck up more than it’s base level of complete and utter incompetence while the rest of us are relaxing.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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7 Responses to Bat Signal And I’m Outta’ Here

  1. Tree Mike says:

    Okaaaayyyyyyy, have a good time, we’ll hopefully still be here. Para phrasing somebody, never underestimate the power of corrupt, evil, narcissistic, stupid, incompetent politicians to phuque up yer (our) world. All the dehydrated h20 seems to be sold out, can’t find it any where.

  2. Robert says:

    Good for you and John! Possibly I won’t go into withdrawal if TPTB deplatform one of you.

    “I totally dig that I can set bullet points to Greek.” I’m a bit slow. Huh?

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I don’t know how your browser displays it but the list as I see it is not 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C but in Greek characters.

  3. Robert says:

    Ah. Got it. Thank you.

  4. James says:

    Oh God, I get it now! You’re one of THEM! You knew way too much about them to be the average Land o’ Lakes backwoods redneck you profess to be! Well, no matter the sins of your past, or the mind-twisting, utter horror that is your “music”, enjoy your studio time. There are a lot of people excited about the new album.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      It’s the Greek letters eh? Trust me, I’m just as dumb as ever.

      Also, Abba in 2021 is craptacular. I gotta finish my book before those yo-yos nuke their own legacy music. Call it the “Disney crushing Star Wars” theory of boomerized marketing decline. Original Abbaworks but retreads from 30 years after their prime mess with my epic plot!

  5. John Wilder says:

    Here here! Have a great weekend!

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