A Good Day For The Curmudgeon

Releasing new posts for Attack of the Lesbian Activist Squirrels is always stressful. When you create something, you’ve opened yourself up to failure. You never know how things will go. Incidentally, this is why, when you see freaks in the streets bitching about whatever political crap is cooking the unused mind in their empty head… ask them what they’ve created. Generally, the answer is nothing. They’re tearing down because they’re afraid to build up. Wimps!

Speaking of wimp; I put a few posts on “auto-pilot” and dove for cover. Was it shit? Am I just pissing in the wind? Do I even want to know? Also, will fifty green haired, unemployable shitheads try to get me banned from Twitter? (Actually I’ve never been on Twitter. For all I know I’m already banned. Here’s a question for the ages. What happens when “cancel culture” meets someone who doesn’t care? It’s a koan for our time. It’s also off topic so I’ll drop it and get back on track.)

For a few days I stayed away from the computer like I’d stay away from a rattlesnake in the living room. (Not hard for me, I periodically go off line anyway.) The point is, there’s an entire society telling us all to just shut the hell up and watch TV. I’d just done the exact polar opposite and you’d need balls of steel to not at least fret a little.

Curiosity got the better of me. I popped my head above the foxhole. Mostly to approve a handful of comments (all of which were positive!). Positive comments! Who doesn’t like that? Then I noticed my hit count, which was about triple the usual. Whoa!

I’d bent, folded, and spindled the English language to tell a story that would get me eviscerated among the woke. Yet the ensuing shitstorm hadn’t happened… again. It’s almost like people can take a joke. What a great thing! Don’t let the times get you down, people are more awesome than we think!

I don’t check my e-mail regularly so it was a couple days before I noticed more good news. A few donations had shown up in my in-box. I’m not going to name names out of respect for privacy, but you  know who you are and you’re absolutely the best! Thanks!

Since I wasn’t going to be hassled by a virtual mob wielding hypothetical pitchforks… again, it was time to celebrate. During the writing process I’d killed my last bottle of my favorite bourbon. It’s hard to find the good stuff in my neck of the woods but the fifth liquor store had what I wanted and now I’m sipping it as I type. I couldn’t help telling the guy at the liquor store “I’m buying this bottle with tip money from my blog. I’m a fuckin’ writer!” (He was unimpressed. I assume working at a liquor store you’ve seen everything.)

I’m sipping my new present and looking out at sunshine over the snowdrifts. I’m already thinking about the next chapter. It’s a good day! Thank you all!


P.S. If this sounds like the current chapter is over… it’s not. I’m just getting started. There will be more satire; including violence, nudity, groupthink, and firearms. I’ve got to check for errors lest Edna smite me and then it too will go live… very soon. Enjoy!

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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8 Responses to A Good Day For The Curmudgeon

  1. Tree Mike says:

    Glad you had some “up”. I don’t think you have to worry about woke scold’s on your site. Most of us were raised when insults (with the right attitude) were proper manly communication. If my buds don’t give me a hard time, I worry “Somebody die?”, “Getting divorced?”, WTF? I don’t know you well enough to give you a hard time, so I’m just gonna thank you for doin’ what yer doin’. You could head out for some Adventure, Winter, Yamaha’en. DON’T GET HURT! There’s yer scold.

  2. Mark Matis says:

    You might want to swing by TUAK and thank Joel Simon for the new readership!

  3. Phil B says:

    Just keep posting the stuff. No matter how weird you think it is, it is a breath of sanity in today’s world.

    Don’t worry about the SJW’s – we readers are a select, secret society that only passes on links and information to others of a similar mindset. Besides, how can a SJW object to lesbian squirrels? Just to head them off at the pass, arrange for one of the squirrels to have and accident and become disabled and restricted to a wheelchair. Disabled lesbian squirrels will tick all the boxes, no? >};o)

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Damn, I knew I forgot a tickbox. I’ll see if I can work in a squirrel that lost it’s tail in a tragic lawnmower accident… complete with PTSD brought about by Cub Cadet yellow. 🙂

      Also, thanks for the compliment.

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