Big Time Television: Making Tomorrow Look Like Yesterday

Who knew? 2021 is making 2020 look tame… which is saying a lot!

Without getting into the weeds, let me connect a few dots just to keep this post manageable. Pence pulled a Judas, shit got kinetic but not too kinetic, and I drank a bottle of Champaign to celebrate my people acting like citizens instead of subjects. For the third night in 2 months went to sleep thinking “this shit is going to get sorted out”. For the third night in 2 months I woke up to “the narrative has won and deplorables can suck it”. You ever get that feeling that going to sleep isn’t worth it because the next morning is going to have even more dumb news?

The election “process” continued overnight. Nothing says “this is a good idea” like things Congress does at 3:00 am. The people are livid. So, the best thing to do would be to meet in the very building had just been occupied by a crowd of angry citizens and do exactly what they don’t want.

Personally, I’m averse to pissing off people in groups of several million at a time. No matter what side I might have favored, I’d have been like “fuck this, lets everyone cool down for 48 hours”. This is why I’m not in congress. (Reflecting on the “lets do this thing right away” approach politicians apply to their actions, I start to understand why so many of them have crappy personal lives. But, I digress…)

By dawn, Biden, who everyone seems to have forgot about in the chaos, was super-extra-officially the complete ruler of the universe. Anyone still harboring suspicions about vote counts was served a nice steaming plate of “fuck you”. Did ya’ all notice that virtually nobody actually cares about Biden? I’ve also noticed swamp dwellers completely gave up on “the election was clean” and shifted gears to “it’s too late, blow me”. Funny that.

Anyway, the Orange Menace was gone. Gone where? Who knows. Doing what? Who knows. All anyone knows is that he was yoinked off Twitter by “People Who Are In Charge”. I don’t do Twitter but I’m oddly impressed that yoyos in a media conglomerate have the balls to censor the fuckin’ President. You wonder if they ever think about what they’re doing? Facebook went full retard but that’s just another day ending in “y”. Every piece of the media is going full press propaganda but… I mean what else can they do? So, everything was just as it had been 24 hours earlier… sorta’.

I shrugged my shoulders and worked on the most important issue of the day. The damn chicken waterer keeps freezing up. That shit’s a serious challenge! Whatever’s going on… out there… among those who would legitimately represent or illegitimately rule… it’s not going to feed my chickens. Also, I was hungover.

I figured it had been a great finale. Now we’d have a slow suck of stupid until the weather gets warm and people go back to their hobby of burning cities. I was wrong! At this point anyone who’s trying to predict anything is wrong all the time.

A video appeared from the man that’s still the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces but apparently too dangerous for Twitter. It was either an oddly phrased concession or a promise “this ‘aint over yet”. People view media and see whatever they want to see.

What was your opinion? The link is here. (YouTube link, not Twitter). I wouldn’t recommend you watch it; your favorite propaganda outlet has already told you what you should think about it and you might very well agree. Being a contrarian, I watched it… all two minutes. My takeaway was the most interesting thing is what it doesn’t say and how it goes about not saying it.

Traffic analysis is a powerful skill. What I saw was the uncanny valley. It looked weird. I’ve seen Muppets look more convincing. Also, I didn’t hear the words “Biden” or “I concede”. The video came from an unusual source, arrived on a “locked account”, has a green screen background (or so it would appear), sounds decidedly un-Trumpian (which is a word I just coined), and has low resolution. I got no idea what the hell it means.

My Windows computer will display it. My iPad won’t. WTF is that all about?

The whole thing has a deeply odd and robot-like feel to it. That’s nuts because Disney can make Wal-E huggable so I assume even the fakest video doesn’t have to look fake? I’m not a video editor but it looks more like a Lego figurine reading a script than Captain Talkative in all his extemporaneous Orangeness.

I’ve got a theory that’s just as supported as any statement you’ll hear on network news. The video was broadcast by Big Time Television in 1988. They sent through a time portal to “the apex point of bullshit”… causing it to hit Twitter in 2021.

My theory is as good as any. What an absolutely beautiful and awful and fascinating and horrifying time in which we live.

Big Time Television; day after day making tomorrow look like yesterday:


About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to Big Time Television: Making Tomorrow Look Like Yesterday

  1. Anonymous says:

    “the man that’s still the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces but apparently too dangerous for Twitter. ”

    Beautifully said!

  2. Tree Mike says:

    If Trump doesn’t pull out the Insurrection Act , then he was part of the Plan to build power for 4 more years, while the Evil Phuquer’s build their end game to put their boot on our necks forever…or maybe he’s a stupid, blowhard, pussy. Maybe both. I’d say buy more ammo, but that boat sailed months ago. Going forward, I will say “You can’t be too skeptical or cynical.” Keep yer head on a swivel.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      There is the very real possibility he did his best and failed. There is no dishonor in failing when you gave it every last bit. However, I do not yet accept that this is the case. We’ve had a whole year of things happening which are “inconceivable”. Might as well accept the possibility of the improbable.

      • Tree Mike says:

        If Trump pulls a trump, and I see hundreds of arrests, I’ll be good with that.
        I just read that he skied out of DC right after the fun started, and is safely ensconced at military base in Texas. Hope this means the arrests are coming.
        I’m probably not gunna bug you about squirrels for awhile, UNLESS THE ARRESTS COME, then you’re back on the hook! You’ve been warned. Hope that came across as humor, not a threat.

        • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

          It’s all in good fun. I officially promise one page of squirrels for every jackass Trump arrests.

  3. Tree Mike says:

    PS, loved the Max Headroom bit. Thanks for Keeping on.

  4. ron says:

    after 66 yrs in the backwoods of wv, the only part of your problem that i am qualifyed to deal with, is the frozen chicken waterers. i buy 1 gallon electric heated dog dishes for my poultry.
    wish i had answer for the rest.
    may god bless my country

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I have several electric heated water buckets and they’re the bees knees. Can’t do winter chickens without AC! My favorite was a 5 gallon bucket I drilled for 3 chicken nipples and added an electric element. Unfortunately it broke and now I’m using a 3 gallon commercial unit that is ok but finicky.

      I have a heated dog dish but it’s for the cat’s water this winter.

      Ha ha ha you can tell homesteaders because they go seven layers deep in discussion of topics non-homesteaders never even knew existed.

  5. Tennessee Budd says:

    You drank Illinois wine? What month’s vintage?
    I didn’t know they had good vineyards in Champaign, IL. I’ve had some good homemade wine out of Indiana, & I used to drink champagne, but I’ve never tried Eau de ouest Urbana.

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