Aint Happening

I’ve ignored the news as much as possible. Unfortunately, I’m only human. It’s one of those moments in history that is getting ahead of itself and I watch the train crash just like everyone else. Nor is it tactically wise to totally ignore events. Inflection points abound.

Which brings me to this:

And this*:

I thought a bit and it seemed almost a perfect replay of Xerxes in 300: “Cruel Leonidas demanded that you stand. I require only that you kneel.

The symbolism isn’t subtle. The concept isn’t deep. There is no middle ground.

Make your choices now but actually make the choice. Think on it! Don’t give me some knee jerk “I’d never do that! I’d go boogaloo and then make a speech” crap. Think it over carefully. The world is filled with those who’ve submitted and while I can’t call it “without shame” I can see the point. Not everyone stands against the mob and maybe not everyone should be asked to. Nor are the mass graves of Stalin or Mao or so many others any less full because someone went out heroically. Bending rather than snapping is a thing many have had to do and it’s unrealistic to pretend otherwise.

Anyway, stop, drink a beer, think very hard, give it some time… and then resolve to live up to what you plan.

When the time comes (if it comes) there will be immense peer pressure. The world is filled with people who think they’re rock solid but they melt in the wave of dozens or hundreds. Peer pressure is unspeakably powerful. It could be something as minor as a fine or a job or a college degree on the line and that can weigh heavily on a person. If you’re really going to stand tall, you need to know that long before the time comes.

As I said decide now. Prepare your mind. Be ready for your choice. It may never happen, but if it does, you will get one shot at it.

I have decided. I never will be made to kneel.

Right now the worst that can happen is I get beaten by a mob (unlikely) or fired (still unlikely but less so in our ever politicized world). None is good news, but it is what it is. The consequences will be quick and incontrovertible. But life is like that, and I always knew I didn’t live in a Utopia.

Today, as I type, there is nobody before whom I have been made to kneel. I have every intention of keeping it that way. That doesn’t make me awesome, it means I’ve so far been fortunate. I’ve had the option to arrange my life so that it’s never been an issue. Ideally it’ll always be that way. Regardless, you can’t dither about and then make the decision in the heat of the moment; unprepared, you’ll probably fold.

In the interest of keeping it light, I posted a few relevant clips. Enjoy.


*I’m particularly impressed with Pelosi’s arranged photo. She artfully removed her mask just right. Thus, she could be clearly recognizable and photogenic (and obviously make the mask pointless) while still preserving the concept that the mask exists and she just happened to not be wearing it during the millisecond when the camera snapped the photo.  I’m surprised they didn’t put in a fan to make her hair blow in the wind. Also check out the formation around Pelosi. She’s front and slightly to the left with colleagues fading in to the background in ranks. They are foreshortened to appear just a little smaller than her, the main point of the photo. They’re arranged diagonally with a reinforcing front to rear pattern of alternating diagonal lines on the floor. It’s pure art. The Thunderbirds don’t fly in formations that precise!

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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23 Responses to Aint Happening

  1. Ralph S Boyd III says:

    There is only one I will bow a knee to, and that is my Lord. YMMV.

  2. Suppo says:

    And here I thought that “Taking A Knee” is how all this crap got started!

  3. matismf says:

    Proper application of high speed lead can help in many ways!!!

  4. ruralcounsel says:

    I would have kneeled for my Marine Corps DI back in the day. And my Dad and his Dad. Can’t think of anyone else I’ve respected enough to do that for though.

  5. ML42 says:

    Honestly I think Pelosi is close to the embodiment of evil. Sorry, long time lurker here. I work in IT at a major lefty corporation and we’re constantly bombarded with this crap. If I have to hear one more time about how we “need a conversation”, I’ll scream. To paraphrase Scott Adams, how are we going to have a conversation about something we aren’t allowed to talk about? My company is constantly trying to entrap us conservatives into revealing ourselves at work. I’m tired. So tired of this. But I will never kneel.

  6. Kevin says:

    I saw the Pelosi picture and immediately thought “Who wears an orange pantsuit in this day and age? Maybe she just wants to get used to wearing orange so she’ll feel comfortable in her future element.”

  7. Sailorcurt says:

    No one really “knows” how they’ll react to any given situation until they face it.

    What really is kneeling anyway? I mean, do you actually have to physically perform the act of taking a knee to have capitulated? If your boss says “we support BLM and will be conducting a BLM rally outside the office tomorrow, anyone who fails to attend will be fired” would you go, even though you may not agree? Would you quit? Would you make them fire you? It would not technically be kneeling to show up at the rally and just stand there, but would it be capitulating?

    How about the PC crap. If you have a male co-worker that one day shows up in a dress, heels and makeup, would you refer to him in the feminine as the LGBTQEIEIO crowd would insist…even if refusing to do so meant you get fired?

    Not only do you have to decide whether or not you would kneel, you have to decide what kneeling looks like. It doesn’t have to be physically taking a knee. I can just mean giving in to the demands of those who would rule you. Where do you draw the line?

    Unfortunately, I think we’ve already crossed lines that my parents and grandparents would have never submitted to. The lines shift, gradually, over time as culture shifts inexorably to the left. Our grandkids may be saying “Of course I kneel, but I’d die before I’d kiss their shoes”.

    It’s like jumping down from a third story balcony. If you did it all at once, you’d probably die, but if you built platforms every five feet or so…sure I can jump down to that first one…and then I can reach the second one…and eventually you’ve jumped all the way down to the ground.

    Those lines we say we won’t cross most likely won’t be situated so that it’s a yes/no equation, we’ll be gradually pushed closer and closer to it until…well, it’s just another line among many…what’s the difference?

    Again, I’ve picked my lines and I like to believe I won’t cross them, but who really knows until we’re facing it? We all like to think we’re the hero of our own story, but most of us are just bit players that show up on the periphery of the scene and don’t even have any lines.

    Holy crap that was depressing…tell us another funny story.

  8. Joe Blow says:

    Whas ts funny as shit is seeing these white bred politicians wearing African colors like tourists on a safari!
    They think they’re showing their ‘wokeness’ by culturally appropriating a whole damned continent!!!
    And the stupid mooks lap it up.

    • Jonathan says:

      Did you know that those colors are an Ashanti pattern? They were the African tribe most known for enslaving and selling other tribes and a large part of the supply for the Western slave trade.

  9. Glenfilthie says:

    My wife and I both come from shitlib families. Over the last ten years, it got ever harder to get along with them. Their morals and ethics were relative and they were hellbent on imposing them on us. At first we tried to ignore it but it just got more acrimonious and stressful when we refused to be lectured. Eventually we were exiled for having the wrong views about homosexuality, race, socialism, environmentalism, feminism and all the other sacred subjects. It probably cost us a fortune in lost inheritance… but we can look after ourselves.

    In all this crap, I haven’t seen one Skinhead, one swastika, one klansmen or cone head. I’ve seen a bucketful of feral negroes attacking whites, businesses, and each other. F*** them, I ain’t kneeling to them either.

  10. p2 says:

    Made those decisions long ago and will not yield. The only way I’m taking a knee is to access my ankle holster.

  11. Himself says:

    The modern man knows that there is only one time in his life that it is appropriate to kneel, and that is when he is asking God for forgiveness for what he is about to do to His enemies. – Adam Piggott

    You never kneel, for these assclowns anyhow, because it won’t end there. You’ll become a dhimmi, subject to whatever else they want to do to you. Hell, look how they eat their own.

    Btw Pelosi’s imagery was ruined by the images of her old ass having to be helped up off the floor making the rounds.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I like the quote.

      I try not to make too much fun of Pelosi struggling to stand; she’s what, 80? Anyone who’s 80 might struggle. She’s a bitch but everyone gets old.

      • Himself says:

        All the more reason to put these aging hippies out to pasture. They really ought to have a retirement age of 72 or so. The amount of elder statesmen, like Sam Johnson, we lose would pale in comparison to the number of dementia addled we’d be saved from. Some of us age faster than others.

        Btw love the bike posts. I sold mine some time ago, and have to live vicariously now.

        Another great quote:
        “Motorcycling is not,of itself,inherently dangerous.
        It is,however,extremely unforgiving of inattention,ignorance,incompetence,or stupidity.”

        • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

          Glad you like the bike posts. There will be more in due time.

        • Jonathan says:

          Interestingly, there are LOTS of democrats who agree with you – they feel that because Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, etc have stayed in place as they get old, the next generation of Democrat leadership never developed, and the generation behind them is stunted.
          Peraonally, I think it’s a good thing!

        • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

          I believe the “next generation didn’t develop” concern is nationwide and perhaps larger than just the US. Nor is it limited to politics. You see it manifested everywhere from factory floors to literature. Politics is just worse because it lacks any reality at all. Therefore, it allows greater incompetence to persevere and fester.

          I think it’s unfortunate when any group has shit leaders that do a shit job of succession until they drive their group into a ditch. I’d like to see Pelosi’s party dispatch with hags and has-beens and get awesome. I want both parties to be good at governance and I want them to fight like cats and dogs at how to be not merely competent but excellent. I also want a third third party to be even better than both and curb stomp both clueless disheveled parties until they get a clue. The current mire of worn out failed parties competing in who will continue to do stupid shit is exhausting. The best we usually get is a choice of who might potentially fuck up slightly less than the other party’s dipshit du jour.

  12. The Real Kurt says:

    I will take a knee. I’m better with my rifle that way than offhand, and prone and sitting are too static in a dynamic situation.


  13. matismf says:

    In case you want to update your sidebar links, this:
    is the current home of Western Rifle Shooters…

  14. Daniel Sorenson says:

    Some of us are oaks and some are elms, when the wind comes we may stand strong or we may bend. But neither the oaks nor the elms kneel.

  15. Heath J says:

    Late to comment, but the only times a man should kneel is when proposing to his beloved or honoring a fallen comrade (battlefield cross).

    I’ve done both. It will snow in hell before I profane that gesture for a bunch of antifa scum.

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