Rise Of The Jewhunters

Here’s a biostatistic: it must get worse before it can get better. (If you wish to be pedantic, argue over “must” versus “will”.) I thought it would happen sooner. I was wrong. It took this long for exponents to do what exponents do. We lose about a thousand people daily. This doesn’t surprise me but I forget how few people understand math or risk. Nor did I expect folks to go overboard in the panicky run up to this moment. (Toilet paper and two trillion dollars?)

Something I did expect; snowflakes marinating in social media do not handle risk well. No death is irrelevant, but each of us is mortal. We must ponder death and understand. If death (as a concept) is not accepted on the path to adulthood, you get adults who make strange decisions about risk.

Regardless, the imperative is always the same: keep your head. Aside from dumb bullshit like toilet paper, there’s a darker sign that heads are not being kept.

We are seeing another cyclic rise of the Jew hunter.

Let’s back up a bit and mention where this is all coming from. My first exposure to this crop of Jew hunters was in an innocuous location… an ATV discussion board. You’ll find Jew hunters where they don’t belong, because they belong nowhere. It’s part of their empty souls. If they belonged somewhere, they’d be busy living life and leave us alone. Not long ago it was (famously) knitting discussion boards. This year, self-generating within panic, I saw them first on ATV boards.

This post is too serious. Here’s a happy aside:

Mother nature is dragging her feet but spring is finally approaching. I’ve seen the first robins, the first migrating geese, the cranes…

Oh how I like cranes! They’re not particularly common but they make up in presence for what they lack in number. Two of them cavort near my house. They arrived three days ago and made damn sure everyone knew about it. Giant birds that loudly remind us they’re the dinosaur remnant. I love ‘em! They hang out for several weeks having raucous dinosaur sex, and then (usually) move further north, where they settle down to raise 2.2 kids and drive minivans. Sometimes they forgo the flight into Canada and nest nearby. As with humans, once there’s a nest full of obligations to manage, they shut the hell up and live quietly. It is only early spring when they’re teenagers having a kegger. I like seeing four-foot-tall creatures flying overhead; low, slow, loud, and huge… God’s avian version of the A-10 Warthog.

(For an audio track of my backyard, click this.)

Back to my story: To distract myself from the slow spring breakup, I started checking ATV trail reports. I set out to collect an informal list of what trails still sport snowmobile snowpack to the north, what trails are dry and runnable to the south, and what’s in-between. This would map the purgatory zone of half-thawed mud season; the place where I find myself.

ATV people and snowmobile people are not political, nor are they dour. They just want to talk about their favorite toys. I enjoyed countless posts with photos of happy people perched on expensive machines. Most posts went something like this:

“Enjoying social distancing on Rock Ridge trail. The low elevation initial section is a little soft, so get in there early in the morning. Up high it’s rock solid and the snow’s mostly out. Here’s a scenic picture I took of a cool rock formation. Hit a tree on the way back out. I guess I’ll buy a new mirror. LOL. Great weekend!”

That post is a treasure trove of information. It’s also entirely filled with joy. Normally, a post like that will fall on a welcoming group of hearty, like-minded, souls. Responses like this:

“If a Polaris can do it, it’s an easy trail. This summer I’ll show you how it’s done on my Can Am.”

“Is that the rock Dave hit last year?”

“Yep, that’s why Dave bought his new Can Am. I bought Dave’s old machine. It’s is still in pieces in the garage.”

“Tell Dave to put some rock repellent on his Can Am.”

“I think I’ll try Rock Ridge next weekend.”

“Hurry. The first part is about to turn to oatmeal. If it’s over 40 don’t try.”

“I heard Curmudgeon bitching about the cranes. It’s probably thawing right now.”

“What about Beer Can Canyon? That’s further south.”

“I heard Ralf say it was already dry. Good place. Worth the time to trailer there.”

Notice the comradery. No politics. Just a happy group sharing happy times.

This is where the Jew hunter arrives.

The Jew hunter loathes even the idea of people living lives unrelated to the Jew hunter. Jew hunters have a character flaw: they want to make everyone else bend to their will. One method they use is to find a rule, viciously inflict it on others, and smugly preen about their moral superiority while doing so. It’s a repulsive failed personality. It could be some asshat turning the HOA into a thuggery or it could be the real deal; someone pointing out Jews to the Germans. Bad behavior is done on purpose and with pride. Malice inflicted falls on a spectrum but the motivation is always the same; pleasure at messing with someone else’s life coupled with the (false!) pretense that doing so is morally superior.

Here’s how it arose in the discussion thread:

“Nobody should be driving ATVs right now. Haven’t you heard governor’s directive 283(b)2?”

The micro-tyrant has seized on COVID as a tool. It’s only a tool to facilitate acting like the jackass they are. Not differentiating logic from emotion, bystanders honestly discuss the merits of the idea.

“The directive does not apply to outdoor activities more than 6’ apart.”

“Watch out for Dave and that rock, they got a lot closer than that.”

“Clause 27/b of the directive says we can drive an ATV during a quarantine?”

The Jew hunter has been watching:

“You’re putting everyone at risk. You’re spreading COVID.”

The discussion becomes a back and forth:

“How the hell is riding alone going to spread a virus?”

“What about all the people you infect while traveling?”

“I drove there in my truck. Do you think I use a bus to trailer my ATV?”

“What about the food you bought? The gas?”

“I brought a sandwich. Self-serve gas pumps.”

A few hearty souls try to help out.

“Gas is cheap right now. W00t!”

“The stores need the gas sales. I’m sure they appreciate it.”

The Nazi hunter is hyped up on their moral superiority.

“You touched the gas pump.”

People who live in reality aren’t having any of it.

“It’s a gas pump. I wore gloves. Do you lick the card reader when you buy gas?”

None of this matter. A sentient adult can pump gas and travel without issue, but the Jew hunter doesn’t care about COVID. Their goal is compliance.

“If you wreck what about the rescue people? Hospitals are overworked. It’s just not safe.”

Eventually the thread goes dark. I noticed the same thing in several places; discussion groups about 5th wheel campers, fishing boats, motorcycles, bowhunting…

I tuned out. So, did everyone else. ATV people are still riding trails but now they feel oppressed. The Jew hunter has his sights on them. Posting happy photos of your peaceful sojourn might attract the Jew hunter. Will the neighbor will rat you out if he sees your ATV trailer leave the driveway? Is there some section of the governor’s announcement you misread? After a lifetime wandering the forest and never needing help, is this the day when an ATV trail will lead to an ambulance ride? How does one spread germs while pumping unleaded?

They’re cowed. The Jew hunter has pried into their lives.

I don’t like where this goes. We hear rumors and unreliable media about extreme cases. Are cars with license plates from State X stopped at the border to State Y? 99% of this is rumors and the rest is bullshit but logic doesn’t matter. We all know State X and State Y both have the virus. But it feels better to think the virus came from those people over there and so we should hassle them.

Mostly it’s about hating those rich obnoxious bastards from State X. Or keeping the lid on those Neanderthal meatheads driving ATVs in the forest. Or fretting over the scumbag who wants to go fishing. The only thing that appears universally accepted is sitting on your ass feeding on a diet of social media and bad journalism.

Signaling your superiority by hassling the other is irresistible to the wrong sort of mind. It goes to dark places.

When the weather is right, I’m going on a walkabout. Through practice and natural inclination, I can do it without interacting with another human. It’s merely a logistical challenge and an easily met one. ATV riders, fishermen, hunters, and so forth can handle a virus just like camping in grizzly country. A legitimate risk requiring appropriate precautions but no reason to sit inside moping.

If society is sane, I’ll blog happy stories about my walkabout. So will the ATV people. If the Jew hunters are in apex, you’ll hear little from anyone. It’s a shame because nobody wants to be in a joyless society. Except, of course, the hollow, empty, scolds of the Jew hunting sort. Fuck them!


P.S. Smarter people than me long ago described how to evaluate constraints on liberty. “Jews in the Attic” is a very wise method.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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13 Responses to Rise Of The Jewhunters

  1. richardcraver says:

    I like the Jew hunter analogy.
    As for myself, I’ve taken a few trips to the range to do some social distancing recently; the weather is beautiful for it. A couple co-workers (We aren’t shutdown yet.) have taken me to task as the county has a shelter in place order.
    What the hell! I drove to the range by myself, there were 2 other people there over 20 yards away, we spoke, “Hey, can we go cold long enough to post my targets?” “Sure, I need to let my barrel cool anyway.” I shot for a while, waved goodbye, then I drove home by myself. Zero viruses were contracted or spread.
    So I have to say to the pansies, “Shelter this order in place ladies!”

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Well done. The goal is to survive COVID, not to check boxes for some bureaucracy. I wish my weather didn’t suck so bad or I’d be out and about too.

  2. nick flandrey says:

    Yup, compliance, not actual prevention. Look at the pic in this article, guy was out solo, no one nearby, no one to infect or be infected by. The enforcement though, 3 sheriff’s deputies in close contact with him and his stuff, and him in booking, in vehicles, in all sorts of places when he can contract the disease- because of the STATE’S actions.


    Thugs gonna thug.


    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      That’s a textbook example of compliance over logic. No way in hell is a paddleboarder spreading virus to anyone. Anyone with a lick of sense would leave the man in peace…but then again organizations are the anthesis of sensible.

  3. nemo paradise says:

    Frankly, I am deeply offended by your use of the term “Jew hunter.” Although your intent may be benign, you unwittingly segregate Jews from other hunters, implying that they are somehow different and freakish. Please avoid the use of ethnic descriptors in order to ensure fairness, equity and everyone’s safety. Thank you in advance for your compliance, which is statutarily mandatory.

  4. Stefan says:

    “If society is sane”

    Whoops. Lost me. Why are you not out in your Boat? I’m not out in mine, because I do not have One, and even if I did there isn’t a puddle within 50 miles to float Her. So I bunker down and wish to either get out the other end of this tunnel’o’crap, or let’s fix bayonets, hoist clubs and get to it. And while I’m waiting with my drooping bayonet and club, read a certain blog. Hint, subtle.

    Sadly, nobody is obeying my Orders, so I’ll have to wait a little longer. Disappointed, I pack away my Ebola gear; review my Sardine/Rice recipes (how many variations can one make??), water storage, and diverse edged interaction implements, to complement the astounding array of blunt ones (I’m in the EU, Bangtstick Verboten). I have many tools…someday, I shall have them all.

    Now, regale me with tales of feathered egg-bringers, feathered forlorn hopes of the amphibian bowling variety, tasty fridge-fillers of the genus bacon-y-bacon, or even perverse tree climbing gender-ambiguous rodents, but refrain from overmentioning Gews, Jermans, and some convenient microbe with which the latest semblance of Civilisation was stripped.

    And for community convenience, here is how all that crap sounds through my N100 mask:

    mmmnmhhhgk!mmsdddkkrrthhhg mmmghggghmmmmmdfffhgg! nmmmhhggg, nmnmnnnnn, mhmmggggghgg, hnnnnnmmm, mmm! Mmghm.

    p.s. the weather is weather. as an old Infantrybeest I say go….

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’ll be in my boat as soon as the lakes show the good sense to be made of liquid again.

      I’ve already ordered chickens & pigs but was fence sitting on a few ducks or turkeys.

      More fun and less rantatistic blogging will ensue as soon as “t shirt weather” arrives.

      Mud season always drives me batty but it will end in due time. In the meantime I’m listening to the cranes party.

  5. Beans says:

    Then there are the darker postings by Jew Hunters…

    The ones that somehow circle around to this being a conspiracy. By the Jews.

    Seen it on several blogs. And when they aren’t shut down by the administrator(s), then my traffic and my comments are no longer going to that post.

    Sad. Sad that that is still out there. Both your Jew Hunters (my people call then -Nazis, like Parking Nazis (You can’t park here because (whatever nonsense reason,) Church Nazis (you must pray this way,) Shopping Nazis (yes, people telling others that they are shopping wrong,) and so forth.) And then the Jew Hunters who are just Jew Haters. Who come out of the woodwork and attach themselves to any conspiracy, except maybe alien abductions and alien cattle mutilations. Anything else? It’s the Jews. Despicable.

  6. matismf says:

    Hitler was indeed evil when he killed the six million. But was not Stalin evil as well when he murdered fifty million? Of course, Bernie’s campaign tells us the gulags “paid a living wage.” But then so did Auschwitz. But those fifty million do not count because they were mostly only Goyim.

  7. MadRocketSci says:

    My sister said her state had issued a curfew and were patrolling the streets to enforce it. I said that was ridiculous: The virus only comes out at night?

  8. p2 says:

    The unlimited brain power in Juneau (Jew-no??) have decided that the hunting and taking of black bears this spring shall not happen. My question is who the hell goes bear hunting in ALASKA in groups of 10 or more? And where, in a state that’s 650 million square miles with only 750 thousand people (400K of which live within 35 miles of Los Anchorage) are you going to see another human whist pursuing big, black and fuzzy? The madness has reached critical mass.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Oh for fuck’s sake! Bear hunting has got to be the best form of social distancing known to man. I should start a list of the dumbest examples of compliance over fighting contagion… but your example has probably already topped the list.

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