Blog Housekeeping

I’m pretty lazy about blog maintenance. I update my blogroll infrequently and haphazardly; I usually forget to mention it when I make a change too. It’s a new year so I’ll start out on a better footing.

In no particular order, here a few new links I’ve added:

Rotten Chestnuts

Raconteur Report

I’ve also pulled some Amazon links. I’ve no beef with Amazon. Despite being somewhat evil in a general way, they’ve always treated me OK. I just decided to unclutter things. Also, it’s wise to keep my distance from an entity that can and does deplatform / demonetize without pause. (Note: they’ve been good to me… not complaining. Just staying safe y’all.)

In case you’re wondering: this “pull your nuts out of the vice before it matters” logic is why I migrated from a few years ago. WordPress actually treated me well, but I didn’t hang around to find out if they’d keep it up forever.

I also moved a few of my favorite quotes to my “Quotes and Poems” page.

Czeslaw Milosz: 1911-2004

In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.

John Dryden: 1631-1700

“Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde”
Beware of the anger of a patient man.

D. H. Lawrence: 1885-1930

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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2 Responses to Blog Housekeeping

  1. I hate that D. H. Lawrence quote. How the heck does he know whether an animal is feeling sorry for itself or not? Can he see inside their head? All animals could be feeling sorry for themselves all the time and we would never know. You see dogs acting happy, but that might just be an act. I suspect an animal freezing to death would be feeling very sorry for itself. D. H. Lawrence is an ass.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Good point. One can never know what an animal is “thinking” or even to what degree it’s actual thought. That said I’ve watched Chickadees in the worst winter weather and if they’re not “cheerful” I don’t know what is. Logically I have no idea what a bird is thinking but they just look so happy my illogical mind overrides. 🙂

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