Phenology Update

Perhaps you think spring is nigh? Time for tulips and robins and girls in summer dresses? NO!

It ‘aint over yet. I know this for two reasons.

  • I’m not aware of any trucks that have fallen through the ice. It’s not spring until someone sinks a truck.
  • The UPS guy got stuck in my “plowed” driveway. (Admittedly it was “plowed” only to a limited degree of “plowness”.) He had to use a traction mat to get rolling again. Fortunately for all involved, it wasn’t a big deal. He was only delayed a few minutes; no harm no foul. If he’d gotten stuck badly such that I had to tug him out with the Dodge and a chain I’d have been fatally embarrassed. (And probably my future UPS deliveries would be found in the ditch for the rest of my life.) Lets hear it for reasonable people, shovels, and a traction mat.

Also, here’s a snapshot to make folks south of the Mason Dixon line happy with their choice of location. (Take heart y’all. When it’s August and the southeast is more humid than Satan’s jock strap, be happy you weren’t freezing your balls off in March. Pros and cons to all places.) Incidentally this is on the best maintained road for miles. I wish I’d taken a snapshot of the hell I ground through to get to pavement. I bitch about my truck’s maintenance but I frequently use it to it’s full potential. All hail 4×4!

I like comparing phenology year to year. Other phenology updates are linked below. Unfortunately, I didn’t mark them all. Some phenology in my blog is not in this list. (I blame my dog for not forcing greater editorial discipline.) Lie back and think of summer:

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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4 Responses to Phenology Update

  1. richardcraver says:

    I like snow OK, but we rarely get just snow here. Usually it is a ‘wintry mix’ as the weather prognosticators like to say, meaning there are periods of ice, sleet, snow and rain. Driving in it is a bitch. A few weeks ago we got a solid 8″ of powdery goodness, it was a delight to drive on, followed by a couple weeks of 50s, 60s and 70s. Then as the girls were unpacking their sun dresses the earth tilted back over and we are in the 20s at night 30s by day and the forecast is for wintery mix Monday.
    North Carolina weather; if you don’t like it, just wait a few hours.

  2. Mark Matis says:

    So the bow saw blade arrived. It appears that you were able to type with both hands, so you apparently haven’t done any accidental surgery yet. I’m sure you’ll let us know how well it works, or doesn’t. With a narrower blade like that, it might bind easier than the wider blade if your strokes aren’t true, so you probably shouldn’t use it after chugging a fifth of bourbon or a gallon of home-brewed shine. It would most likely be fine to use it after shotgunning a case of beer, however, since that goes through one’s system far more quickly.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      The blade didn’t arrive yet. The brown truck of happiness was delivering non woodworking things.

      Your advice to “keep your strokes true by not drinking bourbon in advance” is wise and yet sounds so um… sketchy. I love it.

      • Mark Matis says:

        Well bourbon in moderation before sawing should be fine. The kerf may end up being somewhat “artistic”, but there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that as long as you don’t snap the saw blade…

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