Monthly Archives: March 2018

Phenology Report

The worst part of winter is spring. I don’t know about you, but my patience is wearing thin! I want to treat winter like I would an unwanted houseguest; “look it was really cool when you were hanging around for … Continue reading

Posted in Phenology | 4 Comments

Tactical Pay Radio: Part 2

You know the great thing about being asked to review something? I get to obsess over things that don’t matter, I can bitch about even the tiniest detail and really run with it. SO MUCH POWER! No wonder people like … Continue reading

Posted in TacticalPay Radio | 14 Comments

Homestead Issues: A First World Problem

I awoke to the sound of Mrs. Curmudgeon swearing. This isn’t unusual, she’s more of a morning person than me but that’s like saying an untamed lioness is cuddlier than a nuclear bomb. Basically, our house isn’t safe for anyone … Continue reading

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TacticalPay Radio: Part 1: They Exist!

Several weeks ago I was contacted by TacticalPay Radio. They asked very nicely; “Would I be willing to review their podcast?” Of course I ignored it. I’m prickly like that. In my defense, the message arrived while I was on … Continue reading

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A Modest Proposal: Part 3

Via Bayou Renaissance Man I found a quote from Dustbury that goes well with my “Modest Proposal”: “Proposed fix, preferably as the 28th Amendment: “Congress shall make no law which exceeds in length the original Constitution.” Four thousand five hundred … Continue reading

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Old Timey Saw Blade: Part 6: SUCCESS!

For reasons that make perfect sense to me (and probably only to me) I’ve been trying to get a 70 year old (or more!) bucksaw back in working order: As with all things Curmudgeon, it was harder than it looked. … Continue reading

Posted in Garagineering, Old Timey Saw Blade | 12 Comments

A Modest Proposal: Part 2

“Now, you’re either on the bus or off the bus. If you’re on the bus, and you get left behind, then you’ll find it again. If you’re off the bus in the first place — then it won’t make a … Continue reading

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A Modest Proposal: Part 1

I was in my truck last week during a time when countless indoctrination centers (euphemistically but unconvincingly referred to as schools) used tax dollars to parade children about as if they were trained monkeys in a socialist circus. America’s Pravda … Continue reading

Posted in Curmudgeonly Gems of Insight | 14 Comments

Enginerding: Bridge Video

I’m loving this guy’s voice. I wasn’t particularly mystified by the Florida bridge failure but I was entertained by this guy’s presentation. Listen for the epic vocabulary like “osmelloscope”, “fuck all and a big bridge”, and the heroically irreverent “thanks … Continue reading

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Winter Has Worn Out Its Welcome

You know what it’s doing right now? It’s snowing. You know what it was doing yesterday? Snowing. You know what it was doing the day before? Snowing. I’m getting sick of this shit: Someone needs to do this:

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