Peaceful Motorcycle Ride: Part 1: The First Step Is The Hardest

Daily life is a gravity well. Uncommonly, a rare and glorious unchained mind may pass well beyond its reach; merely deflected a bit or perhaps untouched as it follows an unfathomable course charted from and into the void. For the rest of us, life’s immediate and domestic burdens pull strong. The mundane may keep you safely yet loosely in its orbit or it may pull you down to crush you in its depths. Either way, it’s not easily ignored.

To join with nature, you must muster the necessary escape velocity to rise above. Once you have broken free, spend your time wisely, for you will return from whence you came. You might glide down peacefully or crash like a meteor, but nobody leaves daily life forever.

I made a complete hash of attaining escape velocity. I hate it when that happens.

I thought I’d reach a certain point of maturity, of age and wisdom; some level of being where I’d have my shit together enough to wander off without last minute hassles. I’m beginning to think there is no such thing.

I wanted to light out the very minute work closed on Friday. Mindful of this, I attended to a myriad of errands earlier in the week. I even decided to hedge my bets, I made reservations. (Gasp!) Online, I reserved several nights at a nondescript Park that would serve as my base of operations. “There are fire restrictions.” I was warned. I read the fine print. There would be no fires anywhere; not even in the steel ringed campsite spots. I added propane to my shopping list.

Then it rained for three days straight; which screwed up all my homestead plans. Meanwhile all hell broke loose at work like it always does. Departure on Friday went from difficult, to unlikely, to impossible. By lunch on Friday I’d accepted I wouldn’t leave that night.

There was no way to electronically cancel that night’s reservation so I called the “help line”. I stewed over a mandatory cancellation fee… the bastards!

I was on-hold a while. I expected this to be followed by a runaround involving rote recitation of pre-written scripts. Perhaps a non-conversation with some innocent wage slave working the night shift in Bangalore. Or worse, a baffling circular “discussion” with a woke Lakisha in Baltimore; someone who’s never been out of sight of a 20 story building and wonders why I can’t take light rail to the campsite.

There’s no getting around it, the distance in culture and lifestyle between a camping redneck and a “reservation database system” can be awesome. Yet, this time I had good fortune. I was spared and the worst didn’t happen! A friendly voice answered. An actual English speaking genuine American; he sounded like a guy who might actually own a tent!

I was pleased to speak with someone who understood my plight. He knew what needed doing and could do it. The changes were made quickly.

As with all things bureaucratic, vocabulary defined reality instead of the other way around. “Canceling” Friday entailed a fee. “Modifying the reservation” to remove Friday had a lesser fee. Same event, different words. As bureaucracy (often but not always governmental bureaucracy) takes more and more air from the room, we find ourselves enmeshed in systems which suit computers but don’t represent the human element. We are men, not widgets.

“What caused the problem?” The fellow asked. I think there was some sort of ‘excuse’ situation. One reason for canceling might be OK and get the fee rescinded. Yet another reason might not. I’ve experienced this before; getting a refund with the reason ‘my car broke down’ but not for the reason ‘I had to repair my sailboat rudder before I could use it’. I hate the whole concept. Why something happens in my life is nobody’s business but mine. If I have to cancel because I was doing blow with Hunter Biden or because I needed heart surgery, the event remains the same.

So many governmental impositions on my privacy. They never end. I sighed. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It must have been audible and depressing.

“That bad eh?”

What can one say? “Shit happens.”

There was a pause. “No fee.”

“Excuse me?”

“I deleted the fee. We’ve all been there.”

Simple kindness… I was shocked. From some unknown cog in a bureaucracy doing campground reservations probably nationwide, there was a spark of connection. I felt the warmth of humanity.

“Thank you.” I stammered. It meant to me much more than a mere seven or ten dollars.

“Have a great weekend.” I could hear the smile. Then he was gone.

There’s always hope.

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 4 Comments

Peaceful Motorcycle Ride: Part 0: Who’s Patience Is Wearing Thin?

Did you listen to it? I’m talking about the Potato in Chief’s tantrum at the podium. Mark the calendar for Thursday September 9th 2021 and remember. Do not forget. It wasn’t a mistake. What he said was intentional.

If you didn’t listen to its entirety; you should. Don’t accept my interpretation. Don’t roll with some pundit’s opinion. For God’s sake you know better than to heed the press. Get it straight from the angry old man’s mouth. It’s only half an hour. Look it up and hear it from the primary source.

Listen. To. Every. Word.

I don’t know what happens next. Nobody does. I do know that it’s socially unacceptable to speak in that manner to 80,000,000 people. I know, without reservation, that it’s morally unacceptable to speak in that manner even to a single person.I personally wouldn’t speak that way about any human being. Perhaps the crossing that line was the entire point.

I’m not sure what else to say. For the moment, allow me to offer a present instead.

I just got back from being (mostly) off line. I wrote about riding my dirt bike through the forest. A good 10,000 words of premium, heartfelt, happy, bullshit. Since it’s me, I go off on tangents. There’s a fair amount of navel gazing, a brief literature review, and I can’t write anything without either a reference to ancient Rome or anthropomorphized woodland animals… so there’s a bit of both. I offer it in good faith. Posts will continue popping up all week long.

Enjoy harmless escapism while you can. The monstrous entities that pull Captain Corn Pop’s strings are trying to work themselves up to atrocity. Release any sliver of normalcy bias you might still cherish. Let it go. The thinking that leads to cattle cars and final solutions is speaking aloud on national television. It’s undeniable and unambiguous. This doesn’t mean all is lost, only that there appear no obvious limits to what is happening. When social norms are discarded at this level, none of us really knows where the ride ends.

I hope you enjoy my stories. As always, I wish you well. Good luck.

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 3 Comments

Today Is Pictogram Day

I’m only briefly near WiFi. Today is (mostly) a day of being off grid. However, there’s much I’d like to discuss. If I wrote it out, I’d wind up typing for hours. Fuck that… it’s sunny out. So instead I’m going to link to images and limit myself to “captions”. I encourage you to follow the links to get the whole story.

I want to make one small point… all three sets of images are information with huge, massive, large, import. None of these are “beating around the bush” or “could be a rounding error”. They’re real and they’re spectacular. 

Lets start with good news, COVID is really bad at killing people. This image is from Two utterly fascinating facts about COVID:

This is infection fatality rate. Meaning you don’t even have to roll the dice until after you get COVID.

I figure people suck at math and they’ve been marinating in fear for over a year now. I made a chart from the above data. If you’re 50 and if you get COVID this is what happens:

Yeah, it sucks to get sick and die… but just look at the goddamn chart. The whole friggin world has spent a year and a half going apeshit over that tiny red sliver. COVID is not the Black Death. If you’ve ever walked across a street, ridden a bicycle, or eaten a Big Mac you’ve survived risk like that.

My next image is from Vox Popoli’s Pandemic of the Vaccinated. Before you look at the chart, lets review. If a population of people do something that has nothing to do with COVID, such as sticking a banana in their ass, their portion of cases should be exactly the same as the population as a whole. If 20% of the population shoves a banana in their ass, 20% of COVID cases should be banana people.

People with the vaccine should have less COVID than people without. By a lot. I can’t believe I even have to say that. That’s the whole point.

Look at that chart. Look at it!

The Things We Feared, 2014 - The Texas Observer

In Israel, the vaccine is literally worse than doing nothing. It’s not harmless like a banana in your ass. It’s worse! We have governments forcing people to do something that’s worse than just sitting on your couch doing nothing!

There’s absolutely no reason a vaccine should be worse than a fuckin banana!

The next image is also from Vox Popoli: Fake Votes, Fake President: Again, lets talk about the math. The blue column is Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona. The red columns are serious vote discrepancies in one county. No matter how you slice it, the blue column isn’t even close. The red columns are huge. They overpower every tiny hint that the blue column matters.

One can argue about a vote here and a vote there… but this is over a quarter million votes. This isn’t close. This isn’t “I can see both sides”. This isn’t “photo finish”. This isn’t “I need to further consider the situation”. This is huge, obvious, and undeniable.

These aren’t close calls. 

It’s one thing to argue about half a percent of a fraction of a vote in one county on a Tuesday. But a quarter million in one county verses a ten thousand margin isn’t anywhere near close. It’s a statically obvious situation that even your goldfish should understand. It’s nuts that we have to even discuss it.

Same with COVID. If something is profoundly dangerous you’ll fuckin’ know. You don’t need to be told to stay out of the wrong neighborhood or to avoid stuffing a rattlesnake in your pants. You know! A year of global disruption and a tiny sliver on a pie chart don’t go together.

Same with the vaccine. A worthwhile vaccine is obvious. Nobody doubts Jonas Salk’s vaccine. He nuked Polio from orbit. Meanwhile, Israel is coming up with worse than nothing on a nationwide mandatory deployment of an experimental blah blah blah. A COVID vaccine should never be worse than nothing. Worse than nothing shouldn’t even be within the range of possibilities for any medical procedure and especially for one that addresses a tiny little red silver on a pie chart.

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Calm And Optimistic

I would never entangle myself with YouTube. Why work with a platform that hates you? However, if I did videos I’d strive to be as cool as Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen. I wanna’ be like him when I grow up!

Bjorn has an optimistic message. He takes the time to say it in the right way. It’s worth your time.

I concur with his thinking. I very much sense the same thing he does. I see the same desperation. I sense grasping with ideals that work on paper but lack traction in reality. It looks less like we’re under the thumb of icy cool tormentors than a real life demonstration of “what will the dog do if it catches the car?” Those who would subjugate are not controlling events so much as serially bludgeoned by them. They’re buffeted by the instability they made. Punch drunk and unsteady, they can destroy but after that… then what? They cannot build.

I don’t know how long it’ll take, but it feels like a break approaches. They’ve shot themselves in their own head and are only dimly starting to realize what they’ve done.

Take heart. All doesn’t seem forever lost; though perhaps we are all changed. That which cannot go on… won’t. We are self supporting. We can go on. Can they? Really?

I lack the ability to communicate as well as Bjorn. So, watch and enjoy.

I’d add something more. This comes from my Curmudgeonly heart; keep evil influences at bay. It’s not as hard as it sounds. Do it for yourself. Take proper care of mind, body, and soul.

Propaganda works on you even if you know it’s propaganda. So avoid it. You might think “I know this is BS but I just want to catch the weather report”. It doesn’t work that way. Smart people have spent generations honing the art and it has hit peak saturation in the world of social media. You gain nothing by enduring the onslaught.

Elements deep in the monkey brain upon which homo sapiens is built cannot discern between propaganda and reality. Your logical mind might see it clear as day, but the lies are not without effect. Too much will grind down even the most stoic of us. You must take steps to avoid becoming livestock on a vote farm. Don’t be a plaything in someone else’s gameboard. Don’t be an entry in someone else’s spreadsheet. Be you. Keep grounded. Maintain distance from falsehood. Embrace that which is real.

As Bjorn displays with absolute dignified perfection, nature is one way to hold on to reality. I know it sounds weird but it’s key, timeless, and has been so forever. Nature never lies. It cannot. Brew coffee on a campfire, catch a fish, hike, hunt… just be amid reality. It does wonders.

Which, incidentally is what I’m doing right now. It’s also what I’m about to continue doing. I said I’d be “off line” for “a while” and I’m doing it. Bye.

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Bat Signal And I’m Outta’ Here

Some basic announcements for the upcoming weekend:

  1. I’m going off grid for a while. This is normal. No cause for alarm. My absence probably will be brief… unless it isn’t. In which case it just means the trout were biting; or possibly I went feral and now live in a tree stump.
  2. I officially have a designated Bat Signal. In the unlikely event I wind up deplatformed, Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise has kindly offered to be an alternate source of contact. Should this blog disappear, check there. Theoretically, I’ll get in touch with him (possibly by telekinetic carrier pigeon) and his blog will post relevant information. “Curmudgeon has been attacked by Jeff Bezos’ flying monkeys. Curmudgeon reports that flying monkeys move just like skeet and taste like chicken. Curmudgeon has moved his blog to http://YouCantStopTheSignal.FU”. I mean to work out a more complete system but am currently indulging in procrastination. More on this topic will follow; assuming I get my ass in gear to do it.
  3. The generous offer of Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise has encouraged me to offer the same courtesy to others. E-mail me privately before the Storm Troopers surround your bunker, so I can be ready. Not after. Before. That’s how things like this work.
  4. I totally dig that I can set bullet points to Greek.
  5. Enjoy your weekend. Let’s all pray that the ruling kakistocracy doesn’t fuck up more than it’s base level of complete and utter incompetence while the rest of us are relaxing.
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I just did a Neandertal click. That’s my term for it, I just decided. A “Neandertal click” is when you click on something even through you realize that only a friggin idiot would care. Lets face it, the only reason anyone would click on the drummer below is because… well duh, she’s hot. (Though perhaps a little skinny.) Don’t give me shit for noticing, she didn’t dress that way to impress us with her degree in physics.

Surprisingly, sometimes a Neandertal hits pay dirt. This woman, whoever she is, would rock a drum set even if she looked like a mule. I started off tapping in time and was soon totally immersed. It’s SFW (if loud) and worth the watch:

In case you’re wondering, I couldn’t play drums if they were rhythmically dropped on my head by a robot metronome. This is what it looks like when I try to follow a beat:

Note: If y’all are fixin’ to get pedantic and bitch that there’s a cut at 2:50, don’t bother I saw it too and didn’t care.

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A New Experience In The Hinterland

Societal decline is now obvious to (almost) everyone. Even the most Kool-Aid soaked, hive mind dwelling, moonbat sees it. Inmates at college campuses are starting to realize even they are within the event horizon of their own foolishness. The rest of us are like “no shit Sherlock”.

We saw it coming. We knew years and years ago. Long ago, I took drastic measures. I didn’t wait around while the tadpoles caught up with their own failures. I vamoosed. If stupid shit is both obvious and destructive, why stay around to get the biggest dose? I chose to avoid bullshit every single day.

I had to! Bullshit grates on us all, but some have more tolerance than others. It really gets to me. I’m allergic to stupid. Every time a woke fuck opens zer’s mouth and demonstrates how little they know of the real world, I feel degraded. Hearing supposed examples of homo sapiens rejecting their God given intellect is profoundly unpleasant.

As an adult, I can’t live in a made up world. I gave up a lot of wealth and convenience to secure a personal place of peace. It’s not without drawbacks. I slop the hogs every night at sunset. Pigs are a pain in the ass. It’s not without rewards. Right after sunset I see brilliant stars in an unpolluted sky.

Pigshit and glittering skies. It’s a package deal.

One protection against bullshit is distance. Distance keeps most of the crap at bay. The worst shit happens when idiots cluster together to fuck up en masse. So don’t be near them. If there’s a place where shit invariably builds high, I’m somewhere else. Shit generally belongs to “that place”… the land of dipshits… “over there”… where “you can’t expect anything better”… “because they’re fuckin’ idiots”. The rest of us, through exposure to reality and tradition, stay rooted.

Unaccomplished nobodies protesting the world that feeds them? Far away. A dozen assholes lever their ass off the couch just enough to shoot each other on an “average” weekend? Far away. Homeless derelicts building tent cities? Far away. Cities are far away; not just in miles but in spirit. They devolve into holding pens for domestic cattle. Vote farms creating their own problems.

Thus, I’m aware of but usually not in direct contact with the endless litany of social decline. However…

Yesterday I was in a hardware store; picking out some metal for a future welding project.

Wandering around the store was a woketard. It’s easy to identify such cretins. Look for someone who should be an adult, acting like a not-adult. This guy wasn’t sporting purple hair, six pounds of piercings, or a face tattoo… but he was definitely too stupid and pointless to be in a hardware store. He was expensively dressed like a bum and lugging around a skateboard.

If you’re old enough to buy beer and still consider a skateboard legitimate transport… you’re a loser.

He appeared the limp soyboy sort of half-criminal that vote farms have been breeding in box lots as the rule of law fades. He wasn’t the hardened violent sort of criminal that’s actually motivated and purposeful. He was a generic shoplifting wanker and not an Al Capone bad ass. I hefted the 3′ rod of steel I was carrying. If I was wrong and he was a genuine thug, he’d be laid out cold before you can say “Curmudgeon don’t play that game”.

I don’t know if he deliberately avoided me or did so by chance but our paths never crossed. He wandered about a bit and then walked out the door. This set off the shoplifting detectors, which seemed almost superfluous given the skulking twit’s obvious behavior.

“Sir! Sir! Please come back through he detectors, something must be wrong.” The cashier scampered over and tried to get him to come back inside.

He shuffled about back and forth just past the detector. Mouthing some words about “I paid for the candy”. (Apparently he’d bought a pack of Twizzlers.)

He was unwilling to come back through the detector. He wasn’t willing to get on the skateboard and flee. He seemed confused. Maybe he was high.

I weighed my options. I would really enjoy shoving a skateboard up a thief’s ass… but why? It’s society that allowed this cretin to exist. A few decades ago it would be different. Me or some dude like me would pin captain skateboard’s goatee to the pavement until the cops came. No more. Police no longer enforce laws. They don’t appreciate those who do. Laws may exist for me, but they no longer exist for losers like skateboard shoplifter guy. He knows this. I do too.

The clerk tried a bit more to get him to come back through detectors (I’m not sure what that would’ve accomplished). The guy finally connected a few synapses and realized he was outside. He shrugged, gave an uneven grin, and walked away.

Walked! FUCK! There was a time when committing a crime meant you ran.

The clerk was pissed. “They tell me not to chase ’em so I don’t.”

That’s part of it. The hardware store simply cannot afford the liability of maintaining civilization. They’ll keep factoring the cost of theft into the consumer price until something changes. Presumably, at some point, my steel will be shipped via internet orders. It will depart secure facilities, be shipped in a secure environment, and cost twice as much. Stores will be rare, poorly stocked, and resemble fortresses. Picture a Seven-Eleven in Detroit.

Nobody bothered calling the cops. Nobody even suggested it. We all know they wouldn’t show up. If they showed up they wouldn’t do anything. Oh sure, if I’d tackled a dude half my age and held him down, they’d have showed up… and arrested me. Cops defend thieves against citizens. It wasn’t always this way but it is now.

“I was only hired 5 days ago and there’s been one of them every shift so far.” The clerk muttered.

“Damn! Every day?” I wasn’t that cynical. I had no idea it was so widespread.

“Every day.” She sighed.

“I just paid $17 for a hunk of metal when I could have just walked out the door? Show’s what kind of dipshit I am!” I joked.

Then I paused. I’d hit to close to home. People like me obey laws. Every little crack in society makes us feel like chumps. Skateboard guy had just stolen shit. I was paying. Why? At some point it’s not clear that the one paying is the smart one. The day law abiding citizens stop paying is the day it all burns down. Break out the fiddle Nero, it’s time to watch the lights go out.

I was already walking out the door, having paid in full.

Who knows if there’s a day when nobody pays for the stuff at that particular hardware store. I know there are neighborhoods like that. Not coincidentally, those neighborhoods don’t have hardware stores (at least of the sort I’m used to).

I wasn’t aware California’s “small theft isn’t theft” logic had landed on the shores of my world. It has. Now I know.

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Wilder, Wealthy, And Wise Hits One Out Of The Park

I haven’t seen the movie Second Hand Lions… yet. Now that I know it exists, I shall rectify that situation.

Nor did I know the author’s backstory from Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise. He’s got a hell of a story!

The movie and his story give depth to a concept. John fleshes it out beautifully. Well done sir!

He wrote a beacon to all of us. How many of us feel besieged by mediocrities? Does not a society which grows sick on it’s own decay weary the heart? It’s hard to be optimistic. Yet we must! I needed the beacon. I’m happiest when I hear the sound of bravery:

We should be big damn heroes.

We should share our adventures and inspire others to follow us.

Why else is life worth living?

I’ve shared a lot this post that I never had before. I owe so many for who and what I am. I want to help create a world where this adventure never ceases. Where men live and create. Where fortunes are won and lost, where the individuality of man is celebrated, and where improbable men can exist.

I agree with everything he said. I’m in awe of how well he said it.

Get your ass over to Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise to read the whole thing. You’ll be glad you did.


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It’s Evil, Everywhere, And Obvious

Adam Piggott has his finger on the pulse. Read it all.

But most of all we hate the fact that they are incompetent. They are useless. They are the over-credentialed and unexperienced. They are stupid and ignorant. The sufferable ones are lazy which means that they interfere only when they have to. The bad ones are industrious in their zeal to inflict their destruction on the entire nation.

And they lie. Their capacity for mendacity is unsurpassed. Every word that leaves their traitorous lips, every sentence typed on their latest device, every thought that penetrates their thick skulls is a steaming pile of untruth. They think they are untouchable. They presume that they can do anything, that nobody would dare to raise a finger against them.

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The Curmudgeon Shows How It’s Done

“Welcome to your job interview Mr. Curmudgeon.”

“I’d just like to say, you’re lucky to have me here and did you get my salary requirements?”

“Yes, there were many zeroes…”

“Yeah, lets talk about zeroes. You have too many on staff. I don’t work cheap. I’m awesome. You’re not. That’s how it works.”

“Er… Well… OK since this is a position as a lying shitweasel could you walk us how you’d handle a difficult situation?”

“Sure, how about a recent question that your guy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, screwed up. He can’t handle the level of bullshit needed to navigate the dumpster fire that is Biden. Unlike Blinken, I already knew Biden was a dumpster fire. I knew from day one how this administration would play out. You cheated to put a morally deficient human pantload in the big chair. Cheaters suck at actually playing the game. That’s why they cheat. How can the results surprise you? I knew it a year ago. Through most of 2020 Biden was too chickenshit to leave his house. Dude had less bravery than a pizza delivery boy. Seriously, how did you chose such a bad marionette? You seated a souless, hair sniffing, corrupt, senile, retard. He literally couldn’t manage the job requirements to hold down a job delivering pepperoni pizzas and you gave him the nuclear football? What were you thinking?!? How was Blinken unaware? Have you upped his meds?”


“Not the potato in chief. I don’t want to know what unholy chemistry you’re using to animate that corpse. I’m talking about Blinken. How did he fumble this?”

“Ok, Mr. Curmudgeon, you talk big. Let’s see your response. As a representative of the White House, imagine how you would respond to a simple question from Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Given that virtually every leader in Europe is pissed about the fall of Kabul…’does the president not know what’s going on?‘” (Note: that’s the actual question… does the president not know what’s going on.)

(The Curmudgeon takes a big breath and lets loose…)

“I’m glad you asked that question, you Fox News employed racist sexist Nazi troglodyte. Biden doesn’t have to worry about fuckheads like you because he cheated. He printed more votes than any other human being in history. And there’s not a damn thing you limp little fuckers can do about it. Put that in your Diebold and smoke it bitch!

As to your question, Biden is not only aware of the situation he is the situation. He’s the goddamn matrix. He’s got his eye on the ball, his ear to the ground, his nose to the grindstone, and his head in the game. He totally informed everyone who matters about everything that was going to happen which is all according to plan. He let Kabul fall in 72 hours and let the Taliban have fifty metric shit-tons of valuable weaponry because he wanted to keep half a million guns out of the hands of law abiding American rednecks.

This is all a plan. Biden is playing inverse 3D space-chess and you douchebags aren’t aware of it. Everyone loves Biden. Sure, he can’t draw enough fans to form a bowling league but that’s because he’s so incredibly brilliant that the sheer power of his leadership will burn the flesh right off your bones.

Trump’s a big orange cheese doodle. Sure he can pack stadiums five nights a week, and people are buying flags with his name, even nine months after the election. But that’s irrelevant because he doesn’t have Chinese handlers who’ll fix everything for him.

Biden is the chosen one because the corrupt bastards that ruin everything chose him as the form of the destroyer. He’s a human buzz saw. The world is going to shit only because he wants it to be shit.

He wants every single person in America to suffer through a craptacular economy, internal turmoil, domestic strife, collapsed social norms, a gut shot economy, domestic spying, executive overreach, international failures, expensive gasoline, and inflation. This December, if he hasn’t stroked out yet, he’s going to go to every house on Christmas eve. He’ll take a dump under every Christmas tree before he rapes the cat and steals your kids’ toys to sell on e-bay to buy hookers and blow for Hunter. Why? Because fuck you that’s why!

We haven’t yet lined up everyone to the right of Lenin and shot their ass with guns of happiness but we’re gonna’ do it. And you’ll clap like fucking monkeys when we do! Because you’re balless failures that haven’t accomplished a damn thing in your entire life.

Also, if you step out of line we’re gonna’ kick you off Facebook… and without Facebook who’s going to give you that sweet sweet dopamine you crave? You’ll die if we withhold external validation! You’re trained fuckin seals. You’re fish in a school. Birds in a flock. Biden’s a mental black hole that exceeds the grasp of toadstools like you.

You’ll just have to accept that you suck and he’s awesome and we’re in charge and BAKE ME A FUCKING CAKE!

If you’re not happy, what are ya’ gonna do about it? Do you have fighter jets like we just gave the Taliban? Do you have nukes like the Pakistani government? Do you have America’s economy by the balls like Biden’s handlers in China? NO! You haven’t got shit.

Biden got the most votes because we have a photocopier… pull my finger and embrace the smell!!!!!

“Oh. My. God. I think I had an orgasm. You’re hired!”

“Just remember, I demand advance payment in gold bullion per syllable and… ” Ring ring. (Answers phone.) “Uh huh. Yeah, I can start tomorrow… Oh them? Don’t sweat it, they’re nobody.”

“Who was that?”

“That was Google, they just hired me as ‘VP of Evil’. I accepted.”

“But what about our position?”

“Assume it and wait. Reality will be along shortly to do the rest. Bye.”

Now that you’ve heard how to properly answer the question, check out 7:30 into this video:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, takes ninety seconds to fail to answer a question which could have been a simple lie. The Secretary of State just can’t bring himself to say ‘yes, Biden is sentient’… even when it’s not true. That’s  a new chapter in the story. It’s another part of the page turner that is “Year 2020: Part 2: The Sequel Nobody Wanted”.

It’s only the eight month and Biden has impressively screwed up every single thing he’s done. It’s not going to get better. He won’t rise to the occasion because he shouldn’t be where he is. He was a plagiarizing nincompoop in college and learned nothing from that episode. He subsequently got caught plagiarizing as a candidate way back in 1987. He couldn’t win an election then, and he couldn’t beat Obama, and nobody believes he beat Trump. Biden’s sole skill was to barnacle his ass to Congress and stay there until the system gave up and dragged him where his rapidly fading formerly mediocre capabilities couldn’t go on merit alone. It will eventually get so obvious that nobody, including housecats, the clinically insane, and kool-aid drinking socialists will be able to avoid understanding the steaming heap we didn’t elect.

Enjoy the show.

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