A New Experience In The Hinterland

Societal decline is now obvious to (almost) everyone. Even the most Kool-Aid soaked, hive mind dwelling, moonbat sees it. Inmates at college campuses are starting to realize even they are within the event horizon of their own foolishness. The rest of us are like “no shit Sherlock”.

We saw it coming. We knew years and years ago. Long ago, I took drastic measures. I didn’t wait around while the tadpoles caught up with their own failures. I vamoosed. If stupid shit is both obvious and destructive, why stay around to get the biggest dose? I chose to avoid bullshit every single day.

I had to! Bullshit grates on us all, but some have more tolerance than others. It really gets to me. I’m allergic to stupid. Every time a woke fuck opens zer’s mouth and demonstrates how little they know of the real world, I feel degraded. Hearing supposed examples of homo sapiens rejecting their God given intellect is profoundly unpleasant.

As an adult, I can’t live in a made up world. I gave up a lot of wealth and convenience to secure a personal place of peace. It’s not without drawbacks. I slop the hogs every night at sunset. Pigs are a pain in the ass. It’s not without rewards. Right after sunset I see brilliant stars in an unpolluted sky.

Pigshit and glittering skies. It’s a package deal.

One protection against bullshit is distance. Distance keeps most of the crap at bay. The worst shit happens when idiots cluster together to fuck up en masse. So don’t be near them. If there’s a place where shit invariably builds high, I’m somewhere else. Shit generally belongs to “that place”… the land of dipshits… “over there”… where “you can’t expect anything better”… “because they’re fuckin’ idiots”. The rest of us, through exposure to reality and tradition, stay rooted.

Unaccomplished nobodies protesting the world that feeds them? Far away. A dozen assholes lever their ass off the couch just enough to shoot each other on an “average” weekend? Far away. Homeless derelicts building tent cities? Far away. Cities are far away; not just in miles but in spirit. They devolve into holding pens for domestic cattle. Vote farms creating their own problems.

Thus, I’m aware of but usually not in direct contact with the endless litany of social decline. However…

Yesterday I was in a hardware store; picking out some metal for a future welding project.

Wandering around the store was a woketard. It’s easy to identify such cretins. Look for someone who should be an adult, acting like a not-adult. This guy wasn’t sporting purple hair, six pounds of piercings, or a face tattoo… but he was definitely too stupid and pointless to be in a hardware store. He was expensively dressed like a bum and lugging around a skateboard.

If you’re old enough to buy beer and still consider a skateboard legitimate transport… you’re a loser.

He appeared the limp soyboy sort of half-criminal that vote farms have been breeding in box lots as the rule of law fades. He wasn’t the hardened violent sort of criminal that’s actually motivated and purposeful. He was a generic shoplifting wanker and not an Al Capone bad ass. I hefted the 3′ rod of steel I was carrying. If I was wrong and he was a genuine thug, he’d be laid out cold before you can say “Curmudgeon don’t play that game”.

I don’t know if he deliberately avoided me or did so by chance but our paths never crossed. He wandered about a bit and then walked out the door. This set off the shoplifting detectors, which seemed almost superfluous given the skulking twit’s obvious behavior.

“Sir! Sir! Please come back through he detectors, something must be wrong.” The cashier scampered over and tried to get him to come back inside.

He shuffled about back and forth just past the detector. Mouthing some words about “I paid for the candy”. (Apparently he’d bought a pack of Twizzlers.)

He was unwilling to come back through the detector. He wasn’t willing to get on the skateboard and flee. He seemed confused. Maybe he was high.

I weighed my options. I would really enjoy shoving a skateboard up a thief’s ass… but why? It’s society that allowed this cretin to exist. A few decades ago it would be different. Me or some dude like me would pin captain skateboard’s goatee to the pavement until the cops came. No more. Police no longer enforce laws. They don’t appreciate those who do. Laws may exist for me, but they no longer exist for losers like skateboard shoplifter guy. He knows this. I do too.

The clerk tried a bit more to get him to come back through detectors (I’m not sure what that would’ve accomplished). The guy finally connected a few synapses and realized he was outside. He shrugged, gave an uneven grin, and walked away.

Walked! FUCK! There was a time when committing a crime meant you ran.

The clerk was pissed. “They tell me not to chase ’em so I don’t.”

That’s part of it. The hardware store simply cannot afford the liability of maintaining civilization. They’ll keep factoring the cost of theft into the consumer price until something changes. Presumably, at some point, my steel will be shipped via internet orders. It will depart secure facilities, be shipped in a secure environment, and cost twice as much. Stores will be rare, poorly stocked, and resemble fortresses. Picture a Seven-Eleven in Detroit.

Nobody bothered calling the cops. Nobody even suggested it. We all know they wouldn’t show up. If they showed up they wouldn’t do anything. Oh sure, if I’d tackled a dude half my age and held him down, they’d have showed up… and arrested me. Cops defend thieves against citizens. It wasn’t always this way but it is now.

“I was only hired 5 days ago and there’s been one of them every shift so far.” The clerk muttered.

“Damn! Every day?” I wasn’t that cynical. I had no idea it was so widespread.

“Every day.” She sighed.

“I just paid $17 for a hunk of metal when I could have just walked out the door? Show’s what kind of dipshit I am!” I joked.

Then I paused. I’d hit to close to home. People like me obey laws. Every little crack in society makes us feel like chumps. Skateboard guy had just stolen shit. I was paying. Why? At some point it’s not clear that the one paying is the smart one. The day law abiding citizens stop paying is the day it all burns down. Break out the fiddle Nero, it’s time to watch the lights go out.

I was already walking out the door, having paid in full.

Who knows if there’s a day when nobody pays for the stuff at that particular hardware store. I know there are neighborhoods like that. Not coincidentally, those neighborhoods don’t have hardware stores (at least of the sort I’m used to).

I wasn’t aware California’s “small theft isn’t theft” logic had landed on the shores of my world. It has. Now I know.

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Wilder, Wealthy, And Wise Hits One Out Of The Park

I haven’t seen the movie Second Hand Lions… yet. Now that I know it exists, I shall rectify that situation.

Nor did I know the author’s backstory from Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise. He’s got a hell of a story!

The movie and his story give depth to a concept. John fleshes it out beautifully. Well done sir!

He wrote a beacon to all of us. How many of us feel besieged by mediocrities? Does not a society which grows sick on it’s own decay weary the heart? It’s hard to be optimistic. Yet we must! I needed the beacon. I’m happiest when I hear the sound of bravery:

We should be big damn heroes.

We should share our adventures and inspire others to follow us.

Why else is life worth living?

I’ve shared a lot this post that I never had before. I owe so many for who and what I am. I want to help create a world where this adventure never ceases. Where men live and create. Where fortunes are won and lost, where the individuality of man is celebrated, and where improbable men can exist.

I agree with everything he said. I’m in awe of how well he said it.

Get your ass over to Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise to read the whole thing. You’ll be glad you did.


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It’s Evil, Everywhere, And Obvious

Adam Piggott has his finger on the pulse. Read it all.

But most of all we hate the fact that they are incompetent. They are useless. They are the over-credentialed and unexperienced. They are stupid and ignorant. The sufferable ones are lazy which means that they interfere only when they have to. The bad ones are industrious in their zeal to inflict their destruction on the entire nation.

And they lie. Their capacity for mendacity is unsurpassed. Every word that leaves their traitorous lips, every sentence typed on their latest device, every thought that penetrates their thick skulls is a steaming pile of untruth. They think they are untouchable. They presume that they can do anything, that nobody would dare to raise a finger against them.

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The Curmudgeon Shows How It’s Done

“Welcome to your job interview Mr. Curmudgeon.”

“I’d just like to say, you’re lucky to have me here and did you get my salary requirements?”

“Yes, there were many zeroes…”

“Yeah, lets talk about zeroes. You have too many on staff. I don’t work cheap. I’m awesome. You’re not. That’s how it works.”

“Er… Well… OK since this is a position as a lying shitweasel could you walk us how you’d handle a difficult situation?”

“Sure, how about a recent question that your guy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, screwed up. He can’t handle the level of bullshit needed to navigate the dumpster fire that is Biden. Unlike Blinken, I already knew Biden was a dumpster fire. I knew from day one how this administration would play out. You cheated to put a morally deficient human pantload in the big chair. Cheaters suck at actually playing the game. That’s why they cheat. How can the results surprise you? I knew it a year ago. Through most of 2020 Biden was too chickenshit to leave his house. Dude had less bravery than a pizza delivery boy. Seriously, how did you chose such a bad marionette? You seated a souless, hair sniffing, corrupt, senile, retard. He literally couldn’t manage the job requirements to hold down a job delivering pepperoni pizzas and you gave him the nuclear football? What were you thinking?!? How was Blinken unaware? Have you upped his meds?”


“Not the potato in chief. I don’t want to know what unholy chemistry you’re using to animate that corpse. I’m talking about Blinken. How did he fumble this?”

“Ok, Mr. Curmudgeon, you talk big. Let’s see your response. As a representative of the White House, imagine how you would respond to a simple question from Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Given that virtually every leader in Europe is pissed about the fall of Kabul…’does the president not know what’s going on?‘” (Note: that’s the actual question… does the president not know what’s going on.)

(The Curmudgeon takes a big breath and lets loose…)

“I’m glad you asked that question, you Fox News employed racist sexist Nazi troglodyte. Biden doesn’t have to worry about fuckheads like you because he cheated. He printed more votes than any other human being in history. And there’s not a damn thing you limp little fuckers can do about it. Put that in your Diebold and smoke it bitch!

As to your question, Biden is not only aware of the situation he is the situation. He’s the goddamn matrix. He’s got his eye on the ball, his ear to the ground, his nose to the grindstone, and his head in the game. He totally informed everyone who matters about everything that was going to happen which is all according to plan. He let Kabul fall in 72 hours and let the Taliban have fifty metric shit-tons of valuable weaponry because he wanted to keep half a million guns out of the hands of law abiding American rednecks.

This is all a plan. Biden is playing inverse 3D space-chess and you douchebags aren’t aware of it. Everyone loves Biden. Sure, he can’t draw enough fans to form a bowling league but that’s because he’s so incredibly brilliant that the sheer power of his leadership will burn the flesh right off your bones.

Trump’s a big orange cheese doodle. Sure he can pack stadiums five nights a week, and people are buying flags with his name, even nine months after the election. But that’s irrelevant because he doesn’t have Chinese handlers who’ll fix everything for him.

Biden is the chosen one because the corrupt bastards that ruin everything chose him as the form of the destroyer. He’s a human buzz saw. The world is going to shit only because he wants it to be shit.

He wants every single person in America to suffer through a craptacular economy, internal turmoil, domestic strife, collapsed social norms, a gut shot economy, domestic spying, executive overreach, international failures, expensive gasoline, and inflation. This December, if he hasn’t stroked out yet, he’s going to go to every house on Christmas eve. He’ll take a dump under every Christmas tree before he rapes the cat and steals your kids’ toys to sell on e-bay to buy hookers and blow for Hunter. Why? Because fuck you that’s why!

We haven’t yet lined up everyone to the right of Lenin and shot their ass with guns of happiness but we’re gonna’ do it. And you’ll clap like fucking monkeys when we do! Because you’re balless failures that haven’t accomplished a damn thing in your entire life.

Also, if you step out of line we’re gonna’ kick you off Facebook… and without Facebook who’s going to give you that sweet sweet dopamine you crave? You’ll die if we withhold external validation! You’re trained fuckin seals. You’re fish in a school. Birds in a flock. Biden’s a mental black hole that exceeds the grasp of toadstools like you.

You’ll just have to accept that you suck and he’s awesome and we’re in charge and BAKE ME A FUCKING CAKE!

If you’re not happy, what are ya’ gonna do about it? Do you have fighter jets like we just gave the Taliban? Do you have nukes like the Pakistani government? Do you have America’s economy by the balls like Biden’s handlers in China? NO! You haven’t got shit.

Biden got the most votes because we have a photocopier… pull my finger and embrace the smell!!!!!

“Oh. My. God. I think I had an orgasm. You’re hired!”

“Just remember, I demand advance payment in gold bullion per syllable and… ” Ring ring. (Answers phone.) “Uh huh. Yeah, I can start tomorrow… Oh them? Don’t sweat it, they’re nobody.”

“Who was that?”

“That was Google, they just hired me as ‘VP of Evil’. I accepted.”

“But what about our position?”

“Assume it and wait. Reality will be along shortly to do the rest. Bye.”

Now that you’ve heard how to properly answer the question, check out 7:30 into this video:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, takes ninety seconds to fail to answer a question which could have been a simple lie. The Secretary of State just can’t bring himself to say ‘yes, Biden is sentient’… even when it’s not true. That’s  a new chapter in the story. It’s another part of the page turner that is “Year 2020: Part 2: The Sequel Nobody Wanted”.

It’s only the eight month and Biden has impressively screwed up every single thing he’s done. It’s not going to get better. He won’t rise to the occasion because he shouldn’t be where he is. He was a plagiarizing nincompoop in college and learned nothing from that episode. He subsequently got caught plagiarizing as a candidate way back in 1987. He couldn’t win an election then, and he couldn’t beat Obama, and nobody believes he beat Trump. Biden’s sole skill was to barnacle his ass to Congress and stay there until the system gave up and dragged him where his rapidly fading formerly mediocre capabilities couldn’t go on merit alone. It will eventually get so obvious that nobody, including housecats, the clinically insane, and kool-aid drinking socialists will be able to avoid understanding the steaming heap we didn’t elect.

Enjoy the show.

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I Have Seen This Movie Before

Breaking news: Everyone’s freaking out, just like they’ve been for years.

It’s easy to forget that this particular recent freakout (whichever freakout is in progress by the time I release this post)…

Ok stop right here. Mid-sentence. STOP.

[Editorial aside: I started writing this post before Biden made Afghanistan into the three ring clusterfuck it is today. I wanted to write about Biden’s other fuck ups first. I knew Biden would fuck up Afghanistan because… well he’s Biden. (He could have done nothing and Afghanistan would stay just as it has been for years. He had the opportunity to plan ahead, but Biden doesn’t roll that way.) Biden can’t do nothing; he has to actively fuck up. He doesn’t plan for what is, he does whatever he was pre-programmed to do. Thus, he’ll never adapt to reality and will always fuck up.

I, unfortunately, made the wrong call on timing. Since September 11th is a notable anniversary (and Biden is incompetent), I figured he’d wreck the place just in time to see it flames on September 11th. He fucked it up a faster than that. The speed of the Afghanistan collapse is impressive, but that’s how a world class fuck up operates. They fuck up so fast and hard that you can’t quite digest the last disaster before the next one has been shoved at you. Fucking up international geopolitics is exactly what a guy like Biden does but his true measure is that he fucked up an entire nation faster than I can type a 1,500 word essay. That’s the thing about Biden, he will always find unwise things to do and then do them worse than expected. At this point it’s a law of the universe.]

So, where was I? Oh yeah, whatever freakout is in progress right now, was not preceded by widespread intelligent adultlike behavior; because we haven’t had widespread intelligent adultlike behavior for a long time. Granted, 2020 was madness, but I was already exhausted living through a three year shitstorm that kicked in when Hildabeast didn’t win in 2016. Three years of barking moonbats in rut isn’t a good baseline of reasoned discourse from which to start. However, it was a great launchpad to from which to turn the dial to eleven and shriek that we’re going to die of Black Plague. Oddly, I’m still alive. But back to the topic, what predated the 2016 spinning tornado of asshattery? Well, there was the financial crisis of 2008. Was that an example of seasoned, intelligent people governing wisely? Hell no! They carpet bombed the nation with shovel ready bullshit make-work. They piled money that doesn’t exist into a pile that also didn’t and then set it on fire.

That’s how it cascades. In 2009 it was Federal policy to acquire running cars and destroy the engines. Does that seem wise? In 2016 lefties were literally screaming at the sky? Does that seem wise? In 2020 we nuked most of societal norms and all of our legal protections because we we’re about to die of the Black Plague. Did that happen?

It’s time to step back and look at the big pattern.

If you’re old enough, you’ve seen this before. Sometimes a politician, and usually an interconnected system of them (oligarchs/politicians/technocrats/party… whatever) get in a rut. There’s nothing wrong with the ebb and flow of failure and success but sometimes the rut is inescapable. It’s inescapable because it was made by the people that are trapped in it and it serves the purpose of limiting their thinking.

They become not just unsuccessful but just plain amazing in their ability to fuck up everything they see. At some point despair turns to wonder; “is there absolutely nothing they can do right?” You might start to wonder what dark mysterious self destructive force is causing people to stick their dick in the light socket yet again. Can’t they see they’re fucking up? The answer is no. They can’t see it.

People in a rut are like addicts. They paint themselves in a corner, arrange in a circular firing squad, suck so bad they can’t stop sucking… they get to a point where leaving the rut exceeds their very being. In order to improve they need to adapt. In order to adapt they need to be a higher caliber person than they are. They literally can’t do anything but keep fucking up.

Listen. And understand. That fucking idiot is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until it has screwed up everything.

Ten points for a misused Terminator quote!

Breaking news: Biden’s is a fuck up, just like he’s been for years.

What can I say to disparage Biden that he hasn’t done to himself? He’s not a victim of his own denouement, he’s the creator of it. He wasn’t elected because he was excellent. He won a record number of votes which we should never ever question or examine, because the alternative was Orange.

Make no mistake about it, Biden is as trapped as anyone on earth. He’s a human being made into a great interlocking engine of failure. He’s not of the caliber to rise above. So he won’t.

Why do I say this? Because I’ve seen it before. When I was a we lad there was a morally upright fellow with a STEM degree and (in my opinion) a likeable personality who’d successfully run a business (a farm) and had all the indication he might do OK as president. He didn’t.

I’m not going to list all of Carter’s failures but suffice to say he fucked up everything so bad that his name and “fuck up” were synonyms for decades. The only reason we don’t spend every day thinking about the monumental fuck up that was Carter is because it happened before a lot of the populace was born. Seriously though, the dude could do no right. It was uncanny. He snatched defeat from the hands of victory over and over. It’s like his fuck ups were ordained by the universe itself. The nations of the world gave him a wedgie, the economy shit on his shoe, inflation smacked his ass, he was helpless against Iranian hostage takers, and he couldn’t get the people onboard with his ideas. Every time a challenge came his way, he’d assess it, make a decision, and the decision was always a disaster.

He couldn’t overcome a fucking thing. He tried. He presumably meant well. But he didn’t belong in the big chair. He’d been promoted waaaaaay beyond his ability and he just plain couldn’t grow enough to shoulder the responsibility. I think he meant well but the peter principle is a real thing.

So how did he break out of his successive, cascading, compounding, repeat fuck ups? He didn’t. He started sucking, kept sucking, and continued sucking pretty much every moment of his single term. It wasn’t a mixed bag of successes and failures… it was a bag of shit… firmly packed with as much failure as four years could hold.

That’s because he didn’t get there by climbing the mountain. He was only there because the world had gone nuts beforehand. Nixon, a republican, resigned in 1974. Carter, a democrat, ran in 1976. A sea slug would’ve won on the democrat ticket in 1976. Which is how we got a guy who simply couldn’t do a damn thing right.

That’s my point. If you lack the caliber to overcome, you won’t. If you came to power entirely because you’re not whomever the other guy is… then you lack caliber. Nobody voted for Biden, they voted not-Orange… and even that is hardly clear.

That’s how the ride is going to go. It’s the eight month of the first year of the season of Biden and he looks, acts, smells, and manages like loser. He’s Carter but without the one thing that Carter had, which was that he was healthy. (Carter was a fuck up but nobody thought he was senile.) Because Biden isn’t a superior person, he’s not going to climb out of this rut. We will continue getting the “fuck up in power” show until Biden strokes out… or perhaps strokes out again. At which point we’re very likely to get yet another ruler who doesn’t belong in the big chair… and the cycle goes another round.

So just read up on Carter and you’ll know what’s up with Biden. Inflation is skyrocketing. Gas prices soar. God help him, Biden is doing exactly what Carter did and is begging OPEC to make more oil. (Guess how well that worked for Carter?) The economy, which was roaring in 2019, is staggering around like it took a shot to the head. There’s nothing more certain in this world than that Biden will reload and shoot it again. He can’t change because he’s not capable… nor can his “team”.

Now for the next thought. Right now Afghanistan looks like “Bay of Pigs 2”, but I’d lay even money it’ll become “Iran Hostage Crisis”. Why? Because Biden can, will, and has always been, inadequate to the task. He’ll fuck up again. (JFK, the Bay of Pigs loser, wasn’t a particularly good president either but he was handsome and Americans love to respect martyrs. Also, historians in 2021 lean toward assuming JFK’s election was crooked too. An election against who? Nixon. There’s a shitload of destruction in a country when “not-Orange” is the driving force.)

You heard it here first. The only thing worse than Afghanistan fallen is a bunch of Americans getting curbstomped on YouTube while potato in chief remains out to lunch. The only reason Biden hasn’t put on a Cardigan and started bitching at us about malaise is because he has to fuck up the “get everyone out of dodge when you cut and run” part of the timeline. After that fuck up, OPEC can get back to fucking the former energy independent nation which he supposedly runs.

Don’t look for Biden to improve. He can’t.

I was inspired by a few posts and wanted to link them here below.

Getting Ready for the End of the World:

Undoubtedly the optimism of the Reagan era has been eclipsed by the apparent second coming of Jimmy Carter. Joe Biden is facing simultaneous, seemingly insuperable challenges: the collapse of Afghanistan in place of a “decent interval”‘ the resurgence of the Covid Delta variant in place of the anticipated reopening of society; looming inflation, and economic problems in place of the anticipated boom and the unending border crisis. Something seems terribly wrong. It is as if nothing works anymore.

Who Else Is Tired Of All This Winning Under Biden?

It is a colossal blunder, the repercussions of which we will be suffering for years.

But we’ve already grown accustomed to colossal blunders since Biden came into office. On every issue he has touched, Biden’s managed to quickly transform victory into failure.


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My Opinion About Your Vax

I. Don’t. Care.

If you get the vaccine I hope it works out well. I assume you know best.

If you don’t get the vaccine I hope it works out well. I assume you know best.

It’s not my job to boss other people around. Adults make their own choices. If you can’t or don’t make your own choices, you’re not an adult.

The vaccine conundrum is a tough decision. One is stuck balancing the low and not entirely clear risk of a new vaccine against the also low and not entirely clear risk of a new pathogen. Your age, lifestyle, risk tolerance, and physical fitness all affect how well various options will work for you. I like to think of people as somewhat rational. I hope you made an intelligent reasoned decision that’s right for you.

Or maybe you’re not rational at all. Maybe you flipped a coin. Maybe you got emotional and did what your emotions said. Maybe the man on TV had you convinced you’d be dead by Tuesday without the shot. Maybe you refused the shot because the Orange Menace supported developing it. Maybe you insisted on the shot because the current Potato in Chief said it’s your duty. Maybe you got pissed off and refused because you’re angry at everyone constantly bitching at you. Maybe you got the shot because everyone’s constant bitching wore you down. Maybe you’re a homeless crackhead and have bigger problems in your life. Maybe they gave you a free taco for getting the shot. Maybe you don’t like tacos. Maybe you won’t go near the shot because of deep seated suspicions. Maybe you got the shot because you’re terrified you’ll make your cat sick. Maybe you refused the shot because that’s how space aliens will make your balls implode.

Rational or not, no matter what you did… it’s completely not my problem.

I’m happy it’s not my problem. It’s hard enough for me to take care of me.

I want nothing to do with other people’s medical choices. More importantly, I want to keep it that way. I don’t want that responsibility. I don’t want that burden. I especially don’t want that power.

Controlling other people’s medical choices is massive, soul crushing, unavoidably corrupting, raw, horrific power. It’s a one way ticket to damnation! I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

Regardless of intention, forcing others to submit to your will is… evil. Anyone who does so is… evil. It’s evil simply in the act. You cannot subjugate another person without becoming evil. If you force someone to submit to your choices, they are a victim and you are the perpetrator. Subjugating others is morally repugnant. No excuses. No exceptions. I won’t be evil.

Luckily, you’re an adult and it’s not my problem. I hope you made your choice for your reasons. Good luck.

You’re welcome.

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An Honest Offer For Anyone Who Needs It

A recent post got a bit of notice. It’s nice to get extra hits. However, it made me reflect on how brutally social media and propaganda have kneecapped everyone and especially their merciless hammering at susceptible people.

Folks like 357 Magnum and Bayou Renaissance Man have already staked their claim in that sphere of existence which suits them. Me too. We’re already living; with all the risks and joys and sorrows and chaos and fulfilment that comes with it. We may have arrived that way through experience or philosophy or religion or practice but we got there. Hell, I’ll howl at the moon non-ironically if I feel like it. Even as society crawls up its own ass, I’m as free as possible within the world as it is.

Not everyone is like that. I get it. For some, taking that first step is not a small thing.

Despite being a loner, I’m right now reaching out. If you need a little positivity and aren’t ready to do so on a public blog’s comments, you may privately e-mail me. I have an “About” page. There’s an e-mail form there (it probably works). My e-mail address is also on the page. If you aren’t seeing the sun through the clouds, I will listen. I ‘aint going to fix your shit, but I will listen. Maybe that will help.

This is different from comments; they go public. That’s always open to you as well.

This is for the folks that are not making the journey on their own… maybe they could but need a little friendly encouragement. So long as you see that a journey exists, you’ve got a good shot. If you’re in the throes of COVID terror and wonder if it’s bullshit; e-mail me. If NPR has your gluten free knees quaking over your hemp sandals and you wonder if there’s a better way; e-mail me. If you’re trapped in a life that’s bounded and colorless and without challenge or merit… maybe you need to build a boat… either figuratively or a real damn boat… e-mail me. If you want something different but haven’t the slightest idea how to get there… don’t curl up in a ball and wet yourself… e-mail me.

It’s important to pull out of the dive. Soon. Right now if possible. Not tomorrow, not next week. Now! It’s hurting you. It’s meant to hurt you. It’s not in your best interests to let social engineering vote farmers render you limp and hopeless. If you can read my blog without passing out, you’ve already got the spark. You can adapt and overcome.

One note: I’m not a counselor. I’m not your best friend. If you want a hug, you probably should get a puppy. Don’t pin hopes on some internet blogger that he’ll drag you kicking and screaming over the path you need to walk on your own two feet. I’m only willing to listen. But lets face it, that ‘aint nothing! Most people don’t converse with you, they talk at you. I can do better than that!

If you’re in a hole, stop digging. If you’re drowning, start swimming. If you’re afraid to leave the house, you don’t have to stay that way. If you’re exhausted by the bullshit, spit it out. If the mask people, and the television freakouts, and the dipshits at work or school are pulling you down… standing on your hind legs and making your own choices will probably help. Maybe thinking your way to that potential future needs a sounding board.

I’ll try to be the ray of fucking sunshine you might need.

I’m the least among many superior options. I’m probably the dumbest place to turn. But I won’t laugh at you. I get it. I’ve probably had similar thoughts. Maybe you live in a neighborhood that’s inches from Kristallnacht or perhaps don’t even know what Kristallnacht means but get the hint that things feel dark. Maybe the HOA has been Karening your soul to death and you’ve become paralyzed. Send me an e-mail. At the very least you can vent.

This is not about politics. It’s about living. Neither my boat nor the monarch caterpillars that lived on my desk nor my dog which died last spring were members of a political party. They were what gives life flavor and spirit. I’m hoping you’ll find joy and freedom. That’s all. I don’t want your vote. I’m not going to tell you to be like me. I’m just offering encouragement for those who might need it.

This is a limited time offer. It’s a short virtual supportive moment where you can get your bearings and come back up off that mat swinging! But then, I’m going back into my peaceful loner world.

Life is awesome. You don’t have to be a scared little bitch. Better to be self realized adult than an infantilized game piece in someone else’s Utopian design. Sometimes all one needs to rise above is to know that it can be done. It can.

Good luck. I really am rooting for you. So are others.

Get out and smell the flowers. You’ll be glad you did.


Warning: I go off grid often. I deliberately don’t check my e-mail every day. These are techniques I use to keep the F***book monster (an analogy I just made up) from doing to me what it’s done to the world. Please don’t flake out if it takes a while to get a response.

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Thoughts On Risk

A few days ago I wrote about the fun I had riding my dirt bike. Being me, it turned into a multi-part post. It’s not Shakespeare and if you don’t do nature or motorcycles it might not be your scene. That’s ok. I’m just linking here to provide some context:

Stories of my silly adventures get enough notice that I figure I’m not completely pissing into the wind when I write. But it’s the post about my disappointment over hearing NPR fret about absolutely miniscule risks that hit the target. NPR’s weaksauce (and really the whole of society’s dimming spark) fills me with a mix of pity and revulsion. The saddest risk in life may be forgoing life to avoid risk itself:

“America is best when we ignore cessile, inert, semi-sentient, weaklings. Without the spark of life that makes the world so wonderful, they crawl up their own ass and weep while clutching cell phones. They may not know it, but they’re dead already.”

Such were the musings of a backwoods fellow who’d been out playing in the sun. In this, I struck a chord.

357 Magnum noticed my little irrelevant blog and posted Adaptive Curmudgeon is Cooler than You:

“He sails a boat the he built himself. He rides a dirt bike. This is about the dirt bike. …[snip]… You really should read it, if only to live vicariously, but AC always does make me laugh.”

Bayou Renaissance Man likewise posted with Well said, sir!:

“Isn’t it nice to find an island of sanity in the COVID-19 hysteria bombarding us from all sides?  Fortunately, there are many of them out there, if one looks.”

Thinking about risk and how society is losing it’s will to live means something to me. My next post will be weird. I had and idea and will announce it then.

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Music Theory

Sometimes you get a little ray of what’s possible (or maybe even what might have happened in a different timeline). Here’s one I recently found. I have no education in music theory and I absolutely suck at playing instruments. But I care and I want to appreciate music at the deepest level a Neanderthal like me can manage. Here’s a great lesson in music theory.

The future is now! Before it was converted to a 24/7 nightmare of hive mind lunacy, privacy violation, and a conveyor belt of propaganda, there was the hope that networked communication would spread knowledge. I believed in it! Yeah, I know. How naïve was I? Well, in some ways did happen. Beato’s doing it. It’s awesome!

Rick Beato knows how to cram my brain with all the music theory I want. What’s more, he does it with massive enthusiasm. You just can’t help but smile. I understand about 5% of what he says, but I see glimpses of the rarefied mountain from which Beato hears the world.

Here’s a 20 minute video of Rick Beato dissecting a song I’d have otherwise ignored. Yeah, it goes a bit long but who cares? It’s just plain cool to hear it.

After you’ve gotten completely confused with all his esoteric “swapped the third beat on the fifth minor of the third pentatonic gromulator”… play the song. You’ll hear so much more. Also, it’s metal. Play it loud!

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Dirt Bike Americana: Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

My crude little bike is slowly becoming a properly tested and outfitted exploration vehicle. Every time I ride I test something. Nothing goes on or off but what I put a lot of thought into it. I carry a lot of gear but that’s just how I roll. (See what I did there?)

The rear rack on my TW200 is from CycleRacks. I installed it last year and it has held up very well. Recently I added pannier support from CycleRacks. (I don’t get any sponsorship or kickbacks from CycleRacks but I’d accept it in a heartbeat. Hint hint!) I mention them because the product is awesome. Tech support is great and the product is well designed. The pannier racks are super easy on/off. I can remove or install them in literally 20 seconds. No tools needed.

Bolted onto the pannier supports are RotoPax brackets. These work incredibly well. They’re not cheap but it’s worth every penny. They only work with RotoPax containers. I bought two brackets and a 1 gallon RotoPax gas container and a one gallon RotoPax water container. You can get them as a set. Amazon seemed a little flaky about the brackets so I ordered direct from RotoPax company. The brackets get bolted into the pre-drilled holes in the pannier racks.

Mounting RotoPax containers onto their brackets is heaven. They’re what engineering was meant to be! They lockup instantly and hold tight. No vibration. No bullshit. You could drive through a volcano during a tornado and they’d stay put. The containers are tough too. I could probably remove a container from the bracket and beat a moose to death with it without losing a drop of liquid. Top quality stuff!

I plan on carrying water on the muffler side. I’m 100% sure you can carry gasoline there, but since I’m carrying both, the non-flammable liquid goes near the pipe.

Notice the teeny-tiny turn signal? It’s almost impossible to see; just above the tip of the muffler. That’s the LED replacement for the big honkin’ OEM incandescent I damaged when I crashed onto a tree last year. The little turn signal is tucked in so tight I’m less likely to damage it. The replacement LEDs were cheap. I swapped an LED bulb into the taillight; because why not?

The non-muffler side has a little space behind it. I think I can move my tool-tube to behind the pannier rack. I haven’t done it yet, but it’s on my to-do list.

I drove around for a month with a huge incandescent bulb/lens on the left turn signal and a tiny LED on the right. Asymmetric turn signals are lame but they worked and I’m more interested in riding than wrenching. I have since removed the large OEM turn signal and swapped to a matching tiny LED.

I bolted a Milwaukee Packout to the rack last year. What you see there is a “regular sized” Packout that’s permanently bolted down and a “low profile” Packout that’s stacked on top. They stack like Legos. they’re easily removable but stay on tight while I’m riding. The “low profile” Packout is just right to hold my iPad (a.k.a. Steve Jobs’ Unholy Snitch Machine).

I have a love/hate relationship with my iPad. I use the iPad to run Avenza software to locate myself via GPS on georeferenced maps. It works very well. I do this without a data plan! (If you’re considering this, you may have to buy an iPad with a cell chip but (as I did) you don’t have to activate it with a data plan. It’s just the way Apple chooses to iFuck their customers.) It’s very handly and very slick but Apple was modestly better on privacy until it (predictably) went woke asshat. Apple recently started scanning their user’s camera files “for the greater good”. I object to some algorithm monitoring the photos I take of sunsets and sprockets to see if I’m up to snuff with whatever Apple decides is acceptable. It’s 2021, no company can refrain from being evil. No company is on your side. Speaking of evil, I stuff my cell phone in there too.

The lower Packout is 95% waterproof but not perfect because modified it. I drilled holes in the underside. The upper Packout is 99% waterproof. I’d ride in a hurricane with a delicate iPad in there… but it’s not 100% perfect if you submerge the bike. (I recommend against submerging motorcycles.)

I also have a second standard Packout, a Packout soft cooler (which holds the iPad in a side pocket if I wish), and a Packout tote (which is very handy for carrying a sweatshirt or whatnot). Amazon doesn’t show all of those options sale right now. Our just in time supply chain strains under the issues of Year 2020 Freakout: Part 2: The 2021 Sequel I Didn’t Want To See. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, everything is fine!

Anyway, I can mix or match or stack any of the Packout things I mentioned. It might be wise to avoid carrying too much weight too high, but y’all are adults that already know that. Every Packout piece I’ve used has ridden well.

(One note, I set the Packout tote in some sand while fishing. When put it back on the bolted down bottom piece (with sand still there), it scratched up the sexy looking clear plastic of the receiving tote. Not a big deal (it still works great) but I now know to clean off sand before I lock them together.)

This is a random smattering of some of the junk I carry. Waaaaaay more than most bikers carry but I don’t care. I go solo and intend to never let nature kill me.

In case you’re wondering, the socks are tick repellent (and worth every penny!).

Underneath the SpotX (mine is older than the linked model) is a Noco Boost Sport GB20 battery pack. It fits on the bottom half of the center container; it’s a flashlight, jumpstarter and gadget charger. (The jumpstart alligator clips are under the Biffy Bag.) The center areas also has room for “long things” like wrenches and a socket driver. I use a cardboard piece to keep the two layers separate and the sock is nice padding.

The Biffy Bag is just a smidge too big to fit in the Packout’s little plastic cup. So I just left the cup home. (All those cups are optional.) YMMV on the Biffy Bag. I’m still not convinced about them. Plain old shit tickets and an absence of modesty is my usual plan.

You can’t see all the stuff I carry but you can probably guess; matches, wrenches, a driver’s license, bug dope, some rope, etc… What I’m doing is riding around and whenever I want or need a tool or equipment it goes into the “carry always” group. My gear choices are slowly evolving on their own.

This was just a random shot. (I was trying to remember the new Clif Bar flavor I’d found. Dark chocolate almond is tasty!) I always carry calories of some sort. Just a little bit of advice from the friendly Curmudgeon… when you’re hungry, you’re probably dumb. It doesn’t have to be a Clif Bar (jerky and GORP are good too). Americans get HANGRY when they’re hungry and I’m no exception. 200 calories may be the difference between wisely considered choices and a pissed off person starting the cascade of suck that can be devastating when you’re solo.

The tool tube works well. Easy access and waterproof. It’s in a dumb spot and I’m going to improve it soon.

See that water carrier? It looks stupid in that color but according to RotoPax water = white and gas = red. (Pause now for someone to somehow interpret that as racist… we done? Good.) The water container is a little lighter and a little cheaper and has a regular funnel. The gas container is a little tougher and has a standard PITA California Compliant funnel.

It will never again be this clean. It’s usually covered in dirt. I believe outdoor gear should look like the outdoors.

That’s better! About 50 miles of crud on the containers and they don’t look so silly now. The funnel for the water container is crammed in my helmet to keep it from falling in the dirt. You can freeze the water container. I experimented with this and didn’t like it. For one thing, you can freeze the funnel and then you can’t get your water until it’s thawed. For another it’s so dang hot out that the ice doesn’t last too long anyway. If the forest fire conditions ever calm down I’ll use the water as God intended, for brewing coffee over a fire.

The front rack has straps I made for carrying my awesome portable firebox. The straps and firebox both work great but it’s tinder dry out there. Probably won’t be able to use it until there’s snow on the ground. I left the straps on because they might be useful for other things.

My jumpstart battery can charge from USB and via USB. I need one kind of USB to handle my SpotX and GoPro and a different one for my iPad. The OEM cables worked great.

But a few bucks on Amazon made everything a lot smaller and simpler.

A random photo.

Street legal regulations require mirrors on a plated motorcycle. I was perfectly happy with the OEM mirrors until I whacked one on a pine.  Then I whacked the other on a log. I reefed one back into place by hand while riding. The other just loosened up too much for hand tightening.

180 degree spin! Thwack! Notice it was totally undamaged. The good people at Yamaha decided (back in 1987) to put them on regular and reverse thread sockets so they spin inward and loose. Someone was thinking that day! Took 10 seconds with a 14MM wrench to put everything back in order. I’ll replace them someday but it’s no rush.

That’s all the technical news from me. Now get out there and have some fun!



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