Minor Malaise Slows Me Down

Some people hire guides, others join groups. I learn the hard way.

One the one hand it’s good for ya’. On the other hand, it’s a hassle. I’m tired of fretting over spare parts and ordering stupidly expensive sleeping bags.

I’ve done a million motorcycle trips (always on pavement and staying at hotels). I could ease into it by cruising interstates but camping at parks. In 2023 I bought a bike for just that purpose. But, being me, in 2024 I ignored 2023’s mellow plans. It’s 2024 and I’m doing a different thing.

I’m outfitting “Honey Badger”, my tiny dual sport, as if I expect the Apocalypse. Soon I’ll head to a place as yet unannounced. This trip is definitely beyond my comfort zone… but it’s just a thing I need to do. I’ll be solo. No guide. No traveling companions. No shit.

There’s a thousand details to which I must attend. I fret over a budget which I’m trying to keep low. Logistics must be sorted out. The truck I’m going to use to trailer to the trailhead is a Dodge and therefore needed expensive maintenance (seems like that what it always needs). It’s all very harried.

In the midst of all this I’ve been a bit “off” health wise. I’m fine but it’s slowing me down. When I need my usual 100 watt lightbulb of confidence I’m mustering a 5 watt CFL of “meh”.

To distract myself (and also chill while equipment comes via mail) I’ve  watched plenty of YouTube videos about motocamping. This has been a mixed bag. Some videos are glorious. Others scare me away. It’s definitely a mix of up and down.

Ed Marsh is basically unkillable. He always makes me smile. He’s the only guy that makes a 200cc motorcycle seem “large and confidence inspiring”. Yay Ed!

Itchy Boots is in Africa. Every episode is a spectrum from sublime to just plain uncomfortable. Recently she wound up eating caterpillars in an “Indiana Jones 2” dinner. (I haven’t finished her season 7 so don’t spoil the ending for me.) The point is Itchy Boots is having a super epic adventure but it’s definitely hard work. She also has a superhuman ability to take shit while smiling. I’m not sure I’d be so stoic. Especially the smiling part. In particular, I’d lose it if I needed that many canoe type river ferries! I don’t consider myself even in the same dimension of existence as Itchy Boots.

Motogiant has always had a sort of laid back full fledged American redneck charm. I tuned in hoping to get my mojo back and he lost a fuckin’ leg! Christ on a cracker! Now I’m wanting boots made of titanium. Alas, Robocop boots are not in the budget or plan. Motogiant, who’s awesome, freaked me the hell out.

On the Wyoming BDR a group of dudes selected smaller Dual Sports over larger ADV bikes (which is my approach too) and traveled together. That (traveling as a group) seemed so much safer. Then they lost 2 of 5 riders in just a few hours! Holy shit! This ain’t helping my confidence. (Don’t panic. They were injured enough to head for the ER and abandon the ride, but nothing like Motogiant’s getting a limb ripped off.)

I found a different video of two dudes doing the Colorado BDR. They seemed so chill and philosophical that I relaxed. Then BOOM, broken leg! Holy shit on a stick! Just now I went back to YouTube to get the link for y’all and it’s memory holed. I guess the big algorithm in the sky thinks I can handle the shock.

On the other hand, there are a few sources of unceasingly positive vibes.

Nick Adams has a voice like Bob Ross and an attitude like a Buddhist monk. He and his old MotoGuzzi never ruffle a feather. (I’ve read several Nick Adams books this year.)

Also, Michael of Emporium Outdoors, who was a well established ATV/UTV guy dipped his toe in the water of two wheel camping. Even without his show stealing dog, he posted a relaxed mellow ride. Thank goodness for Nick and Michael! I couldn’t take another video that implies an ER visit!

Hm… the two most “chill” folks are posting out of Canada. Have I learned something?

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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4 Responses to Minor Malaise Slows Me Down

  1. Anonymous says:

    check out TDubs Kid on Youtube

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Yes I should have mentioned him. I’ve watched most of his videos. Especially because he has the same bike as I do and uses it pretty hard.

  2. 2steveo says:

    My free advice (worth every penny…) Plan your trip so that it’s mostly just within your comfort zone, and add a little bit that is beyond that point. No sense being spooked the whole time — it’s supposed to be fun, dammit. There’s lots of forestry roads that are ‘not paved’ while getting you out and about, that don’t require extreme riding skills. And keep your day’s ride short enough that you can take time for breaks whenever the going gets iffy.
    Really looking forward to hearing about how it went.

  3. ka9vsz says:

    “spitting up blood” I’m not a doctor (despite wearing a scrub top at work) but I believe that’s a clue sumthin’ ain’t right.

    “kickstand sensor” WTAF? I have NEVER not been able to tell my bike was on the kickstand or center stand and tried to ride away.
    OTOH, I do have the distressing habit of trying to drive off in my SUV while the rear hatch is open…
    That chick in Africa has big’uns.

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