The Only 2023 Prediction That Is Certain


Future historians will have to decide. Is it year 2 of the “Bidenverse” or year 6 of “the left lost their shit because Hillary Clinton wasn’t crowned“? (I haven’t a name for the latter: “Orange-athon”? “Trump-ocalypse”? “Cheeto Jesus and the Harpy”? Nothing flows off the tongue like “Bidenverse”.)

Hell, maybe historians will say we’re in year 89 of “Franklin Delano Roosevelt perpetuates the Great Depression and aims America at a commie collapse“? Nobody in history knows what the future will think of their time. What we call “The Great Depression” was called “Tuesday” back in the day.

At any rate, shit is weird and getting weirder by the hour. We’ve been destabilized by starting at the baseline of crazy and then going stark raving mad. There’s not enough Kool-Aid in creation to make current times seem stable. By now, everyone and their dog is grudgingly accepting “this ain’t right”. In 2020, I referred to 2019 as “the before times” and people thought I was exaggerating. Now, everyone agrees. We all think “before the Covid flip out” is a different era.

We’re chained to the “what stupid thing have they done now” roller coaster. You get up in the morning, pour your coffee, and then find out what fresh hell has already been unleashed upon your day. You never quite know what will happen, only that something will. It’s usually initiated at levels where adults are supposed to be in control; indicating they’re not.

There’s a thousand ways to go nuts…

It starts by listening to nutcases. Maybe a 40 year old freaky loser in a speedo and leopard print tank top insists on teaching sexuality to your kindergartener. Or maybe it’s a clueless teenager. There’s nothing new about an autistic teenager bitching at everyone. This time and for no apparent reason people listened to her! She’s too dumb to know how it’ll affect your heating bill in Maine and so is everyone who listened to her.

Bankers used to be staid, now they’re starry eyed dipshits. They’ll do anything but their job. The whiff of reality is catching up with them too. Maybe PayPal wants to rob you, Wells Fargo did something funky and is mired in another lawsuit, or Twitter is considering everything but stock valuation when Elon wants to buy them. None of this is a legitimate banker’s job.

Maybe you’re wondering when the jackbooted thugs are coming for you? The president gave a speech about the portion of the American citizenry he wants punished (everyone who didn’t vote for him). You know if you’re on his shit list. You know what he wants to do to you. The only question is if he has the power.

Maybe you’re on the other side? You can’t wait for those rural redneck bastards to get incarcerated, but your urban shopping mall is under siege and some dude shit on the lawn while stealing your bicycle. Is that the better side to be on? It seems to me that both sides are miserable.

Remember when political prisoners were in far off places like Bulgaria? Now it’s right here in River City! Prisoners are approaching two years in the tank awaiting trial. We all wonder which FBI plants got to skate leaving their victims to get tagged for “parading”. Did you ever hear of the crime of “parading” before the Bidenverse? A world where lawyers and judges argue over American political prisoners who “paraded” is one where adults are not in charge. Maybe nobody is in charge.

Society reels with what I call “madness hangover”; that feeling you get when you look back and think “how did something that crazy happen to me?”. Maybe you’re still financially recovering from getting shitcanned when you didn’t take the vax. Maybe you willingly took the vax because the TV guy was wearing a lab coat and you got sick anyway! Now you wonder if your heart will implode. If you reluctantly took the vax to keep your job, what further indignity your employer inflict on you next time?

Anyone with modest reasoning ability (on both sides of the spectrum) is watching the truth trickle out. None of it looks good. The crazy conspiracy guys were more right than wrong. The economy is toast. Your neighbor wears a mask alone in her car. The lady down the street became a shut in. Your kid missed two years of school and is noticeably stupid. Did it have to be that way?

I’ve seen this before; though in a lower dose. There was a time in the 1970’s and beyond when nothing went right. Inflation went apeshit, gas got expensive, an ice age was going to freeze us all to death, and AIDS had everyone terrified (Fauchi was mucking about back then too). Tragically, people listened to disco! The cars sucked, the speed limit was 55 MPH, and there was no craft beer.

The only good news is that most people figured the elections were fair and in most places (outside of Chicago) then might well have been. The press sometimes (even if by accident) told the truth. And we won an epic hockey game in 1980. That was nice.

Crime was soaring but I don’t remember being afraid of the cops. Nor do I remember cops standing by while looters and arsonists ram amok. They at least tried.

I don’t remember the president trying to go after people’s livelihood. Nobody sane talked about the military attacking Americans in America, so that was nice. But I was just a kid; maybe all that shit happened too.

Foreign policy now is a lot like the shitty 1970’s, you can always count on misled nations to inch toward nuclear war. Something about “imaginary until it happens” attracts losers to nuclear Armageddon. It’s usually “leaders” who really really really suck at actual wars. Mutually assured destruction is back baby! President More Votes Than Any Other President has been reliving the Cuba missile crisis as if that was a fun time. It sucked! Who wants to repeat that!?!? What’s next, a Bay of Pigs invasion? Back then it was Kennedy against Cuba (you’ll notice how well he liberated Cuba). Now we’re playing USSR’s role and Ukraine is playing Cuba. The Soviets Union is long gone and the Russian Federation is pissed but nobody in DC seems to know. They never updated their map. Or will the next war be Biden versus Baltimore?

Anyway, it is what it is. Shit got chaotic because the normal limits were not maintained. Nobody knows who’s in charge. Right now, the consent of the governed is not linked with the people in power.

Which brings me to November 8th, 2022. In 21 days there will be mid-term elections.

It’s an opportunity! It could be a moment of healing! It doesn’t matter who wins so long as we see the wise and honorable transmission of power from old to new. If everything goes down squeaky clean and transparent it could restore trust in the systems which…

BWA HA HA HA HA… no fuckin’ way!

The idiots who drove the car toward the cliff are determined to maintain course all the way to the bottom. We aren’t going to have a sudden outbreak of wise leadership. Many people really do need to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.

Of all the things that could have happened in the last two years to restore confidence only a few came to fruition. Is it enough? Nobody knows. All we know is that something will happen in 21 days. Hopefully it’ll be fairy clean. Anything short of a total clusterfuck would be a good sign.

If it’s ugly and nobody knows who “really won”, I don’t know what will happen but it’ll be messy. Whatever form it takes, it’ll suck and I want nothing to do with it.


Chaos can get ya’ down. But that’s just the world of man.

Have no fear, there’s something better! Beyond The Black has our back!

God bless that blog! No matter how chaotic our circus world gets, something awesome will happen in 2023 and something even better in 2024. Remember this:

Nothing anyone on planet earth does, no matter how stupid and destructive, can stop the glory and beauty of an eclipse.

Hang your hat on it. The skies will blaze forth in a display of glory and beauty. I’ll shine on all; good and bad, dumb and wise, innocent and tyrant… nobody can stop it.

That’s the best part of a celestial event. The distracted and stupid society of barely evolved apes beneath cannot destroy it. I’m making plans for those two events. You should too; especially the full eclipse. If you want to see the universe… go to the right time and the right place. Look for yourself. Don’t watch it on TV. It’s not the same. Be there or be square!

Now you’ve got something for which to look forward. Good luck.


P.S. Here’s my story of 2017:

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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7 Responses to The Only 2023 Prediction That Is Certain

  1. Heh, it’s going to be FUBAR beyond my wildest imaginations I’m sure.
    It already has been.

  2. MSG Grumpy says:

    I already have a perfect spot planned in North central Arkansas for the 2024 Eclipse…
    If you like wide open valley, away from crowds and city lights with the best trout fishin’ in the south, shoot me a line at and I’ll give you the address…You too Phil if’n you want to be there…

    MSG Grumpy

  3. Michael says:

    Very interested in your take on this friend.

    Seems what you have in hand and the skills in your brain is barely safe.

  4. kemp says:

    The zombies would rather watch the eclipse on their phones than to simply look up.

  5. Tree Mike says:

    Yup…I’m not happy about our current crop of “adult rulers” either, but I moved from Shit Hole So. Cal. to Middle Tennessee, three rivers area. Surrounded by commercial and “plain folk” (Mennonite-like) farmers. I’ve got a munitions factory about 10 miles away that EVERYONE has worked at. Heard the locals talk about “blowin’ the bridges” when the time comes. The local Wallyworld has lots of ammo, rifles and shot guns. Part of landing here was diligent research but luck (God) had a hand in it too. Everybody in a truck gives all other trucks a 2 finger wave in passing, you don’t wave at cars because they’re driven by women, wouldn’t be right waving at somebody else’s wife or daughter.
    Living in a free state is comforting, think I’ll stay. Thanks for writing for us Deplorables.
    P.S. Drag out some squirrels, thanks again.
    Tree Mike

  6. Tennessee Budd says:

    “coronated”? AC, are you cribbing from the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton thesaurus?
    I know you’re smart enough to know that the word is “crowned”. You ain’t fooling me.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Ya’ caught me. I had no idea a coronation was the venue where the verb crowned occurs. Cut me some slack, I went to American public schools, it’s a miracle I can read.

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