I’m Cooler Than That! I Swear It!

I’ve been conventionally unproductive this summer, which means I’ve been a whir of happy inefficiency. I raised no pigs, sold my chickens, the homestead looks like shit, and the firewood ain’t stacked. Do I care? Not really. Why care about little shit when you’re in the Bidenverse? Whatever tectonic movements are afoot, they’re huge and happening well above my pay grade. It’s a good time to go fishing.

Don’t shoulder the burdens you didn’t make! Gone Gault? Burned out? Chilled out? Leveled up? Gotten lazy? I can hardly tell the difference.

My Walkabouts page tells me I’ve written 29 posts about not much of anything; mostly about camping with my cheap little farm bike (affectionately named Honey Badger). (Some posts involve other things; like a roasting ride on my “adult” sized motorcycle, random bitching about Covidians, and sushi robots.)

What the hell does it mean? No idea! I’ve done nothing serious. Which is either dumb or gloriously wise.

I’ve been swarmed by mosquitoes, menaced by ticks, outwitted by fish, marveled at flowers, listened to birds, ran over a snake, and frightened a mama bear with her cub. I’ve been dehydrated, rehydrated, chugged ice water from a motorcycle mount, and drank myself silly while completely alone.* I’ve pissed on rocks, tripped through mud, played with chainsaws, did field expedient motorcycle maintenance, and started a fire with flint. I’ve scouted, camped, hiked, explored, wandered, ambled, shuffled, and drifted. I’ve been rained on, got lost, got found, cooked good food, cooked bad food, cooked expensive freeze dried food, cooked cheap canned food, and got cooked in the sun. I spent a pittance on motorcycle fuel, whined while topping off my Dodge, spent a fortune on a jacket, was too cheap to pay for a campsite, and paid off my bike. I ripped a fart with my ass hanging out of ripped chaps, met Odin and his side piece, avoided UTVs, slipped unnoticed past hikers, made a scene at a bar, and setup two tents for one guy. I’ve listened to blues from another time zone, ignored National Public Radio’s infuriating propaganda, enjoyed bassa nova on Radio Free Cuba’s propaganda in Spanish, and listened to nothing but the wind.

What better things could I have been doing? I think none.

I probably sound just as lame as Calvin’s Dad:

Hat tip to The View From Lady Lake.


*When I was a kid they said “never drink alone, it’s a sign you’re an alcoholic”. When I was young I believed them. I’m older now. I’ve concluded they can go fuck themselves. You’re a grown ass man. Drink alone if you want. Don’t if you don’t. The sign that you’re an alcoholic is being an alcoholic. Drinking alone might just mean you’re not a clingy little bitch who’s afraid of his own company. Plus, it’s a good song. Nothing sums up the Bidenverse like the fact that the only link I could find to the very well done 1985 video is a sketchy link out of Russia. Maybe someday we’ll only hear George Thorogood on shortwave from Radio Free Moscow?

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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6 Responses to I’m Cooler Than That! I Swear It!

  1. Stefan says:

    What better things? Well, far below and less profitable than studying The Scriptures, I would humbly suggest something to do with a lately neglected construction designed with upright wind propelled buoyancy in mind.

    If we don’t get one boat poast out of you within one year I shall paddle my mattress across the atlantic, shoulder the poor lonely un-floaty wooden thing and annoy some ship painter by holding it between his brush and ship, then kidnap HB and set sail under your screen tent and raise pigs and chickens and a BPC in the middle of Lake Baikal, shoot a grouse off the head of a covidiot tranny squirrel with a 40/56 bofors, and finish by singing O Canada balancing on the mast top while shaving my moustache with a belt sander and painting myself with woad. Please hurry up; I like my moustache and cannot sing!

  2. Tree Mike says:

    I’ve got 2 lame females I’m taking care of. Your fukken up by the numbers is great for my “getting out”, having fun and staying sane vicariously. Thank you and keep up God’s Work. Tree Mike

  3. Robert says:

    “made a scene at a bar, and setup two tents for one guy”
    If there’s a post there, I missed it. If there isn’t, there darn well should be!

    “Radio Free Moscow”. Now I have a hankerin’ to dig the Heathkit out of storage and throw up a long wire. Maybe get some not-MSM perspective. Or swat skeeters while guzzling multiple gin ‘n tonics.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      The two tent thing was me testing my screen tent. “Two tents for one man! Why not? Look at me, I’m a fuckin’ high roller!”

      The rest is largely unmentioned in my blog. Good luck with the Heathkit.

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