THAT Is How It’s Done! Part 2

My last post was about the Kentucky Derby. A surprise winner came from behind with all the heart and athleticism that makes life wonderful.

I watched the video(s) over and over again. An 80:1 horse, literally the longest odds on the track, kicked ass. It was improbable. The biggest upset in 109 years. Likely the biggest Kentucky Derby upset that’ll happen in my lifetime.

It. Was. Glorious!

It made me happy to see the true winner of a true competition. A true competition allows us to see who is best.

The unexpected winner of the Kentucky Derby is glorious because it is true.

Kentucky Derby organizers worked hard to make the competition fair, honest, and transparent.

Every detail is setup to limit even the slightest hint of cheating. The horses all faced the same circumstances. During the race nobody left the track and nobody entered the track. The horses left the gate all at once, on the day that had been determined years in advance, on the time that was scheduled, and they raced exactly as planned.

Nothing ruined the competition. There was no pile up of tripped horses. No idiot ran out into the arena. No external forces affected the track once the race began. The race happened on time, in public, as expected; as befits a serious endeavor.

There was constant vigilance. The race happened in full view of thousands of observers. Anyone could buy a ticket to watch. It was not a closed arena with a hidden track.

There were observers in every nook and cranny; watching from every angle. There are timers and cameras everywhere. Not just at the race’s conclusion but every foot of the track was under constant watch. Thousands of people watched, many with binoculars, others with cameras, plus there were overhead shots and live video broadcast on many venues.

Nor was the race won by a nose; Rich Strike won like a boss! I can verify one view of the finish by looking at a totally different camera angles of the same finish. They should, can, and do match up. I can get these images from dozens of sources.

It was transparent, monitored, broadcast, performed live, uninterrupted, and therefore scandal free. It wasn’t scandal free first and then monitored as an afterthought.

The Kentucky Derby was deliberately planned and executed in such a way to convince everyone that the results were trustworthy. Trust is earned, it’s not an accident.

I watched the race and I believed it. I’m not filled with disbelief and anger at the wacky 80:1 finish. As far as I can tell it was not a lie; it was simply a statistical oddity. I enjoyed viewing it. I trust what I saw. I have many legitimate reasons to believe it happened just as it was reported.

I’m not the only one. Thousands, possibly millions, of very careful gamblers watched it too. They put money on it. They had skin in the game. We all believe that the Kentucky Derby ran a clean race. Bookies burned on 8:1 sure bets and watching their money go to some loon who foolishly put cash on 80:1 longshots are taking their lumps and shrugging their shoulders. That’s how it goes.

The Kentucky Derby was done right.

This is why I could believe an improbable outcome; even enjoy it. Now brace yourself for the second part:

Everything done right at the Kentucky Derby was done wrong in the American Election of 2020.

I watched every single minute of the Kentucky Derby. There was not one second excluded from live video. That’s not what happened during the 2020 election.

Here’s a photo of the absentee ballot counting facility in Detroit. This image was taken during ballot counting. There’s no reason on God’s green earth to block the view and a million reasons why it looks corrupt.

If the Kentucky Derby blocked the view of the race then someone announced an 80:1 longshot completely nuked the other 19 horses would you believe it?

Here’s the announcement of a pause in counting absentee ballots in Georgia. The famous water main break:

Here’s an image of a suitcase full of ballots being counted during the time when election observers were sent home and counting was said to be stopped. I can presume you’ve already seen videos and images of this event.

Dozens of events were sketchy during the actual campaign too. We call campaigns a “race” but they are sloppy and pathetic compared to the Kentucky Derby; our elections, in comparison, are hopelessly corrupt.

The image below is a fact that emerged during the election. You’re looking at the Presidential Candidate’s son with a crack pipe in his mouth:

The press called it misinformation. They said it wasn’t true. But it was true.

That’s the thing that makes the 2020 election a complete disaster. A year and a half later and we’re still getting confirmation that bullshit happened. What was called  “misinformation” before the election is absolutely completely undeniably known to be true after the election.

51 “intelligence experts” claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was misinformation. They made this claim publicly in writing before the election. Now that the election is over, it’s is a known fact that every single one of them lied.

Let me repeat this known and undeniable fact because it’s important; I could watch the Kentucky Derby and see every damn hoofbeat frame by frame if I wish. But during an American election campaign 51 “intelligence experts” all collectively lied. One single event like that would ruin horseracing pari-mutuel betting for decades and yet we watched it happen in a presidential election. This was not one or two bad apples. It’s 51 of the motherfuckers. They all lied. I can’t get 51 people to agree on the best pizza topping but the press got 51 of them to sign their names on the record to an actual verifiable lie.

The FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop and somehow “lost” it. A law enforcement agency is supposed to manage chain of custody of evidence. “We lost it?” Really? That’s pure bullshit.

Of course, lies only last so long. The data is out there now and everyone has a copy. But the corruption accomplished what the corruption was meant to accomplish. They maintained the lie before the election (when it mattered) and only admitted the truth after the election when the truth is a moot point.

What does the press say about the situation that they created and pushed? Whoops… it was true after all.

What about the race itself?

Candidate Trump went everywhere, racking up huge audiences. There were boat parades and full stadiums. Here’s Trump in Duluth, Minnesota:

Here’s Trump campaigning in Jacksonville, Florida:

Here’s his campaign in Swanton, Ohio:

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of photos of Trump in front of huge happy crowds all during the campaign. Usually one or two packed arenas per week.

I personally saw a Trump rally. It was exactly like all the photos. Huge audience, happy people, His Orangeness sounded exactly the same at the rally as he does on video. (For both good and bad, the dude appears to love it. He could do a campaign speech to Penguins in an earthquake on top of a volcano and I think he’d rock that audience too.)

Just as I personally verified Trump’s… um… Trumpness, I could have gone to Kentucky and personally watched the Kentucky Derby.

I couldn’t do that with Candidate Biden. Biden “ran” most of his race from his basement. A schmuck like me wouldn’t get into his few and very closely controlled events. I’ve personally seen Trump and I’ve personally seen Trump crowds. I’ve never personally seen Biden and (in the last few months at least) I’m having a hard time fining people who are happy to have voted for him.

Here’s Biden with his basement in the background.

When Biden finally left the basement, he looked exactly like someone losing a race. Here’s Biden’s campaign in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He’s barely got enough people there to field a softball team. This is the candidate that is said to have gotten more votes than any other candidate in history:

Here’s Biden’s campaign in Pembroke Pines, Florida. You could feed that crowd with two large pizzas. I’ve personally had more people in my house. This is the candidate that is said to have gotten more votes than any other candidate in history:

I watched the votes get tallied on election day; you did too. I watched the election results come in and it looked pretty straightforward, just like the Kentucky Derby race. I went to bed at midnight having watched Trump’s solid win. I woke up the next day to a different result. The Kentucky Derby didn’t “restate” who won its horse race. America restated it in very special and select places where it was statistically um… necessary.

Within hours of the election’s weird and unprecidented overnight shutdown, the new results in the morning started showing up as images like this. You’ve seen them too. You can find dozens of such images. It’s a pattern found to the largest degree in states where it was important that Biden win. Here’s an image from Wisconsin:

Here’s an image from Michigan:

Those charts became a meme:



A weird chart might have a reasonable explanation but it surely doesn’t smell good. Mixed with every other sort of shenanigan during counting (covered windows, counts that paused for no reason, counts that shift in huge strange ways) it has the undeniable appearance of bullshit. Even if there’s a great reason for dozens of really weird results all in very key locations, it looks incredibly shady. Nobody sane would invest in a company that had financial records like that.

If Kentucky Derby races had finish lines like the election results, there would be no more Kentucky Derby. If you go to bed thinking Horse A won and wake up to find Horse B won, you’d call bullshit. You’d never place a bet again.

Speaking of bullshit, a few months after the sketchy election pissed everyone off, there was a Time magazine article about how the campaign was “fortified”. Obviously, it was published after the election:

After a while and some diligent research we started seeing videos of “vote mules”. These are people who are illegally casting more than one vote. Here’s a mule in a purple dress voting more than once… which is illegal. A person with different political views than mine might get all pissed off about it, but nobody can deny it at least looks like cheating. It smells like cheating. It sounds like cheating. This is a video of someone stuffing ballots in a ballot box. It’s a video of a felony:

Here’s another video of a bald guy voting more than once. It’s really hard to construe this as anything other than cheating and a felony. In this case there’s a license plate visible. The plate is evidence, of who is doing the ballot stuffing and it’s caught on tape; along with the actual crime taking place:

I could go on. I could link ten times as many images and endless bits of evidence and statistical anomalies. You’ve seen the same information as me. You’ve seen the images. You watched the vote tally change enormously in the middle of the night. You saw the vote counting stop in the middle of the night and then restart with vastly different results. You’ve seen the vote count charts. You’ve seen the mule videos. You’ve seen the Hunter Biden photos. You read the same Time magazine article.

Does any of that sound, look, or smell like the Kentucky Derby race?

I suppose someone could very carefully try to refute all the evidence but by bit. Suppose it’s all crazy right wing bullshit; even if that was all stipulated to be true, it still indicates an election that looks exactly like a cheat. The appearance of impropriety is exactly what the Kentucky Derby avoided. The Kentucky Derby was done right. The American election of 2020 was a complete and utter fuck up that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Lets go even further. Does anyone believe the best horse won an honest race for president? Has Joe Biden led like a man who earned his position? Has he gotten good results? Do people seem to accept him as the de factor president of the United States? Does he have the popularity ratings that would go with the highest vote tally in history?

The Kentucky Derby convinced me that 80:1 longshot Rich Strike honestly won a fair race. The American press convinced me that Joe Biden did not win. I wouldn’t believe an 80:1 horse race if it had that much bad evidence any more than I believe Biden got more votes than any other candidate in history.

Everything done right at the Kentucky Derby was done wrong in the American Election of 2020. I wish we cared enough about clean politics as we did a horse race.

I’ll wrap this up with a photo of Joe Biden shaking hands with nobody:

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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8 Responses to THAT Is How It’s Done! Part 2

  1. Old Al says:

    There is no redemption for this corrupt government. One side cheats, the other side looks the other way while giving lip service to their supporters. Violations to the Constitution are the norm rather than the rule. All this accomplished in plain view with a “free press” telling us we didn’t see what we thought we saw. If I enjoyed being lied to I’d have stayed married to my first wife. As stated in the Book “They will call evil good and good evil.” The best we can do is thwart their advance in any way we can then deal with it when it crosses the fence line.

    Your brilliant analogy is greatly appreciated AC. Keep at it and don’t let the sons-a-bitches get you down.

  2. Bob Casey says:

    I reposted this great comparison on “Truth Social”
    Should have asked first but wanted to get it out there.
    You did an amazing job with the metaphor.
    You keep my spirits up!

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I don’t mind. I don’t use Truth Social (or most social media) so I’ll choose to assume it’s well received by thoughtful readers in that environment.

  3. JFM says:

    Your videos of the election crimes do not show up on my phone. Just a black box.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Sorry about that. Some of them are stills and you should see them, anything that’s a link is subject to whatever level of freedom your particular device and software allows. I run on VPN 24/7 and rarely use crap like Google so I don’t always know what other people see. I don’t actually know to what extent things change based on settings but it seems like I see lots of things that wouldn’t show in a default setup.

      My point is this stuff is out there. You don’t need to see it on my blog. Sniff around the ‘net and see for yourself. Also, see what you won’t dredge up with a search engine but can find by looking elsewhere.

  4. Devil Tougne says:

    What an amazing read and analogy, I think I’ll go back to reading about squirrels now.

  5. Joe Blow says:

    Good summation. You have captured the feelings of many in America.
    However I am struck by the same paralysis as everyone else in our shoes – what to do about it?
    I don’t mean to piss on your cornflakes… legit question for us internet armchair quarterbacks to kick around. How do we fix this? I see some RINOs already saying we can’t undoo 2020,time to move on, but myself and many others feel ‘moving on’ lets the criminals off the hook (unacceptable).
    So, if we are all in agreement there was a crime comitted, and we know who committed it (or close enough to start arresting folks), why isn’t anyone being arrested? Yes, doj, fbi, gotcha there, ok, but why hasn’t DeSantis, or that broad in the Dakotas, or some state level DA made some arrests? Why is the ‘justice’ system failing (yeah, whole book of answers there)?
    So we’re all in agreement, someone broke the rules of the system, and now the checks/balances in that system aren’t fixing the problem?
    So if the system isn’t working as it should, THEN what do we the peeps gotta do? We all know, don’t we? Talk about it online and you find out why I mentioned those 2 gubmint agencies… so how do we fix THAT?!?!? Same way as the other problem, unfortunately.
    Folks, that shewtin time is getting pretty close. I don’t like it, but show me another way and I’ll try it.

    • r says:

      Read Unintended Consequences by John Ross. At some point each of us still has a choice and some options even though the options suck. Submit or die. To me that book was as profound as Atlas Shrugged in making me see that which had been in front of me, unseen, all along. A very important thing to remember with that point that you always have a choice though: if you wait until you’ve been starved for a year and are naked being pushed into a ditch, it’s too late to resist. We each have a choice but it has to be exercised in time and it’s very hard to know when it’s truly time. Until then we wait… I guess another pithy saying is “Local local local” isn’t just where, but who.

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