Stupid Event Horizon

I’m deliberately posting lightly for a while. I planned for this during a walkabout. Good  walkabouts pull me out of the orbit of everything; up to and including indoor plumbing (Something I very much appreciate… the reduced social interaction thing… not the shitting on tree stumps thing.) This walkabout went off the rails so I remained regrettably within reach of what once was (but is not currently demonstrably) civilization.

Bravely, I left my computer in cold storage but then I got some “motivation” via Patreon and scheduled PayPal donations. THANKS! Y’all gave me enough optimism to pop my head out of the foxhole and post a quick analysis of “life as we know it”. After this I’ll go back into hiding a little longer. As for both the circus and the monkeys; neither are mine.

If you’re looking for a time to check out for a few weeks, now is as good as any. Nothing real has happened for weeks and not much will happen for several more. Current events have gotten so dense as to create their own gravity of dumb. They’ve varied from spastic to panicked for years but the convolutions right now are impressively content free. Keeping the masses in perpetual alarm so they don’t notice that Biden has sunk to sub-Carter polling numbers while drifting past incompetent into aggressively senile has crossed the “stupid event horizon”.

The “stupid event horizon” happens when new stupid is generated so quickly that it overtakes old stupid before you even have a chance to determine if the old stupid has the slightest chance of being real. You can recognize it when some stupid happens and is forgotten (because it was stupid and everyone now tacitly acknowledges it as a stupid thing) before you even hear about the creation of (rather than the resolution of) that particular stupidity.

Almost nothing real is happening. Just ponder the stupid leaking out of the black hole that has formed around a diseased society:

Disney is pissed that publicly employed groomers must consult with parents before they explain dildos to second graders. The Supreme court nominee who was explicitly chosen based on genitalia and skin hue can’t define “woman” because she apparently missed the class. All this is pointless because nobody sane gives a shit what Disney thinks and nobody expects a person selected based on genitalia and skin hue (explicitly!) to somehow happen to be reasoned and wise. Why would we expect that? Do you Google “black human with vagina” to find thoughtful expositions of complex legal issues? If so can I please see your browser history? Also, to anyone willing to notice, Disney has been evil for decades. It was fun when we were toddlers many decades ago but that shit’s long gone. We are no longer in second grade, Walt’s head is in a freezer, and public schools desperately want to have dildo class because explaining fractions and spelling is too much like a real job.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine is selling T-shirts at a sporting goods store which proves it’s totally kicking Russia’s ass (just like it has every millisecond of the last several weeks). This awesomeness is so complete that every Russian soldier on earth has been vaporized. Except something is still happening. Either Russia is still in the game or sentient marmosets have attacked Kiev. In terms of actual evidence of anything, the media has clammed up so much I can barely verify either Ukraine or Russia exist. I assume they’re shooting at each other with guns and shit but knowing “who’s winning” this particular cage match of the retarded eludes me. You may think you know “who’s winning” but you don’t know jack. You’re not there and the press telling you what to think hasn’t told a true thing in years. If you are there, you probably read this blog on a smart phone. This means you’re a dumbass who sent a traceable signal to an antenna array specifically capable of locating your position. A missile is probably headed for your bunker before this sentence……….. ends.

Also, Elon Musk bought Twitter. I’m supposed to be either happy about it or sad; because a place that banned Trump but not the Taliban is a good source of… what exactly? This is a big deal in political circles because nobody useful cares about Twitter and nobody in politics is useful. Some 70% (?) of Americans don’t have a Twitter account and the 30% that do are heavily weighted to drooling morons. Meanwhile F***book is still giving unsolicited Covid advice to the last geriatric Boomers that pay attention to that venue. Everyone under 30 is doing God knows what on TikTok and that shit’s so creepy it won’t even be covered in second grade dildo class.

All this means opening the strategic oil reserve in an attempt to fix prices didn’t help; which is what everyone who took any economics course not taught by Paul Krugman already knew. Therefore, Chris Rock failed to dodge a bitch slap from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. What’s the take home lesson of the slap heard round the world? Nothing. Well I’d advise Rock to keep his guard up next time. Beyond that, who cares? Nobody in that entire show was anything but irrelevant.

Go on a reduced stupid diet from time to time. Don’t worry, you’ll catch up on your annual intake of propaganda when election counts “unexpectedly” go into overtime this November. After all: Joe Biden got more votes than any other president in American history. This massive undeniable unquestionable totally-legit record-breaking win makes complete sense for a man who’s less popular than whale-shit fifteen months later.

Pull out of the matrix. You’ll find yourself unwilling to fret over the dirty diapers of the fools still in the matrix. That is to say choosing the exact opposite life path of anything you’ll see in the “press” will serve you well. Though you can enjoy watching the “elite” discover they’re choking on failures they themselves created.

It began when two years of Covid hysteria didn’t prompt assholes like me to spontaneously die. How rude of us! Fauchi has a lab coat, a fat paycheck, and talks on TV. He’s the trinity: “The Science”, God, and the infallible word of The Narrative. He said deplorables would die en masse. What happened? Why aren’t we in a depopulated hellscape? Where is Fauchi now? What to make of the heretics who rode Harleys to Sturgis and lived? Bearded bikers happily frolicked in a big hairy mosh pit while masked Karen cowered alone with her eleven cats and ate vegan meals delivered by an Uber driver. The Uber driver also inexplicably lived.

Witness the digestion of the fact that she’s not smarter than Neanderthals on motorcycles. Or Uber drivers. Or me. You can almost see the rusty wheels starting to turn.

What about the “vax hesitant”? Those bastards just keep on living! The Amish? They had God on their side and it wasn’t Fauchi. Why not a fifth booster? How about another stimulus check? Lets tinker with the economy until inflation and expensive gas… oh, never mind.

TV Armageddon didn’t happen in real life. Unwanted observations have begun percolating through dense reality-resistant craniums and the steady drip drip drip is intruding on a make-believe world.

It took me two months to conclude “this virus ‘aint the end of the world”. Self-declared geniuses spent two years failing to reach the same conclusion. Why? What has this mistake done to their self image? Wearing a mask to display superiority and implementing “final solutions” that would make a Bond villain blush can’t be forgotten. I have done nothing which I regret. They have. They nuked the economy, the rule of law, democracy, society, and themselves… in that order. Their orgy of fear and social degradation feels stupid and destructive in retrospect. Gibbering about a war in the heart of Hunter Biden’s kickback harvesting territory isn’t going to fix that.

They’ve run low on denial. It’s all used up. They threw enough tantrums to get every piece of power they wanted. They got exactly what they wanted… good and hard. How’s it working out for them?

Bitching that you’d do the whole world better than the one that exists is not the thinking of an adult. The painful realization that their fake shit won’t create a new land of Unicorns is a small unwanted awakening.

Meanwhile, there’s another aspect. Shame. People like me have been laughing at them all this time. They can tear the internet down bit by bit and folks like me will just laugh harder. They’ve always been dipshit failures that nobody likes or needs. I knew that all along but now they know it too.

There’s nothing like unearned self-esteem to lead to the hollow realization that you suck.

Speaking of self esteem on the Richter scale (or should I say Rectum scale?), Trump remains alive, loud as ever, and massively more popular than the semi-coherent meat sculpture usurper which was built out of spare parts and planted in the presidency. I think God has a huge sense of humor because Trump got a hole in one. His Orangeness does golf just for fun. The nefarious halfwit illuminati and their fucktoys in the press pushed aside a popular dude who just loves to excel and replaced him with a decrepit being that can’t speak in complete sentences. The funniest part is that the golf game has more real world evidence than anything CNN has reported in decades. Think quick, which has more evidence; Trump’s golf score or Russian collusion? Damn that’s funny!

To destroy Trump and bring about Utopia was their whole reason to burn the world down. So, did it work? The defeated guy is winning golf tournaments. The “winner” has the stink of failure so bad that you can smell it thorough your TV. How’s that “deep state”, 4D chess, “fortification” of elections working out in the real world?

What a red pill! They can cling to their psychosis but reality happens no matter how hard you believe your own bullshit. Pretty much everyone now sees how badly things went astray. Ultimately, a lot of red pills are getting delivered in suppository form. That which was wantonly destroyed was better than the collapsed reeking cesspool of of failure hastily assembled in it’s place.

Fate looked into the fire and pronounced its decision. Learn to code bitches!

Also, a t-shirt in a sporting goods store is precisely how one wins a land war in Asia.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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37 Responses to Stupid Event Horizon

  1. Phil says:

    That. Was. Fucking. AWESOME!

  2. p2 says:

    Damn, AC, one of your best!

  3. Thor's Hammer says:

    That’s the AC that we know and love!!!!!!…. if the NY Post had an opening at their Political Opinion desk, you’d be a shoe-in.

    You’d, of course, be better placed as a senior Op-Ed writer at the Times or WaPost… Lord knows those rags need a dose of reality now and again…. but you might break their Utopian self-absorbed Matrix with your foolish and counter-productive True-speak and Independent-think.

    And I hope you don’t mind if I borrow (with attribution) you definition of the Stupid Event Horizon… that right there is some Golden Age of Satire humor that you’ve thawed and served up.

  4. jrg says:

    I had a lot of shaking of head vertical movement while reading this. You did a great job of what is occurring. Thank you for writing it.

  5. Frank says:

    The Deep State is the Derp State, and they aren’t even aware of it.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      That’s probably why they freak out over Deplorables in “Fly Over Country”; just by existing we show how little they’re needed.

  6. AZDave says:

    Your “SO SPOT ON” i’ll be grining the rest of the day.

  7. Michael says:

    LOL well said but I’m still doubling the size of my Potatoe patch 🙂

    Food issues are real.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Growing food is never ever a bad idea. Self reliance is good no matter what happens to the surrounding society. I’ll be raising bacon and eggs as usual but I plan on expanding my firewood harvesting.

  8. Tree Mike says:

    Awesome, but apparently, you forgot, We’ve always been at war with Eastasia! Sheesh, also, not to complain, BUT, I think you’re behind on SQUIRRELS! Some of us need some more alt reality, almost as much as more cow bells. Hang in there, hope the wife’s dental situation is resolved.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I intended to do some squirrel writing during my walkabout but it’s just not coming together. I’m lugging around a huge three ring binders with the draft but haven’t found heart to write the next chapter yet. Thank you for your patience.

      • Tree Mike says:

        I’ll be patient, you’re obviously doing due diligence. The current thing is a bit disconcerting. I’m no Chicken Little, but I’ve heard rumors of a big shoe dropping, or sumthin’.

  9. Glenfilthie says:

    Technical quibble, AC!

    “…Speaking of self esteem on the Richter scale…”

    That should be, “…Speaking of self esteem on the RECTUM scale…

    Fixed it for ya!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Epic, should be shouted from the mountain tops!

  11. Sedition says:

    Sometimes, as the toilet swirls, you gotta wonder “is that turd going to flush or clog?” That’s the way the world is right now…just place your bets and sit back to watch. The anticipation is incredible…I hope it lasts.

  12. Titan Mk6B says:

    The “winner” has the stink of failure so bad that you can smell it thorough your TV.

    Possibly the best description I have heard yet of ole’ what’s his name.

  13. MartyB says:

    EPIC! oh, and Phil & Filthie sent me…

  14. Phil B says:

    Not much will happen in the next few weeks? I’m putting $10 that Biden is no longer president by next Saturday (either “dies” unexpectedly, is deposed under the 25th Amendment, or “other”), Heels Up Harris resigns too and O’Bummer steps in somehow as president for life.

    Strange times and stranger happenings seem to me that anything is possible but Biden out is a 100% certainty.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Biden out seems possible. Out by next Saturday seems less likely to me. That’s far too efficient and clean for modern times run by inept dweebs. They’ll pull that bandaid off slow and stupid. We’ve all been waiting for “the other shoe to drop” but it keeps not happening.

  15. al wagner says:

    AC. Had to sit on this for a few days. Closing in on 70 here. The bother for me is that your writing ability is astonishing. It’s like you take what’s been in my head for the last year or so and distill it down to the essence. I enjoy it very much.

  16. Trean says:

    Damn, you’re on fire there!!
    Talking of the meat puppet years ago there was an author by the name of Tom Sharpe. He wrote extremely funny books. He’s well worth checking out.
    My favorite was The Throwback. In it the gallant ” hero”, a young man, referred to by his grandfather as the bastard, tries to prevent his gold digging mother in law, who also marries his grandfather, from inheiring his ancestral fortune. When the old man dies they have him stuffed and made into a sort of animatronic corpse. That reminds me of Joe Biden. Weekend at Bernies but without the nice people.
    Read the book, the fate of the visiting taxmen in it is also very entertaining!!

  17. Bear Claw Chris Lapp says:

    Thanks for that. My gut says Russia is not loosing but doing the least they need to achieve their goals. Ukies crying for more aide continually just tells me the grift continues.

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