On Walkabout

Time for a break from the bullshit. Uncharacteristically, I’m not going truly off grid with tents and trailheads. Instead I’m wandering about America like a normal square but deliberately ghosting most of online society (and otherwise) for a while.

For example, I’ve noticed flags at half mast in a couple of different States. I haven’t a clue who bought the farm. I have a few candidates I’m hoping for. Alas, one is never that lucky. I’m sure ten minutes exposed to America’s Pravda (NPR) would inform me, but it would also dump a metric ton of propaganda into my soul and I’m in no mood for that. For now I’ll just enjoy the beauty of not knowing… I assume whomever kicked it will still be dead when I resurface.

I’ll check in from time to time. In the meantime you’re welcome to talk amongst yourselves. I’ll approve comments whenever I find WiFi.

I’ve survived Biden’s winter of death, and so have you. Spring has returned… as it always will. Relax and I’ll see ya’ later.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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8 Responses to On Walkabout

  1. Differ says:

    Madeline Albright…. Seems like the flags are at half staff for every Tom Dick or Harry these days.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      The Secretary of State from like a decade ago? No shit!?! Not to be disrespectful and I’m sure her family will miss her but she’s not worthy of fucking with the flag.

      She served maybe 4-5 years and even if she was great (and I’m not voicing an opinion on that) the death of a long forgotten cabinet member means absolutely squat. People die. Retired people die. It’s not tragic, it’s the cycle of life. I don’t want to see the flag at half mast unless a healthy sitting President was unexpectedly beaten to death with a basket full of puppies… and even then just for a day or two.

      I want the flag kept up there as if we were a persistent society, not weak has-beens actively gumming ourselves to death.

      I’m on vacation so I’m not going to research further but unless she recently came up with a cure for cancer she’s just a bureaucrat/politician. They’re a dime a dozen. As Boomers age we will be planting Secretary of this or General that quite often; pretty regularly for several years. None of them merit a reduced flag.

  2. Rob says:

    Marilyn Albright was my guess on the flags

  3. Robert says:

    Enjoy. Dunno who died; flags are back to full mast so the grief was brief.

  4. JFM says:

    Don Young from Alaska, longest serving Congressman.

  5. Steve O says:

    Don’t sweat being out of the loop on current affairs. It’s been my habit to actively stay at least a week behind on the latest news for half of my lifetime, and it hasn’t ever led to a negative experience. I’ll miss your sage writings while you’re gone walkabout, which will probably mean that I appreciate it all the more when you do have something new you feel is worth sharing.
    Wishing you smooth travels and safe harbours.

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