Light At The End Of The Tunnel

As far as I can tell there are several vax mandates. They’re all aimed at different populations based on President Potato’s ability to hassle that group. One to affect private employers with more than 100 employees… through the misuse of OSHA. One to affect military personnel… through the misuse of Commander in Chief powers. One to affect Federal Employees… because the President is the Chief Executive and most Feds work for the executive branch. It is that one that (I think) is somehow extended to contractors… which can probably be bent folded and spindled to apply to lots and lots of people you’d never think of as contractors. I’m not sure how it’s explained but airlines get Federal money and are Federally regulated and use Federally subsidized airports, but they are not contractors so… um I dunno maybe Biden has a magic wand? Another line of attack (I think) applies to medical people through some Federal medical system.

The point is there’s no official “because I said so that’s why” clause in the Constitution, so President Potato (or his handlers) using an array of methods.

The one that applies (somehow) to all medical people, just got a kick in the balls. Here’s the quick explanation from Raconteur Report:

Dogpiling onto yesterday’s federal court ruling blocking any vaccine mandates for healthcare workers in 10 states, today another federal judge expanded that injunction against the vaxx mandates to all 50 states.

So, 10 states said “fuck this let’s go to court”. The court said “those 10 states have a damn good argument that’s likely to yield a win for them… so the action is blocked until this thing is sorted out”. Then, and this is a new one to me, the court said “fuck it, you can’t pull this shit on the 10 that came to me for a ruling but you can’t do it on the other 40 states either. Let’s put all the chips on the table.”

Wow! I didn’t see that coming! But that’s what Federalism is supposed to do. In this case, the rights of people in 40 states are “protected” by the 10 that have balls. Or at least it does until some dipshit “activist” judge somewhere tries to say “it’s just a tax” and therefore a “penumbra which emanates” (from Brandon’s ass?) makes it OK.

That strange and unusual sensation you’re experiencing; it’s called winning. For the moment and for medical employees, it’s a win. We who care about freedom are not used to it. It’s nice. Raconteur Report sums it up:

In short, the federal judiciary is functioning as intended, and has told the Biden regime to go fuck itself.

And it only gets worse for Poopypants from here.

Also, every argument cited applies to federal workers, and all private employees. Vaxx mandates are effectively dead UFN.

Ahh… yes. It feels good to see folks remembering the difference between a President (you know, the Geriatric Zombie who got a record number of votes in a series of “DON’T FUCKING QUESTION THEM” statistically improbable events) and a King.

We don’t have a king. Thank God.

Also, this does not stop anyone who wants to from getting whatever vaccine they desire.

May we live in interesting times indeed.


P.S. Hat tip to The Last Refuge.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to Light At The End Of The Tunnel

  1. Tennessee Budd says:

    Maybe my brain just isn’t correctly wired, but I don’t understand why anyone cares what the government is saying.
    I grew up poor. I learned at a young age that whatever you got, you got by your own work; nothing was going to be handed to you. Spoiler alert for the kids: there isn’t really a Santa Claus. This means I’ve spent the last couple of decades putting resources aside for when I might be left to depend only on what I’d amassed.
    I’m also a Southerner. I saw early on that the history, the approved version, is often lies to make the winners feel good & demonize the losers. Tends to make one suspicious of the government line on things.
    My company was holding its fire on the mandates. We do a lot of contractor work for government entities, and corporate customers who are government contractors themselves, so the mandates might apply, but it was clear that there would be court challenges (for whatever the justice system is still worth). I never worried. I’ll have a job, or I won’t. I’ve been broke before; broke people are inventive fuckers, because they must be.
    I don’t have Scrooge McDuck money, nor a bunker stocked to get me through the rest of my life, but I have confidence that I’m very hard to break, and even harder to discourage. I don’t make light of possible troubles, but worry is advance interest paid on something that may never happen. I’m going to bleed, probably (literally and metaphorically), but I will stand.
    Why so serious, everybody?

  2. Glenfilthie says:

    When the covid scare became a thing, Aesop was at the forefront of it, promising choked hospitals, bodies stacking up in the street, mass graves, and hospital staff dropping dead from exhaustion. He had no idea what he was talking about, he still doesn’t and he runs his mouth anyways.

    And now he is going to lead Civil War 2. Great. It wouldn’t infringe my rights one scintilla of an iota if that cracked governor of his held him down and injected him with commie snake oil from Mars. Hate to say it, but the guy is a mouth, and that’s all that he is.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I get that. He was definitely on the “stacks of bodies in the streets” side of things. Regardless, I’ll take optimism from wherever it comes. He’s a little more jacked up on success as a done deal than I. For example, vax mandates aren’t yet “effectively dead”. I think they’re “slowly ebbing from what appears to be peak madness” and the slog as we back away from the cliff will be a long one. But still, the “expand from 10 states to 50 and hit the brakes” thing is big news and good news and something to savor.

      • Glenfilthie says:

        I hope you’re right AC. For me… people that are dumb enough to fall for something like this are dumb enough to do it again. Science is no longer valid in North America. We threw out anything resembling morality 20 years ago or more. Neither or our political parties work anymore

        I feel like that wank in the rude joke: the optimist sees the glass half full, the pessimist sees it half empty… and the wank sees it as being full of piss. We can’t run either of our countries with the leaders we have. I believe we are still very deep in trouble…

        But I hope you are right and I am wrong.

  3. Ruth says:

    Unfortunately my state has its own set of mandates, including refusing religious exemptions. So my state is screwed.

  4. Stefan v. says:

    The Second Amendment must be overcome for The Plan to succeed. Covidiocy is working almost everywhere else. The holdout FUSA will need an extra push to turn all those guns inward against each other.

    Smallpox could be the solution, or Ebola or some other vile microbe; whatever it is, it needs to be contagious, fearsome and truly deadly. A release would stack nicely on top of Covidianism, Russia/China war scare, perhaps even a Domestic Extremist seeking to purge the immigrants or initiate a uniquely ‘Murican! Sampson Option. Once the Covaxxised start dropping like Kamala’s panties the game will get rough anyway, but in my opinion all those guns are an unacceptable risk for the devlish scum driving the current atrocities. Gates, Fauci & Co. have probably heard of Mussolini’s and Ceaucescu’s retirements.

    Keep a weather eye, your feet on the floor, your powder dry and your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ; He is returning soon.

  5. I'm Nearly Serious says:

    Just wondering, do any of you know if is there any country in the world which has not submitted to mandatory vaxxing of it’s population?

    Interested to know if this could be true? Might try to apply for refugee status.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’m not sure. The news is so uninformative and that doesn’t help. I’m not sure I’d trust what little information I get to be true. I’ve heard good things about former iron curtain countries like Poland but I’m not sure about that. There might be rationality in Sweden and Switzerland. But honestly if I knew where to go and it was a clear obvious thing, I’d already be there.

      Also, in theory America is not yet mandatorily vaccinating it’s populace. Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that America’s President Potato is really just hassling populations piecemeal based on into whom he can get his bureaucratic claws. Military, feds, medical workers, and of course his jolly wild overboard OSHA idea (which targets the employed but nobody else) are all picking off vulnerable groups. Federally, he doesn’t have the legal or de facto power to have storm troopers drag your ass out of your house and run it through a cattle chute… yet. Also, it varies wildly both State to State and also Urban to Rural… so there are “free states” where a restrictive municipality hassles the unvaccinated (not literally chaining them down and administering the shot but just coming up with creative ways to bully them). Conversely there are States where a distant Governor says some high and mighty stuff but rural folks just shrug and ignore his bullshit. (The Amish did this.)

      I know it doesn’t help but there’s no simple obvious solution I know of. The only thing I can say from my own experience is the more rural the better.

      Also one ray of hope, 99% of all this is aimed at making a person submit of their own “volition”. For the most part they’re fucking with people’s social world, food supplies, job, education opportunities, banking, mass transit options, and even if they can eat at a restaurant but they’re not simply grabbing people off the street … yet. They have no moral qualm with that sort of top down totalitarian violence but it’s expensive and inefficient compared to breaking people’s will and having the people drive to the vax location on their own. If you don’t submit (like the Amish) you are in for hassles but not (yet) physical attack.

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