Things I Noticed Upon My Return

Go off grid. It’s necessary for your mental health and intellectual grounding. You don’t have to live in a cabin forever and wear a tinfoil hat… just take a few days off. It matters!

Every time you pull out of the propaganda, you get a fresh breath of “reality”. When you come back to “society” the bullshit is more obvious. It also drags you down a lot less than it otherwise would.

I thought I’d mention a few things that seem clearer (and perhaps humorous in their ridiculousness) after some time away from things.

It can all be summed up as this:

“It’s all bullshit and virtually everyone knows it.”

You can take that to the bank folks! Spend a week away from Facebook and that bitchy Karen down the street and off media… and the whole world looks brighter. We’re a lot less under the thumb than we think.

#1. Nobody believes the press:

Media talks about Biden like he’s on top of the world. It talks about current situations like the people are happy. Nobody believes it.

Anyone who disagrees is a deplorable, racist, sexist, troglodyte, jerk. Right? Nice try dickheads. It may have worked at one time but they’ve used it up. Stick a fork in it, it’s cooked.

Who could have seen that coming? Everyone. You can’t improve a thing’s popularity by shrieking that everyone else is a shithead. Hallmark cards don’t start by saying everyone but the person having a birthday is a jackass.

There’s no way in hell Biden is even remotely as popular as he’s portrayed. It’s just impossible to see Americans in America and conclude the press isn’t lying. The lady doth protest too much, methinks!

#2: The election “situation” isn’t resolved:

I heard some people joking about a vending machine. “It ate my dollar and didn’t give me a pop… it probably just voted for Biden.” That’s funny, but it also means something. Regular people riffing on “Diebold Pop Machines” is a clue. The election situation ‘aint going away.

Pretending the AZ audit is a nothing burger won’t last. Other audits will happen. The truth trickles out. What’s done is done. People laugh about it now. “Biden won… now pull the other one… it’s got bells on it.”

On November 4th there was uncertainty. There was a time when Biden could have convinced people the election was fair. Maybe by actively supporting audits or acting like a guy who’d won. He did the complete opposite. The window of opportunity is now closed. Widespread suspicions have grown pretty solid. It’s no longer kooky to think shit was as crooked as a three dollar bill; we just avoid saying it near censors.

(Even the very devout on the Left don’t like to talk about the election.)

“Biden won” is the same as “Epstein killed himself”.

#3: Trump ‘aint gone:

This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Almost a year after the vote there are “Trump stores” selling pro-Trump memorabilia. Was there ever an Al Gore store after he lost? What about a Hillary flag after 2016? Did anyone ever put a Bush Sr. sticker on their car after his single term? This is not a minor observation. It’s a big deal.

I see tons of “Trump 2020” signs. I see occasional “Trump 2024” signs. I’ve seen a “Trump 2020” sign that had been taped over to show “Trump 2024“. Has anyone ever done that for any candidate from any other election?

#4: In case I didn’t cover it in #1, Biden is hated by nearly everyone:

I’m too young to be sure of my memories of Carter. I remember he was ferociously unpopular but I don’t recall specifics. The best I can tell is that Biden’s doing much worse. Not “a little bit worse” but “faceplant from space into concrete” worse.

My neighbor has a “Fuck Biden” flag. They’re not rare, I see them all over the place.

Anytime a few thousand Americans get together, there’s a good chance they’ll break out in a chant of “Fuck you Biden”. Great googly moogly! That’s not normal. Carter was universally accepted as a bad president but nobody at a basketball game chanted “Bite me Carter”. If a NASCAR race or a rock concert breaks out into that chant it means something.

The dude’s less popular than herpes.

#5: What General Milley did is not cool:

General Mark Milley made a deal with China. “If Trump says do something… I’ll rat it out to you first.” This is a fact. It did not go down well. Nobody wants their military ratting to Communists. Everyone knows it’s treason. Biden had an opportunity there; “I’ve asked for Milley’s resignation.” He missed it.

Treason. Is. Not. Popular. Folks still pissed at Robert McNamara and Jane Fonda are not happy with what Milley did. He’s a fuckin’ general!

#6: Iron fist pushing of the vax isn’t working out:

Anyone in the United States who wants the vax has got the vax. Let me repeat that. Everyone who wants it, got it.

Many more may have been on the path to take it. They were sorta’ lukewarm. “Lets wait and see how this plays out in time.” These are people who’re cautious but not opposed. With time they’d probably have gone for it.

Many were just cautious. They’re not about to buy Betamax. They know the word Thalidomide. They don’t upgrade their computer until they see the new OS working. They think before they make big purchases.

Then Biden hits them with “my patience has run out”.

That was the wrong play. It backfired. They’ve dug in their heels. “Lets wait and see” became “fuck you”! He shouldn’t have done it. You can’t bludgeon a person into loving you. You can’t beat a person into friendship.

More to the point, we’ve all seen a hard sell before; it smells like this. A used car salesman pushing a car the way Biden has been pushing the vax would never make a sale again. (He’d probably get punched.)

Biden’s vax speech is making a whole new group of people think “our bodies our choice”. Non political folks are deciding that consent matters:

What’s all this mean? It means hopelessness is not appropriate today. Everything looks bleak if you let the Twitterati filter your air but that’s not reality.

Hang on. Shit’s flinging so dodge. But otherwise stand tall and hang tight.

It’s less that things are going against us and than propaganda is deliberately trying to  make our efforts seem futile. Your efforts are not futile.

One last thought:

“Propaganda works on you, even if you know it’s propaganda.”

Good luck, I’m rooting for ya’.

Update: A few hours after I posted, I found an inspiring video. It’s only 6 minutes and well worth your time. They are frightened. You can smell it. It smells like victory.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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13 Responses to Things I Noticed Upon My Return

  1. Jesse in DC says:

    Thanks AC. As always, your writings are spot on.

  2. Phil says:

    I think I would seriously consider giving up my right testicle for a week out in the boonies alone at this point.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      It’s worth it. The dumber society gets the more I like sitting by the fire alone. Also there’s this, even as society crawls up it’s own ass we can probably lean on nature more and more. Even if you’re broke you can still sit by a campfire.

  3. John says:

    My employer, a major defense contractor, sent a memo yesterday that they will be forcing compliance with the mandate by Dec 8th. I don’t want it, but I don’t see a viable alternative. Skip to a new job if possible and then they make the same demand? Stand on principle, and lose my livelihood. I’m not in a position to simply walk away. Perhaps I’m just not made of the same stern stuff as others. It doesn’t help that my wife is mad at me for getting bent out of shape at the situation; sympathy at best, but no support for standing up for what’s right. Angry isn’t close to the right word.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I have no pithy reassuring advice. I’m in a not dissimilar situation. I’m not sure where I’m headed either. I have no idea what next year will look like for any of us.

      Stand up for yourself the best you can. In the end you answer to absolutely nobody but yourself and God. They say God never sends you more than you can handle but that doesn’t help when it feels like we’re in Germany 1938. I see now why so few fled before the shit hit the fan before WW2. Where to flee?

      Take care of yourself. You’re gonna’ need you when everyone else flakes out.

      Oh, and one more thing. Whatever happens they’re going to make you do it to yourself. Your employer isn’t going to send a couple of big armed goons to drag you away and hold you down while you get shot. You’re going to get memos and paperwork. You’ll get bitched at if you want to fly an airplane, or buy a car, or buy groceries. Your wife may side with whatever Facebook said. But physical force is not their game… it’ll all be mental. It’ll seem like the whole world is against you and who knows… you might even get fired… but if you comply it will be you walking into that room on your own two feet to do it to yourself. That’s how it’s going to be. Personally, I think it would be less cruel to send out the goons but I don’t get to make that decision. It’s all going to be about making you take the action.

      Maybe knowing it’s all a mental game helps. Maybe not. I wish I had more to offer.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have no pithy reassuring advice either. But I have seen enough data on the adverse effects of the shot, as well as enough attempts at censorship to realize they are probably *far* worse than the fraction of the data we see, that I regard the shot as Russian Roulette 2021…and that’s the best case scenario.

      I would try first for an exemption, or legal intimidation. The manufacturers may have legal immunity, but employers will not. Network with similar-minded people at work, because despite the bluster, enough people pushing back will stop an employer dead.

      But if all else fails, think of it this way: a man can get a new job. He can’t replace lost health if he loses the spin of that roulette wheel.

      Good luck whichever path you choose.

    • AZDave says:

      Find one who and forge it

      • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

        Not everyone has the right personality to “find one”. I don’t know about the guy who’s comment started this but I wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to find such a thing. It’s one of the drawbacks to being about as “plugged in” to society as the pine trees he talks to.

  4. Mark Matis says:

    How long do YOU think it will be until they start the Hunger Games???

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I don’t know. Earlier I thought it would depend on location, Australia may already have the Hunger Games while some of Europe is relaxing and other parts turn the screw. In America it was geographically variable too. 2020 was house arrest and forcing people to wear a mask… but only in certain States. In 2021 they’re going nationwide. Forcing people into inject things they don’t want without escape valves of a handful of states is not something I imagined. I would have thought if some states stayed free the others could be totalitarian but if no states are free I don’t know what’ll happen. Probably nobody else does either. Either the pendulum swings back in 2022 (and it feels like it might) or the next step will invariably be beyond what they’ve done so far. I’m not sure what the next line is.

  5. Fitty says:

    I too got the 8 Dec deadline. I am going to submit a religious exemption, if that fails I will find another job. There are lots of blue collar jobs out there, no experience, become an apprentice.
    Life might become spartan but you will have your dignity

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