I Have Seen This Movie Before

Breaking news: Everyone’s freaking out, just like they’ve been for years.

It’s easy to forget that this particular recent freakout (whichever freakout is in progress by the time I release this post)…

Ok stop right here. Mid-sentence. STOP.

[Editorial aside: I started writing this post before Biden made Afghanistan into the three ring clusterfuck it is today. I wanted to write about Biden’s other fuck ups first. I knew Biden would fuck up Afghanistan because… well he’s Biden. (He could have done nothing and Afghanistan would stay just as it has been for years. He had the opportunity to plan ahead, but Biden doesn’t roll that way.) Biden can’t do nothing; he has to actively fuck up. He doesn’t plan for what is, he does whatever he was pre-programmed to do. Thus, he’ll never adapt to reality and will always fuck up.

I, unfortunately, made the wrong call on timing. Since September 11th is a notable anniversary (and Biden is incompetent), I figured he’d wreck the place just in time to see it flames on September 11th. He fucked it up a faster than that. The speed of the Afghanistan collapse is impressive, but that’s how a world class fuck up operates. They fuck up so fast and hard that you can’t quite digest the last disaster before the next one has been shoved at you. Fucking up international geopolitics is exactly what a guy like Biden does but his true measure is that he fucked up an entire nation faster than I can type a 1,500 word essay. That’s the thing about Biden, he will always find unwise things to do and then do them worse than expected. At this point it’s a law of the universe.]

So, where was I? Oh yeah, whatever freakout is in progress right now, was not preceded by widespread intelligent adultlike behavior; because we haven’t had widespread intelligent adultlike behavior for a long time. Granted, 2020 was madness, but I was already exhausted living through a three year shitstorm that kicked in when Hildabeast didn’t win in 2016. Three years of barking moonbats in rut isn’t a good baseline of reasoned discourse from which to start. However, it was a great launchpad to from which to turn the dial to eleven and shriek that we’re going to die of Black Plague. Oddly, I’m still alive. But back to the topic, what predated the 2016 spinning tornado of asshattery? Well, there was the financial crisis of 2008. Was that an example of seasoned, intelligent people governing wisely? Hell no! They carpet bombed the nation with shovel ready bullshit make-work. They piled money that doesn’t exist into a pile that also didn’t and then set it on fire.

That’s how it cascades. In 2009 it was Federal policy to acquire running cars and destroy the engines. Does that seem wise? In 2016 lefties were literally screaming at the sky? Does that seem wise? In 2020 we nuked most of societal norms and all of our legal protections because we we’re about to die of the Black Plague. Did that happen?

It’s time to step back and look at the big pattern.

If you’re old enough, you’ve seen this before. Sometimes a politician, and usually an interconnected system of them (oligarchs/politicians/technocrats/party… whatever) get in a rut. There’s nothing wrong with the ebb and flow of failure and success but sometimes the rut is inescapable. It’s inescapable because it was made by the people that are trapped in it and it serves the purpose of limiting their thinking.

They become not just unsuccessful but just plain amazing in their ability to fuck up everything they see. At some point despair turns to wonder; “is there absolutely nothing they can do right?” You might start to wonder what dark mysterious self destructive force is causing people to stick their dick in the light socket yet again. Can’t they see they’re fucking up? The answer is no. They can’t see it.

People in a rut are like addicts. They paint themselves in a corner, arrange in a circular firing squad, suck so bad they can’t stop sucking… they get to a point where leaving the rut exceeds their very being. In order to improve they need to adapt. In order to adapt they need to be a higher caliber person than they are. They literally can’t do anything but keep fucking up.

Listen. And understand. That fucking idiot is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until it has screwed up everything.

Ten points for a misused Terminator quote!

Breaking news: Biden’s is a fuck up, just like he’s been for years.

What can I say to disparage Biden that he hasn’t done to himself? He’s not a victim of his own denouement, he’s the creator of it. He wasn’t elected because he was excellent. He won a record number of votes which we should never ever question or examine, because the alternative was Orange.

Make no mistake about it, Biden is as trapped as anyone on earth. He’s a human being made into a great interlocking engine of failure. He’s not of the caliber to rise above. So he won’t.

Why do I say this? Because I’ve seen it before. When I was a we lad there was a morally upright fellow with a STEM degree and (in my opinion) a likeable personality who’d successfully run a business (a farm) and had all the indication he might do OK as president. He didn’t.

I’m not going to list all of Carter’s failures but suffice to say he fucked up everything so bad that his name and “fuck up” were synonyms for decades. The only reason we don’t spend every day thinking about the monumental fuck up that was Carter is because it happened before a lot of the populace was born. Seriously though, the dude could do no right. It was uncanny. He snatched defeat from the hands of victory over and over. It’s like his fuck ups were ordained by the universe itself. The nations of the world gave him a wedgie, the economy shit on his shoe, inflation smacked his ass, he was helpless against Iranian hostage takers, and he couldn’t get the people onboard with his ideas. Every time a challenge came his way, he’d assess it, make a decision, and the decision was always a disaster.

He couldn’t overcome a fucking thing. He tried. He presumably meant well. But he didn’t belong in the big chair. He’d been promoted waaaaaay beyond his ability and he just plain couldn’t grow enough to shoulder the responsibility. I think he meant well but the peter principle is a real thing.

So how did he break out of his successive, cascading, compounding, repeat fuck ups? He didn’t. He started sucking, kept sucking, and continued sucking pretty much every moment of his single term. It wasn’t a mixed bag of successes and failures… it was a bag of shit… firmly packed with as much failure as four years could hold.

That’s because he didn’t get there by climbing the mountain. He was only there because the world had gone nuts beforehand. Nixon, a republican, resigned in 1974. Carter, a democrat, ran in 1976. A sea slug would’ve won on the democrat ticket in 1976. Which is how we got a guy who simply couldn’t do a damn thing right.

That’s my point. If you lack the caliber to overcome, you won’t. If you came to power entirely because you’re not whomever the other guy is… then you lack caliber. Nobody voted for Biden, they voted not-Orange… and even that is hardly clear.

That’s how the ride is going to go. It’s the eight month of the first year of the season of Biden and he looks, acts, smells, and manages like loser. He’s Carter but without the one thing that Carter had, which was that he was healthy. (Carter was a fuck up but nobody thought he was senile.) Because Biden isn’t a superior person, he’s not going to climb out of this rut. We will continue getting the “fuck up in power” show until Biden strokes out… or perhaps strokes out again. At which point we’re very likely to get yet another ruler who doesn’t belong in the big chair… and the cycle goes another round.

So just read up on Carter and you’ll know what’s up with Biden. Inflation is skyrocketing. Gas prices soar. God help him, Biden is doing exactly what Carter did and is begging OPEC to make more oil. (Guess how well that worked for Carter?) The economy, which was roaring in 2019, is staggering around like it took a shot to the head. There’s nothing more certain in this world than that Biden will reload and shoot it again. He can’t change because he’s not capable… nor can his “team”.

Now for the next thought. Right now Afghanistan looks like “Bay of Pigs 2”, but I’d lay even money it’ll become “Iran Hostage Crisis”. Why? Because Biden can, will, and has always been, inadequate to the task. He’ll fuck up again. (JFK, the Bay of Pigs loser, wasn’t a particularly good president either but he was handsome and Americans love to respect martyrs. Also, historians in 2021 lean toward assuming JFK’s election was crooked too. An election against who? Nixon. There’s a shitload of destruction in a country when “not-Orange” is the driving force.)

You heard it here first. The only thing worse than Afghanistan fallen is a bunch of Americans getting curbstomped on YouTube while potato in chief remains out to lunch. The only reason Biden hasn’t put on a Cardigan and started bitching at us about malaise is because he has to fuck up the “get everyone out of dodge when you cut and run” part of the timeline. After that fuck up, OPEC can get back to fucking the former energy independent nation which he supposedly runs.

Don’t look for Biden to improve. He can’t.

I was inspired by a few posts and wanted to link them here below.

Getting Ready for the End of the World:

Undoubtedly the optimism of the Reagan era has been eclipsed by the apparent second coming of Jimmy Carter. Joe Biden is facing simultaneous, seemingly insuperable challenges: the collapse of Afghanistan in place of a “decent interval”‘ the resurgence of the Covid Delta variant in place of the anticipated reopening of society; looming inflation, and economic problems in place of the anticipated boom and the unending border crisis. Something seems terribly wrong. It is as if nothing works anymore.

Who Else Is Tired Of All This Winning Under Biden?

It is a colossal blunder, the repercussions of which we will be suffering for years.

But we’ve already grown accustomed to colossal blunders since Biden came into office. On every issue he has touched, Biden’s managed to quickly transform victory into failure.


About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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4 Responses to I Have Seen This Movie Before

  1. ASM826 says:

    Thank you. That was perfect.

  2. Max Damage says:

    “I’m not going to list all of Carter’s failures but suffice to say he fucked up everything so bad that his name and “fuck up” were synonyms for decades.” Adam Smith noted this in his treatise on economics, we keep looking for a smart person to lead us but what we find is the knowledge of the mob of half-wits is greater than that of the smartest man, and hence the smart set invariably fuck up because they simply cannot ever be smart enough to know it all. Worse, they think the cause cannot possibly be their own mistakes, for haven’t they been told for years they are the smart ones? Lacking any ability to change course they are stuck in the back end of an OODA loop against what everybody else calls “real life.”

  3. Phil B says:

    Biden certainly seems to have a reverse King Midas touch in that everything he touches turns to dross (Yes, I have cleaned that up “for the children” and not to offend the permanently offended).

    Only another 3 1/2 years of this to go … regardless of when he shuffles off this mortal coil. I’m surprised he’s lasted this long. My bet was that he would die on the way back from the inauguration.

  4. Sigh. Carter. I remember Carter.

    I suppose the good thing from his point of view is that history’s view of his incompetence as President will be eclipsed. So I suppose that at least one person is currently happy…

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