You’re Seeing It: It’s True

After watching… well everything, but especially 2020, it’s easy to wonder what’s going on. Are you surrounded by morons? Is the world run by idiots? That can’t be true, there must be some more palatable explanation!

Nope. They sound like idiots, they think like idiots, they talk like idiots, they reason (or fail to) like idiots… and the reason for this is that they’re just plain idiots. What you’re seeing isn’t deep 4d chess (at least most of it)… a big part of the explanation why the world feels like it’s run by idiots is that they really are idiots.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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13 Responses to You’re Seeing It: It’s True

  1. Robert says:

    Seasons? Learned it in 8th grade. Idiots abound!

    My adult landlord (a HS grad) responded with “It’s ground effect. How many trees there are ‘n stuff.”

    We are doomed.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Trees cause seasons? That’s a new one.

      • Robert says:

        From his previous pronouncements, I suspect a small amount of “drain bamage”.
        He had a few flying lessons way back when, so “ground effect” oughta have an entirely different meaning for him. Sigh.

        Aside: we currently have a 102 heat index with a severe t-storm warning. My other roomie decided to go for a walk. The front just arrived and I hear thunder. He’s a university graduate…

  2. MadRocketSci says:

    On the not being a raging fanatic that can only destroy front:
    I’ve been building some furniture this weekend (and staining and treating it the past two nights.)

    One 24x24x30 table (which now has a bottom shelf added for my 3d printer), one replacement over-the-desk shelf thingy to replace a wobbly particle-board shelf.

  3. MadRocketSci says:

    PS: I was reading a children’s cartoon-book from 1949 about aviation and aircraft technology. It had a section in there explaining the Hadley cell circulation patterns over the earth (which govern wet and dry zones) as part of a background on atmospheric physics.

    Here that is:

  4. MadRocketSci says:

    “How close the Earth is to the sun” – well, no. Though the Earth’s orbit about the sun is ever so slightly eccentric, which is why I think there is a bit of a lopsidedness to the solar analemma.

    I suppose it’d be possible to have a planet with a highly eccentric orbit having something like “eccentric seasons” overlaid on the axial-tilt seasons. Winter in one of the hemispheres would be longer and more severe than the other. Summer milder and longer in the opposite hemisphere.

    I recall reading about Lewis and Clarke: They had to figure out their longitude (or at least planned to do so) by watching the eclipsing of the moons of Jupiter by the planet and comparing it to an almanac of planetary transits and a time reference local noon. The time difference gave longitude. They complained that it was always overcast when they tried to make the measurements though.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I suspect anyone who uses the phrase “solar analemma” is a whole different dimension from the folks in the video. Ha ha ha, which is funny because they’re Harvard graduates.

      I’m pretty great with maps but I don’t personally know how to observe the moons of Jupiter to get longitude. That’s now a new baseline by which I will measure navigational prowess.

  5. AZDave says:

    I find it refreshing to have do’ers (2 sons, 2grandchildren), who have been grounded with a strong work ethic and the integrity to be the captins of their own fate, going on 22+ years.

  6. Heltau says:

    I remember the tilt of the earth is the reasons we have the various seasons. When North America is having a Summer then the area of Australia is having their winter.

  7. Tree Mike says:

    Dooooommmed….we’re dooooommmed.

  8. AZDave says:

    Just picked up your two messages, a little late this morning. I’ve been wrapped up with family birthdays and visits to my sons marine repair shop. They have better lathes, mills and welding equipment than I possess. I seem to spend alot of my idle time there.

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