Critter Encounter: Skunks Yet Again!?!

So I’d blasted a “teenaged” skunk to smithereens. 24 hours later I blasted 2 kits at the same location. Presumably they weren’t weaned, and I’d spared them a lingering death… but I felt like shit about it.

The next evening, same time and only about 30 yards away from the first three. I saw another skunk in the lawn. This one a kit too but it seemed a bit larger and older than the two tiny ones of the day before. WTF? Is there a skunk condo somewhere in the adjacent forest?

Bang. Situation handled.

I shrugged and started unloading some feed from my truck and yet another one popped up. Goddamnit!

This one, also a kit but also older the tiny ones from 24 hours ago, was rooting around in the gore where “mom” and “the twins” had met their maker the day before. I set down the feed, shucked in another shell, BAM.

Five skunks taken out with four shots in three days. I don’t have anything against skunks if they stay the hell out of my buildings and stuff. I’ve got a whole forest and swamp where they can hang out and have a skunky life of peace. But noooo…. they have to get into trouble!

Little fuckers would move into my house and raid the fridge if I let ’em.

Disgusted, I drove my truck out of the skunk-stink area and fumed all night.

Am I done with them? Sorta. One follow up remains

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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2 Responses to Critter Encounter: Skunks Yet Again!?!

  1. CC says:

    it eases my conscience to feed the coons & possums cat food after dispatching the local skunks.
    Makes it easier if you’ve ever had to wash skunk off your dog.
    Survival means learning to stay away from certain places too.

  2. WolfSong says:

    Skunks die here too.
    With a lack of raccoons, skunks are the major carriers of rabies here.
    And with a horse in my pasture who believes she must be friends with every single one of God’s creatures, whether they want to be her friend or not, rabies carriers die on sight.
    Sucks tho…skunks are cute little bastards when they’re not stinking up the place.

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