It Is Good To Build: Part 2

So, it’s two weeks into a new administration. I can already see where it’s going. You can too. Everyone from your crazy neighbor, to deep thinkers, to housecats can feel it in the air. We all know.

Does anybody think 2021 is shaping up better than 2020? Why not? That’s the very big question that attracts the focus of my stoic investigations.

Why should everyone be so pissed off? Covid is backed into a corner. Were currently at war with nobody. Gas is cheap (for now), the power grid’s still running, pot is (in some places) legal, and the McRib is back. Tom Brady is apparently immortal and winning football games. My chainsaw has been running like a top. My coffee is hot and my breakfast was tasty.

Why aren’t we delighted?

It’s that consent thing. It mattered. You feel it too. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. No consent, no just powers. It’s just naked raw ambition. That’s thug shit and we don’t like it.

I was perfectly happy to have my guy lose an election. That’s part of voting. You know you’re sometimes going to lose.

Even after a weird midnight recalibration, I would have been perfectly happy to read all the nerdy details of audits that proved the election was clean. Do an audit like you mean it and I’ll accept odd results like you earned it. I was willing to grant consent, if it were earned. Heck, I might have granted consent if they at least tried to earn it. We know hat that worked out. It couldn’t have looked more crooked if they’d hired Shakespeare to work it into a production of Macbeth.

Right now, in the very early beginnings of the year, we’re seeing why “deriving just powers from the consent of the governed” mattered. Everything that could be “normal” is replaced. A substitution of power for consent. Twitter bans, impeaching a man no longer in office, concertina wire on chain link, protests, some of which are peaceful and some of which are “peaceful”, and so forth. I’m amused to read of weaponized autists blowing a hedge fund to smithereens. Partly, because that’s just about the only news left to read. Because there’s literally no news left in the sea of propaganda.

There is no consent. Those in power crapped in the punchbowl and nobody’s happy. They might, if they had the capacity for self-reflection, regret their actions. But they don’t. They can’t. Once you’ve broke one moral code… the next one is already a done deal.

But here’s where I stop the rant.

Put on the brakes. Slow down. Breathe.

I’m not writing to bitch about it. There are other venues for such things. I’m here to think about it.

Stay tuned…

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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3 Responses to It Is Good To Build: Part 2

  1. KurtP says:

    Aside from the new 0bama 2,0
    I know that the price of gas is going to skyrocket.
    So now I’m looking at a Ram 1500 instead of any make 2500.

    I had a 98 1500 Ram that needed an entirely new front end in about 100K miles and a rebuilt tranny in about 130K.
    MY 2013 Silverado has over 140K and no problems except an O2 sensor.

    I’m looking at the “new” Rams and wondering it they still have the same crappy front end problems and trans.
    You never mentioned what year yours was.

    Thanks in advance, and maybe you could riff on that.

    PS- I’d mail you, but can’t find an e-mail for you on here.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’m at

      My Dodge is an ‘08 3500. I don’t think death wobble in the big models with the heavy engines is as common in lighter engined trucks, but yes Dodge is known for shitty front ends. I’m not sure about lighter trucks in 2021. Good luck. Ford, Chevy, and Dodge all have things about them that suck. The best you can do is decide which thing that sucks will annoy you less. I really like my Cummins engine and the transmission is pretty good too… I just wish I could have it on a Ford body and suspension. 🙂

  2. Thor’s Hammer says:

    Gas is about to get relatively scarce (and artificially expensive thanks to Sniffy Joe)… but not to worry… there are oodles of ‘green’ jobs to be ‘learned’ by an industrious & objectively productive peoples….. I have fleeting images of “Re-NED-ucation’ camps a-la The Simpsons…

    Unfortunately, our taxes will still be used to pander to the Biden/Democrat ‘base’ voter; so we can’t expect to see ‘better’ governance for a long while until Leftist’ policies take their natural course… two things are self evident though….

    1) Yes, life is actually hard when you ADULT like you mean it, &
    2) Rainbow sh*ting unicorns are great in theory, but a person/people who WORK for a living must to be available to pay for it… the Party of the Gropy-One doesn’t seem to have have many of those available.

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