I Do Not Know What Will Happen

…and you don’t either. It need not have gone so far, but it has. Waste no more thoughts for what might have been. Nor resignation. Nor remorse. These are moot. Make yourself right and walk forward.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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13 Responses to I Do Not Know What Will Happen

  1. Heath J says:

    I’ve made my peace with God a long time ago, and my oath has no expiration date.

    Let’s not lose.

    * And losing includes not enjoying what you have. The best revenge (besides good old literal revenge) is living well. Illegitimi non carborundum!

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      “The best revenge is living well.”

      Well put. I’d say the freaks screaming at the sky since 2016 have not lived well. By masking their failures with an external force, in this case a real estate developer from New York as the sole source of evil, they’ve made their own lives hollow and frantic.

      In a way it has shown the rest of us the proper way to be… which ‘aint that! I can see many of us recoiling from the shitshow. We’re following the other path; self reliant, honorable, and attempting to “live well”. Right now we’re on the ropes, but we’re not shrieking in panic… we’re just grim. The cheat was a heavy loss to me and many others; not because we care who the president is but we care that the will of the people mattered. We’re all looking at the smoking ruins and adjusting the heavy load of life. We will simply handle one more set of problems. We’ll carry on and do fine. But… I have to admit, it sucks to have to carry that extra load.

      Good weather out today. Birds are at my feeder. Sun rose in the east as planned. All will be well.

      • Heath J says:

        Our Founders said it best, and they wagered it all.

        ” Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”

        That’s a tall example to follow. Lets be worthy of it. Time to decide what our grandkids will have to deal with.

        This ain’t over.

        Also, the Chicadees abide.

  2. A. Landmesser says:

    When you take a knee rather than stand up for your values, when you can always find a hill to abandon, when you choose to retreat rather than fight on your own terms, you will soon ask yourself “what happened” and find yourself fighting on turf not of your choosing at odds which favor your enemy.

  3. Thor's Hammer says:

    Dude… You need an up-vote button.
    Just saying..

    Nothing will likely happen today while the Sniffer-in-Chief is sworn in (gag reflex!!!! -> would ANYONE leave their Daughter alone with that guy???)…

    Doesn’t mean IT isn’t coming. Putting my tin-roil hat back on.

  4. William Kline says:

    I gave in to a bit of despair last week. It felt like everything in the world was going to hell. I have a difficult choice to make in my professional life, and I do not know which path to take – whichever one I pick burns a bridge for the other route, and I bounce back and forth between them with no decision.

    Then, I remembered to put it in the Lord’s hands. He has never let me down before.

    This, too, will pass.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Despair has been thick the last few weeks and months.. and indeed year. Sorry that it hit you. Glad you’ve overcome it. Personally, it feels to me like the fever has broken. Disappointment isn’t fun but it’s better than the pressure cooker of the preceding weeks. Now I can shrug off the bullshit and get back to the basics of a properly lived life. I shouldn’t have strayed so near politics anyway. I’ve recently added half a chapter of Squirrels writing; freshly typed up and itching to go live.

      Good luck with your decision. Mutually exclusive paths are always difficult. If you’ve given it all the thought you can and still don’t know… it’s time to let God handle it. Well done.

      • A ninny mouse, cause fewshun centers n shit says:

        All rightie then, Squrrels! Proper Priorities. Phuque the jackal’s in the halls of power, starve the beast. The prole’s out here in the hinterlands don’t need the reptilian/amphibian’s in the Corrupt Core. After the Corruptocrat’s put us through the mill/wringer, they expect us to go back to juutube and felonyball and pretend all is well, won’t happen.
        I’m sure Commie-law Harris will rule over us with all the compassion she showed to the po folk she prosecuted in Commiefornia.
        Our local AO’s will fare much better than 5G shit holes called cities.

        • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

          You want squirrels? You got squirrels!

          I worked my ass off last week and wrote 8,000+/- words for chapter 10 of Attack of the Lesbian Activist Squirrels! It’s not quite done yet because I got distracted plowing snow and hauling firewood… it’s winter dammmit! Might be a week or 10 days to polish and finish but it’s in the works now.

          Working title is “Chapter 10: Thunderdome!”

  5. robert william orians says:

    I knew from many years of studying prophecy that the USA was barely mentioned in last days scriptures but I did not expect to live long enough to see the old girl die . I got the blues . I doubt that any of this surprised Gawd though .

  6. PAUL says:

    Oh Please Oh Please, me like squirrels

  7. 2Dogs (Arkansas) says:

    C’mon, AC! Open that spigot and gibs us dat free ice cream!

  8. Phil says:

    I just keep chipping away at the stone man.
    Looks like you have hunkered down as well.
    Things are happening, the Gen X’ers and the Millenials are busy sticking it to them at the moment. I always figured it would come down to that.
    Us old farts are going to need to stick around as long as possible to teach them the old way of things before the internet.
    Knowledge is power.

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