Shit Continues To get Real

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

― Abraham Lincoln

“This isn’t just bullshit, it’s low quality, poorly planned,  substandard bullshit. You could scrape crap off a dead crackhead’s ass and serve it on a plate claiming it was steak; and that would be more believable than this election!”

― Adaptive Curmudgeon

I went to bed after watching a clean undeniable electoral win. I woke up to “Biden is ‘President Elect’. Fuck you.” I didn’t deserve such mistreatment. None of us did.

I’m not sure why I was surprised. I’ve been lied to, shouted at, mistreated, insulted, gaslit, and propagandized so much I’m not sure the media even knows truth exists; much less how to tell it. Yet, I marvel at the sheer scale of it all. Small cheats in Democratic cities are a sad but accepted part of political life but this wasn’t a small cheat. It was massive!

Biden didn’t just win with a series of spectacular statically anomalies. Biden supposedly got more votes than any presidential candidate in American history. Really? Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

Immediately after the election, I saw the following graph. If you’re looking for a fight, it’s graphs like this that start ’em. Also, if someone’s going to lie to me, I expect them to do a better job than that!

Who’s buying the shit? Nobody! Even Biden fans knew it was fishy. They were uneasy and quiet. After four years screaming at the sky, Democrats who won fair and square would be cavorting in the streets like ecstatic winners. Instead, they were subdued. There was no fireworks, no Champaign, no confetti, no parades, no hooting hollering happy winners. They just hunkered down. That’s a “tell”. They knew. We all did.

Within a few hours I saw this meme. The lie was too huge. It wouldn’t hold.

The ensuing wait was the worst! A whole month knowing this would get resolved above my pay grade… or wouldn’t get resolved at all. A month wondering if I my vote counted or if I’d just been mugged.

Fortunately, mass awareness followed a fairly predictable curve.

  1. The election was flawless and fair. – Suck it up deplorable.
  2. There was a little fraud but that’s to be expected. – Biden is picking his cabinet.
  3. There was no widespread fraud. – Here’s an article about global warming.
  4. There is no evidence of widespread fraud. – COVID rules for Thanksgiving!
  5. There is evidence of substantial fraud but it’s too late. – COVID ruins Christmas!
  6. We’re going to stop all media that discusses evidence of election fraud. – Puppies!

What comes next? The denouement. It is/has/and always was scheduled to come next. The falsehood wasn’t successfully forced on a subservient people; therefore it will fail.

The tragedy is that it wasn’t necessary. There are a thousand off ramps on the highway to hell. The wisest move for the cheaters was to fold.

There’s a time and a place to say “this isn’t working”. The weeks after the coup was the time. In nine foot tall neon letters, the universe screamed “resolve this while it can still be construed as a clerical error or minor issues”. It would have been easy; “OK fine, we’ll do a transparent, honest, recount and you’ll see.” Followed by “whoops, who knew? Oh well, your guy won and I can claim I made an honest mistake.”

There was an out. Everyone involved had a chance to come clean. They didn’t.

Already, close to half the populace has turned. In less three weeks, the fact that the election was fixed went from heresy to common sense. Unavoidably, reason overcame the human desire to avoid a fight.

All Americans had to go through the thought process. Now they’re working through the ramifications. It’s no longer about Trump. If an election like 2020 can be cheated out of existence, every election can be cheated out of existence.

That’s the rub. This isn’t one election; it’s all elections.

It’s a big pill to swallow. Nobody likes it. But 2020’s fraud was substantial, intentional, targeted, sufficient to sway the election, there is evidence to prove it, and the people who cheated are not going to do the right thing.

Now what? It starts, as it always does, with preliminary legal wrangling. Sidney Powell’s stuff looks like a James Bond novel. The math nerds already know what happened and they’re trying to explain it to people who can’t define “standard deviation”. Testimony and whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork. Whenever evidence has been obfuscated, it just makes the coup leaders look worse. Meanwhile, more evidence is discovered. Evidence is found faster than it can be memory holed. Future historians will write books about it. Statistics graduate students will use 2020 data as learning exercises. It wasn’t subtle and it can’t be explained away.

We’re learning new words. Until 2020 I’d never heard the word “spoliation”. The difference between “sedition” and “treason” now matters. Nobody likes the word coup… but it’s used in its proper form:

coups d’état (ko͞o′) or coup d’états (dā-täz′)

“The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.”

Go ahead. Say it. Say “coups d’etat“. Say “sedition“. Say “treason“. Those words exist because those things exist. They’re happening right now.

The sole defense has  not been “we can prove it was an honest election”. It has been “it’s too late to make change the theft”. That’s a thin thread. One does not submit to a coup because there’s a date on the calendar.

Given the gravity of the situation, everyone wondered how the Supreme Court would get involved. Notice what I said. Nobody wondered if the Supreme Court would get involved. We only wondered how and when. For the last several weeks, options and remedies that didn’t involve the Supreme Court were rejected one at a time. Therefore, it had to happen.

Monday, Texas stepped up. BOOM! Direct hit!

I read most of Texas’ argument. It’s dense legalese but it sounds narrow, targeted, based on publicly known facts, and calls directly and precisely to the Constitution. It requests remedies that were written into the Constitution for precisely this purpose. To my untrained eye, it looks a kill shot. Roberts is going to have to work very hard to “penumbra” his way out of this one.

The Texas gambit is doing precisely what was intended. As I type this, just shy of 20 states legally sided with Texas. A roughly equal number oppose Texas. From there it gets messier. Many members of the Pennsylvania legislature are on the Texas side. Same with players in Michigan. A few state Attorney’s General have joined Texas. In DC, the House of Representatives has about a hundred on the side of Texas and many Senators too. The Supreme Court cannot hide under their robes.

Remember, this was caused. It didn’t have to happen. The four states in the crosshairs had a chance to play fair. Even after they cheated they had a chance for  transparent & fair recounts. The State Legislatures have plenary powers and in the case of PA there were clear instructions from Justice Alito. Cheaters doubling down made this monster. The fuckers started the problem and they’ll have to deal with what they have wrought.

The good new is this; Trump has already won.

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

– Sun Tzu

Regardless of the legal wrangling, everyone knows Biden’s “record setting” vote was fake. It’s tainted. It’s ugly and dishonest and his party created the mess. They cheated so hard they’re nearly destroying the playing field. That’s a next level fuck up! Democrats pissed off 70 million Republicans and put another 70 million Democrats in the horrible spot of knowing they voted for a cheater.

Everything Biden does from now on… even if he’s sworn in… will be about cheating. He slithered all the way from plagiarism in 1988 to election fraud in 2020. He just wasn’t good enough to win the presidency fair and square. The mess created to drag Biden’s loser ass across the finish line is his to bear. November 3rd was the last time anyone will take him seriously. Biden wasn’t good enough to win. End of story. Everyone knows it.

Notice who didn’t cheat? Trump! He won a landslide. He did it old school, by campaigning his ass off. Biden hid in a basement while his party cheated. Spontaneous, joyous, parades appeared wherever Trump went.

Nobody anywhere is accusing Trump of cheating.

Nobody believes anything Biden says.

Trump has already won.

If Biden swears in next January, Democrats will not party in the streets. His supporters will not bask in the glorious triumph of an honest win. 70 million plus Republicans will be pissed off because they were fucked by the Democrats. People who know they were screwed do not forget. They act accordingly. Even Biden fans will have regret. They’ll know they’re cheaters. They’ll know they voted for a lying scumbag. What does that do to you? They’ll find out.

Trumps defense against Biden’s cheat has already done its job. Everyone will watch every future election like a hawk. Taping up windows and ejecting observers and driving trucks full of ballots around at night will have a different outcome. Every potential ballot stuffer will have wolves circling. Every voter, on both sides, will stalk warily. It’s hard to fuck over a hundred million skeptics.

There will be no repeat of 2020 and that’s a big deal! Trump has already shown us that Biden cheated; big and ugly. You know, I know, your neighbor knows, your dog knows. Everyone on both sides know. All that remains is the resolution; clean up the system or sink the ship. Good luck to the Supreme Court! If they pussy out they might as well move into Biden’s basement with him.

My compliments to Trump for a fine campaign. He ran up the score like a champ! That made cheat unavoidably obvious. He made the coup summon the greatest number of fake Democratic votes to ever exist. Since then, Trump’s been mounting an excellent defense. It’s clear to everyone that Trump had contingency plans for his contingency plans.

Also, well done to Texas for stepping up first. The other 49 states had the chance. They wimped out. Texas has a unique right to stand tall!

Over time, this is for the best. Americans don’t like being fucked over. This will make it harder in the future. Ideally, future elections will be better because this vote was wrecked.

On the Biden side, all that will be left are a few lonely “fraud deniers”. I’m not the first to notice this:

There is a universal characteristic to really bad news.  It never comes out early.  It drips out, a bit at a time, and there is always one more painful point coming.

This narrative is coming apart and it will only escalate, move quickly, get more colorful, people will turn.

Who then will be the 2020 election fraud deniers?

Cleaning up this and all future elections is bigger and better than anything I expected from Trump. Dude’s got giant clanging brass balls and he successfully mustered a solid army of legal support.

When Texas stepped into the ring, Christmas came early.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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12 Responses to Shit Continues To get Real

  1. czechsix says:

    Well, I guess the Supremes have made their stance clear. That whole “may you live in interesting times” thing keeps getting more and more traction, it seems, sadly enough.

  2. Madrocketsci says:

    Weve been officially betrayed, by everyone. America is dead and gone tonight. I mourn our country, and the future weve lost.

  3. Eric says:

    Too bad the supreme court (small letters intentional) decided to grab their ankles. Pricks!

  4. Tree Mike says:

    Yup, the Supreme’s phuqued us today. I don’t thing Trump is done by a long shot. I think there are white hat deep stater’s that are maneuvering behind the scenes.

  5. MN Steel says:

    Is this part of the plan? The one everyone has been talking about for years, with the sealed indictments, Gitmo, then the shootout in Deutschland and the CIA director in custody or dead?

    Or the plan where there wasn’t enough fake last go around against a guy who wasn’t supposed to win and didn’t really want to be in so he sabotaged everything he said he would do by letting the people who didn’t want him to win get the positions to make them happen, but now there’s enough fake and the Empire is collapsed from within?

    I guess everyone gets to see if the Galactic Empire or the plucky band of rebels will come out ahead after the last few weeks of Twitter-fights goes live.

  6. Rob says:

    The Uniparty won the election. Sad but not really surprised…..

  7. Michigan Doug says:

    If you don’t get caught its all legal now.

  8. Weisshaupt says:

    I think it is very optimistic to think there will be further elections. The corrupt officials and collectivists will not fix any of the obvious problems. They will not be interested in convincing anyone the process is legit – they won’t get rid of mail in voting, or replace the machines with ones everyone can trust. They will, instead, simply double down on the same tactics – after all they worked last time. They know the courts will not provide a remedy. If there is a future election the observers will have to come as a militia – ready to fight police if someone attempts to eject them. They would have to be ready to shoot election officials over contested ballots or other breaches of process. If your election is conducted at gun point – its still not an election. The required trust and legitimacy to conduct an election is now lost. The USSR had elections every year. No one thought they were valid. They did it for show and that is all our elections will ever be now.

    Of course for that to work, the powers that be will need Soviet or Chinese levels of control over the people. The Virus will provide cover for this effort as it already has been doing – “Temporarily surrender your rights for the public good! ” has always been a tactic of tyrants and despots. They WILL implement a “papers please” system based on if you have gotten your vaccination that will restrict your ability to travel or go to school or work…which will then be expanded to employment ( after all there will only be a few corporations left which will provide jobs) or receiving welfare/UBI. It will then be expanded to participation in the banking system. Then they will simply decide whose Vaccination papers remain “valid.” based on compliance. Once the system is in place and people are used to it, there is no reason to keep up the ruse of disease tracking. Perhaps they just expand the system to include a Social Credit score like the one China already uses. Because American are armed there will be violence and resistance to the tyranny — and those “bad actors ” must be detected and tracked. They will turn off electricity and fuel to dissenters ( if they can – people like you and I will be a problem for them)

    Disarming the American people will be their largest issue. And they may choose to put something into the vaccine that requires a regular dose of something else to keep you alive. Perhaps it will sterilize you and they just plan to wait it out in bunkers ( look that this vaccine and what research has been done with this method – much of it is for the sterilization of dogs and cats) – or it works exactly as advertised and they release a deadlier version of the disease that wipes people out. Maybe some combination of the above. Forced/compelled vaccination for a disease that 99%+ of people survive doesn’t make sense – so one must wonder why they would push it instead of making it voluntary ( and it won’t be in any real sense )

    Bottom line, by the time the next election election is scheduled to occur these systems will be in place and you will vote how you are told, or the American people will be in open and violent rebellion. I suppose there is small chance that succession efforts will succeed and we avoid the boot or a violent confrontation, but given humanities previous history, that seems unlikely.

    We do need to remain positive – things sometimes take unexpected turns and corrupt regimes sometimes just fall under their own weight. Politicians are acting like there is no tomorrow and perhaps it is because they don’t expect there to be one. I think it is likely this is happening now because the economy started collapsing again back in 2019 – when the plunge team started pumping billions into the market last fall to keep it afloat. The virus is a cover story to ensure the average American is too poor and desperate to resist and willing to accept the help of their “betters” — but that can also be used against them. Bankrupting everyone in the nation decreases tax revenue — and decreases production in general… printing money and handing it out when nothing is produced can’t be done for very long without causing a collapse You have to pay enforcers with something. There is no noble cause here – and very few will be true believers willing to die to impose the boot, while many will be willing to die to prevent it and dying to prevent it will not be plan A. We aren’t locked in here with them – they are locked in here with us. So yes, chin up! But depending on a Pollyanna scenario like “beating the election cheat next time” probably isn’t wise. .I think events will unfold in a way that will demand action long before then and everyone should plan accordingly.

  9. Joe Dumbass says:

    Never forget that if the rule of law is removed
    The bad guys are no longer protected from the people
    It goes both ways

  10. Heath J says:

    Alea iacta est.

    Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure.

  11. p2 says:

    I said in February this is going to become a shooting war. Unlike some of the rabble spouting rebellious slogans and talking up civil war from both points of view, I’ve been shot at and I’ve fired shots in anger. It is neither glamorous nor desirable. It makes you neither a larger man nor a braver one. It scares the everloving shit out of you and it is indeed the worst event one can experience.

    Having said that, I, for one, shall willingly stand and fight if the need arises. I’m fairly certain a goodly number of others will as well.

    • Heath J says:

      My oath didn’t come with an expiration date.

      I honestly wish it wasn’t this way. I’m quite literally fat and happy. My job pays well and I don’t want for anything.

      That said, I’m their huckleberry. If this shit is the future I want nothing to do with it.

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