Phenology Report

The weather sucks as a brutal winter fades into floods and mud. I also made a rookie mistake.

I needed to get my trailer back “in service” so I hooked a chain to it and dragged it out of the icebank where it was stuck. I maneuvered (is my spell check correct with this word?) it to my garage and repacked the bearings; in the rain and mud outside the door (and got filthy doing it). Then I  drove the truck onto the lawn to ditch the trailer out of the way so I could make a trip sans trailer. No biggie.

Twelve hours later I was back home and needed to finally load the trailer. I backed up, hitched, and SQUISH… the whole truck sank. It was precipitous and (to my embarrassment) unexpected. The photo doesn’t look like much but it went to the axle in the front and nearly so in the back. The sod was total mush… barely supported my weight. I had zero traction. You can get very stuck without the theatrics of a half acre mudpit.

Rookie mistake. We’ve all been there.

I could’ve fought nature but instead I bailed. I left it there (hoping it wouldn’t sink any further) and called it a day. I drank three beers, got a good night’s sleep, and was out there before dawn.

The soil was semi frozen. It could have gone either way; easy drive out or hours of chains and shovels. Lucky for me it just barely held. I rocked back and forth and drove out. Whew!

You’re never too experienced to re-learn old lessons about thawing mud.

This is why my yard always looks like shit.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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7 Responses to Phenology Report

  1. Ralph says:

    Nice truck! Must make greenies weep wherever you go.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      love it. It’s definitely huge.

      For fun, whenever someone gives me shit about my carbon footprint I tell ’em my Dodge self identifies as a Prius and if they don’t agree with it’s self identification they’re racist. 🙂

      • ComputerLabRat says:

        LMAO!!!!! Awesome reply!

        Oddly enough, trans-race still has not gained a lot of traction, although the whole transgender thing has become quite the power fad. And there is far more genetic evidence for two sexes than there is for racial differences. “Party of Science”, indeed! 😛 😛

      • ReBob says:

        I hated replacing the injectors on my Duramax last year because it would sputter a cloud of black (intermittently) when stopped at a light in the (very liberal, very “cool”) college town nearest my deep forest homestead. I’d tell the people pissing and moaning at me about it that I had to pay extra for the “Global Warmer” package when I bought it. Exploding SJW’s are my favorite…

  2. Spellcheck sometimes uses English (as in England) spellings, and sometimes it uses American. I looked into it once but got nowhere.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I keep my computer’s security features set on “kill first and ask questions later”. This does encourage Brit spelling like colour. I don’t know why.

      I usually ignore spell check; something that horrifies younger generations. I figure I’m literate and speak English so 99% of the time my spelling is spot on. Why take advice about spelling from Microsoft? That’s like listening to economic theory from demographics that haven’t paid off their student loans and can’t drive a stick shift.

      Also spell check falls apart with my vocabulary; which might say something about how I write/think. If I send Mrs. Curmudgeon a message that says “I’m en route to the rendezvous point but delayed by bs. Please have a brewski waiting and don’t let the asshat manbun at the bar pour piss water and call it porter. See ya’ soon.” my crude little smartphone loses it’s goddamn mind. It highlights every other word and seems to think normal humans use words like “ducking” when we all know it’s an F-Bomb. Someday they’ll invent spell checkers that can handle basic vocabulary; like apeshit and twitterpated. That said I tend to spell a few select words in a uniquely weird (and likely incorrect) way and maneuver is one of them.

  3. MaxDamage says:

    Two words: tire chains. They’ll get you through mud, snow, ice, and with an appropriate application in the back yard can reduce lawn maintenance time in half. Also, I’ve beaten the kids 2 out of 3 on the new BMX track that was formerly a back yard. Who says exercise can’t be fun?

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