The Stories Write Themselves

Satire (and humor) works best when exaggeration is allowed to grow from a seed of truth. Enjoy.

From Don Surber comes The generic editorial against Trump’s next pick:

“This is not who we are. We are better than this. These are not our values. Not only must the Senate reject [nominee’s name] but the Senate must vote to disbar [him or her] to show that the nation will not tolerate intolerance!”

From Babylon Bee comes Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution:

“Senate Democrats have vowed to make sure that any new nominee isn’t going to be beholden to outside influences like the Constitution, the founding fathers, or the rule of law. “We need judges to be advocates of progressive laws,” Senator Elizabeth Warren added. “Not people who will bow to the whims of the Constitution, pitting its extremist values of freedom of speech and freedom of religion against our agenda.””


About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to The Stories Write Themselves

  1. Bruce Berens says:

    With increasing frequency whenever I read the headlines I think someone from The Onion (a satirical but leftist diatribe) wrote them, but indeed they haven’t . . . . Just deranged maniacal leftists a.k.a. Democrats and assorted socialists and communists. You aptly capture this ethos here well.

    Who wants to be burdened by out Constitution and laws. We should all just “feel” what we want to do unless you are on the right then you have to follow the left’s rules (bake me a fucking cake with gun to head). After all, the IRS, DOJ, EPA and FBI do this now (feel their way through the law). Yea, fuck the constitution, screw due process. Trump may say without a wall we have no country but without a constitution we have no chance at one. The Founders knew the inherent evil and controlling tendencies of humans; they’d lived under monarchical dictators and despots after all since the beginning of time actually, and that that is apparently where many want to return now. the leftist fascist utopia.

    There have been recent leftist calls to abolish the 1st amendment because the current discourse is not going their way and Facebook and Twitter just can’t censor fast enough, and also the second amendment (guns) because we own 400 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo to enforce the constitution. Next on the chopping block is the fourth (search and seizure) which Muller and the DOJ/FBI/NSA s already trampling to protect us, comrade.

    Uggghhh, Send this to a liberal. make their day. B

  2. Daddy Hawk says:

    You mean Fauxcahontas doesn’t want the Supreme Court to follow the same Constitution her oath of office requires her to support and defend?? Remind me again why tar and feathers aren’t on the table as an option.

  3. abnormalist says:

    “The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.”

  4. ~elen~ says:

    The bit about the nation not tolerating intolerance was funny. Shoulda said racial intolerance. Ah, humans – so silly.

    I Ecosia’d the Warren quote and got nothing from main stream news. Has Warren claimed “fake news?” She would if she were more like Trump.

    Do you guys read any perspectives that are from the left or even the center? if one of my favourite places to get news. Regarding the Constitution (which Trump doesn’t want to be burdened with), here’s a sample of what can be found, s/a

    -Due Process:

    -Power of trade for Congress, not President:

    -Emoluments Clause:

    And just 4 fun:
    ‘It Stinks’: Anthony Scaramucci and More on Twitter Mock Trump Trade Bill Called the ‘FART Act’

    Send this to a Trump minion, make their day:D

  5. Robert says:

    The oath I took said something about “all enemies, foreign and domestic” and “obey all lawful orders”. Does anyone have an explanation of how little ‘ole me is ‘sposed to determine, if/when things fall apart, which orders are lawful and who is the enemy? Seriously, how does Joe Patriotic Schmoe tell a civil insurrection from a legit overthrow of gov? I believe Shakespeare addressed this recently with his characters wondering about “if the cause be just”, so this isn’t a new conundrum.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Precisely. Think it through and you’ll know as much as anyone can.

    • Bruce says:

      I wonder about this also with the right fringe media and some on the left talking about “Civil War II”. Some even feel all the hard left’s insurrection is trying to forement Marshall Law under Trump ultimately ushering in a new socialist era soon. I guess this moment is a bit like pornography: we’ll know it when we see it. In the meantime, ammo up.

      • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

        Stay cool and don’t panic. There have been times when shit looked like it was about to hit the fan and it didn’t. (USSR died without a shot fired. I didn’t see that coming!) I’m not saying I can see the future but lets all stay frosty and avoid undue stress.

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