The Zombie Apocalypse Has Arrived

I’ve been off-grid a couple weeks, during which time I’ve successfully avoided most news. Ignorance is bliss. However, a huge tragic event happened while I was unaware.

Yesterday, I logged onto wifi, idly clicked to Knuckledraggin My Life Away, and found this. Holy shit!

This isn’t just the loss of bourbon, it’s the loss of my favorite brand of bourbon. This ‘aint plastic jugs of Jack Daniels, it’s (in my opinion) one of the smoother bourbons. I’m surprised I didn’t feel a disturbance in the force.

I only have a tiny swig left in my flask (jammed in the truck’s tool box… for emergencies only) and a couple bottles in the pantry back at home. I need to stock up now… before there’s a shortage! Oh sure, they say it’s not going to cause a shortage but they could be lying! I’m not risking it! What’s worse, I’m nowhere near a decent liquor store and I know I can’t find it near my home.

This is my version of a survivalist’s nightmare. Plenty of food, guns, and ammo but low on good bourbon.

If you’re of a mind, now might be a good time to pick up a bottle of 1792.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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12 Responses to The Zombie Apocalypse Has Arrived

  1. Steffen says:

    The wife and I tried out your preferred tequila, and it seems she likes it even better than the Jameson I used to keep on hand for her occasional tipple.

    Now I’ll probably need to keep an eye out for your favorite bourbon, too.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I had to search my own blog to see where I recommended a tequila. (It’s here.) It’s my go-to tequila. I’m glad you liked my recommendation. Good liquor is worth every penny.

      For other readers who missed it (and the NSA if they’re creating a profile) I recommend El Jimador Tequila and 1792 Kentucky Bourbon. Also, there are bourbon days and there are tequila days but they are NEVER the same day.

  2. JK says:

    Okay, 1792 Kentucky Bourbon is now on my shopping list. It’s one of my favorite things about traveling to Washington State—that it’s possible to buy hard liquor at Target.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      You’ll like it. Sadly, I can’t find 1792 at my local liquor stores. I happen to live in a place where they’ll say things like “we have both beers, Bud and Bud Light”. Life is hard in the hinterland.

  3. spm says:

    Not to worry, they will make more. It was only 1 rickhouse out of 29.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Thank God! I’ve been looking and haven’t yet found a bottle for sale to boost my stocks (this is about par for the course, I live in the hinterland.)

  4. Robert says:

    I wish my tastebuds were different. I recently bought a 12-yr-old single malt that made me think of cat pee. So I bought an 18-yr-old bottle. It tasted like higher-class cat pee. Sigh. 20 years ago, I bought a bottle of the same brand and it was a delight. Sigh.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I must admit I’ve never really made the leap from Bourbon to Scotch. I get that they’re related but I’m biased against Scotch. (Possibly caused by an epic binge in my youth?)

  5. Smiley says:

    If you can get Ghost Hill from Dripping Springs, Texas you might find you have another favorite.

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