A Bad Day At Work

Yes, I know. It’s Starbucks; it’s about damn time. We don’t even have to kick ’em when they’re down. We can just enjoy that they’re being kicked.

Obviously they had it coming; they shove politics up our ass when all we want is a latte. They vent a near lethal dose of pretension whenever a deplorable like me shows up for a Cup of Joe and a wifi link. On the premises I can almost feel the waves of disgust that folks like me aren’t caged and working in the mines where we belong.

I can’t help enjoy the hassles endured but a totally converged SJW ego fest hiding under the skin of a profit making corporate venture. Nor is it surprising that SJWs turned on their own nesting habitat. Reap the wind and all that. It’s rather impressively circular.

That said I can’t help but sympathize with the poor bastard below:

Best Caption: “Your job’s a joke. You’re broke. Your love life’s DOA.”

Just look at him. His day sucks! We’ve all been there. You’re trying to do your job when some shitweasel decides to make “a political statement” about what’s supposed to be a damn breakfast drink. Instead of your core duties you are stuck eating shit while a nitwit with no day job talks smack through a megaphone. Like all worker bees you have to tough it out. Just stand there getting hammered and wondering how long until your shift ends so you can go home and crack a beer to… get hammered. In silent desperation you ponder the bad decisions that put you in this job.

This abused, green striped, human punching bag is having a bad day at the office!

Then again… there’s nothing quite so fun as a caption contest. Someone turned this photo into a great thread of funny captions. It’s worth the visit.



Warning: The link goes to twitchy… whatever the hell “twitchy” means. Probably some wingnut filled social media hive mind, but what the hell? There’s no login and if it’s funny why not link to it?



About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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9 Responses to A Bad Day At Work

  1. Pam Burkardt says:

    I have a good friend who worked (works?) at a SB in St. Petersburg FL. He had so many strikes—male, black, not gay, not born in the US but served in the military, and a strong Christian. Poor guy, he did his best to do his best. Not for the company, but because he had a strong work ethic, and gave his all to honor God. We attended church together when we lived in Tampa. The Air Force moved us to Alabama in 2000, so I’m not sure of his employment situation. Let’s suppose he is still there. Will he have to endure a day of sensitivity training? My mind boggles trying to work that out.

    Keep on writing. Not trying to be a sycophant, but your blog brings good tears to my heart, mostly from laughter.


    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      “your blog brings good tears to my heart, mostly from laughter”

      THANKS! That means a lot to me. That’s what I’m trying to do.

  2. Robert says:

    My immediate thought was as to why striped-shirt guy hasn’t ripped that horn outta dipwad’s hands and stomped it flat. It’s not like he WANTS to work there.
    Also, Davy Hogg wrote a book? Can he read?

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Zach hasn’t beaten the bullhorn guy into a pulp because he needs the job. In all (or most) of our lives we’ve had times when we had to knuckle down and eat shit to earn the rent. I did my time in that phase and now life is different. Back then I’d have put up with it (barely!). Now it would take a proctologist to get that bull horn outta’ the “protester’s” ass when I made my move. Such are the privileges of age and slightly more fiscal stability. Zach on the photo… he’s earning his money the hard way.

      Hogg wrote a book? Ha ha ha ha… That’s just what the world needs; a book written by a juvenile puppet to push a notion on people who already embrace it. I assume it’ll have a lot of small words.

  3. Phssthpok says:

    “They vent a near lethal dose of pretension whenever a deplorable like me shows up for a Cup of Joe and a wifi link. On the premises I can almost feel the waves of disgust that folks like me aren’t caged and working in the mines where we belong.”

    You are aware of course of Foamy? https://tinyurl.com/ybnrqcxw

    If not, beware; link leads to it’s own rabbit (squirrel?) hole. Also, Foamy is most assuredly NSFW due to a lack of language filters.

    Can’t help but wonder if Mary and Terry are related in any way…

  4. Phil B says:

    Then there is this …


    At least Dick Turpin (cowboys robbing stagecoaches for you Americans) had the decency to wear a mask.

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