Skunked By Grouse: Motorcycle Trip: Part 3: Renaissance Demon Painting And Russian Composers

Nothing dramatic happened all evening… which was the whole point. 

I’ve found myself setting up camp in places I’ve already been just to avoid drama. I’m practically a local now. “That’s Curmudgeon, he’s a quasi-permanent resident of campsite # Non-zero Integer”. Is that what a “comfort zone” feels like? I can grok the attraction.

The place was nearly deserted. I expected a herd of grouse hunters, but few people were there; probably no grouse hunters at all. That’s fine with me. 

Before leaving I’d taken a few minutes to chop up some old pallets with my radial arm saw. Parts with metal are garbage, the rest is burnable kiln dried wood that I use in my folding stove. It’s a flawless system! 

On a whim, I chopped up some old corral rails too. These rails are very old. Older than me for sure. How many cow asses had rubbed these rails is known only to God. All I can say is they look untreated and I ‘ain’t afraid of cowshit. After many decades of dry rot and weather a few had given out. I’d tossed them aside this spring when re-doing the pig fence. Now was their time to go out in a literal blaze of glory. They did very well. Plenty of heat and they even smelled nice (not like cowshit at all!). 

I’m glad I brought them. After dinner I simply flipped over my little firebox (where I’d been using small bits of pallet wood) and dumped everything in the fire pit. Then I added the much larger corral wood. Easy peasy. 

Camping alone is rare. Virtually nobody does it. Everyone goes camping with family, or hunting buddies, or with Scouts as a kid, or whatever. I didn’t think I could even experience “loneliness” but camping alone does test one’s mettle. There’s solitude and loneliness. You must enjoy the former without falling into the latter. It’s wise to deploy adaptive measures to make your time more fun. Here’s what I did:

First, I was at a State Park where I’m familiar with the layout and humans were out and about. Sometimes this makes a difference. Comfort zone… what a novel concept! I’m going to have to cogitate more on that idea.

Second, I had creature comforts; a cheery little fire, beer, and a comfy lawnchair. 

Third, I stayed the hell away from depressing literature. 

Fourth, I brought a toy to amuse myself. I have a spiffy shortwave radio that I very much like. It’s  high quality and has a million features. I never seem to get time to listen to it. No time is better than when you’re alone at a campsite. It was packed somewhere in my truck. I’d fetch it in due time.

While I was happily roasting bratwurst, Bigfoot showed up and drank several beers. That’s the only explanation. I was nursing just one beer… only one! All of a sudden I noticed several empties. Damn Bigfoot.

When I dug out the shortwave radio I had a bit of a moral dilemma. Radios are a cardinal sin if they harsh someone else’s “forest experience”. I can’t get in the groove with nature if some dipstick a campsite over is playing “Achy Breaky Heart” while tuning their UTV. I would never do that to someone else! 

I planned carefully and tuned the little radio way low. There was an occupied campsite about 60 yards away and I wanted nothing louder than quiet conversation. 

I turned on the radio and all hell broke loose! An avalanche of sound spewed forth. Nooooo! The racket of shortwave beeps and bips and someone talking in Spanish and static was crazy loud. I fiddled with the volume dial but nothing happened. Oh no!

I fiddled with it but, probably because Bigfoot drank all my beer, I couldn’t figure it out. The volume dial just didn’t do its thing! Shortwave receivers are pretty sophisticated and I was baffled. I was mortified that I’d made loud electronic noise. I clicked it off and felt like a jerk for the noisy outburst.

Confused and embarrassed, I switched to my “backup” radio. I have a slick little CC Crane weather-band radio. It has the world’s smallest speaker but I put in headphones anyway. I wound up listening to classical music on FM on a radio about the size of a stack of business cards. 

I hummed along while guarding my last few beers from Bigfoot and burning old corral rails. Such a fine evening!

I’m not particularly informed about classical music but sitting in the dark listening is a good way to start. I’ve decided that conductor Sergei Prokofiev’s (1891-1953) music is based on the same demon space aliens that caused Hieronymus Bosch’s (1450-1516) paintings. I love Bosch’s weird paintings but Prokofiev’s music was a bit much. I think some of his chord changes broke my ear.

Mrs. Curmudgeon, who has forgotten more about “high culture” than I’ll ever know, reminds me that Prokofiev also wrote Peter and the Wolf… which is one of my favorite melodies. WTF? Now I don’t know what to think! I guess that’s the point. There’s more out there than just the stuff in front of your nose. Analyzing Russian Prokofiev and sipping Oktoberfest beer next to an American campfire isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it made me happy. 

All in all it was a good night. More to come…

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 9 Comments

Skunked By Grouse: Motorcycle Trip: Part 2: Campsite Mechanic

I found myself installing a new headlight at Unremarkable State Park. Whenever I leave my homestead, an almost laughable cascade of events will inevitably delay my departure. In the week prior I’d had a fencing issue lead to “pigtastrophies”, an appliance failure, a truck maintenance problem, and I sustained an injury. That’s just a sample of the drama.

But I had a new headlight and was dying to test it out. I packed more or less randomly… and fled.

I wanted to install my new motorcycle part from the convenient location of my shop; like a sane person in a rational world. Instead, I literally hurled my tool box onto the passenger seat and ran. I was gone before my house dealt me another dramatic reason why I should stay home.

This dumb idea worked surprisingly well. I learned that I can do a headlight swap with just my “emergency tools”. Nice to know. Especially since I’d forgotten my tool box is the world’s shittiest tool box. It seems to attract water like a sponge. All my “handy to have but not on the bike itself” tools were wet… again! In a massive stroke of irony (and good luck), I’d already purchased a replacement tool box. I’d left it in my truck bed during a flurry of medical activity earlier in the week. In the hubub I’d forgotten about it. It was still in the truck bed when I arrived at camp. I didn’t do a wise transfer of equipment, I just dumped shit from one box to the other and wiped down some stuff with an old t-shirt to keep rust at bay.

The old tool box was “Craftsman”. Don’t give me shit about how grandpappy had a great Craftsman tool box back in the day… their stuff is shit now. I replaced it with an Action Packer.

I guess my official camping “kit” for a motorcycle campout includes two Action Packers. (I regularly throw my camping shit in an Action Packer and leave it in my truck bed for days at a time.) One for my camping kitchen stuff and dry food. The other for “Yamaha support” for when I break stuff.

Incidentally I recommend Action Packers for car (truck) camping. They’re expensive but worth it. The lid never blows off and stuff inside stays dry. Regular totes pale in comparison. So far no forest critter has chewed into one. (They’re obviously not bear proof.)

The new headlight was great. Very beefy and plug and play… money well spent! That said, those things ‘ain’t cheap! I’m wondering if I should get armor to protect it?

As always, I was a day late and a dollar short. I got the headlight installed literally minutes before dark. That’s good because I was afraid I’d drop a screw or something. Try finding a lost screw in a pine needle forest floor!

Lucky for me, I now have “instant camp” down to a science. My wonderful “super tent” was up with the cot installed, the mattress rolled out, the sleeping bag laid on the mattress in just under 15 minutes. I’m definitely pleased with my tent/cot! (Note: if the weather is dry, roll out your sleeping bag far in advance and it’ll have more time to “loft”. Loft is the word pretentious backpackers use to describe the process by which your sleeping bag “fluffs up”. I also love having a big rectangular bag instead of the coffin like mummy bags I formerly used out of necessity.)

Despite the dark (the dang moon didn’t rise until much later!), I had plenty of time to start a pallet wood fire in my firebox and roast a few brats. I also had beer… which makes everything better.

I use a little LED area light for camping and it does the job well, but I started thinking about my antique Coleman lantern. If I’m going to get into a groove (rut?) of State Park camping, maybe a brighter light emanating from a delicate device is appropriate? Electronics are super handy and lantern mantles break. But an antique would fit my attitude, not a small concession.

(Update, I’ve done some checking. It’s a Coleman single mantle from 1971. 50 years young. Now I gotta’ see if I can use it!)

More to come.

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 6 Comments

Skunked By Grouse: Motorcycle Trip: Part 1

I recently mentioned something about headlamps and then went off line. You’re probably wondering where I was. I went out into the hinterland in search of Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

I didn’t find an imaginary comic relief 1970’s Southern sheriff. But then again he never existed. As a rational man I know that. The reason I went was mostly to forget for a while the implausible modern world in which we all live. As a rational man, I needed a break. Rationality happened. I call that a win.

Lest you think I’ve gone down the rabbit hole… I haven’t. I’m standing next to the hole. I marvel at the masses at the bottom frantically digging deeper by the hour.

“You guys want me to throw down a rope or something?”

“Your insistence on standing next to this hole is why we must dig.”

By comparison, my memories of a goofy sheriff with a funny dog are quaint. Oddly, he was more “realistic” than our current reality. He had logical reasons for his choices. He interpreted and enforced laws according to the words in which they were written. He was a crooked cheater but still waited for the Duke boys to screw up before acting. He didn’t simply make up accusations out of whole cloth… the boys really were speeding. Speeding really is illegal.

He didn’t armor up and kick in their door at midnight. He didn’t impound the General Lee for committing a crime and force the Dukes to prove they weren’t running heroin with it. He didn’t shoot the Duke boys, set fire to their barn, or drive local mechanic Cooter out of business for fixing their car. He liked his dog, hired an honest underling, did slapstick hijinks, and generally was closer to Mayberry 1950 than Minneapolis 2021.

The butt of every joke, the antagonist of the plotlines, a crooked cheating liar… he was more moral than almost everyone in politics or media right now. For that matter, Boss Hogg didn’t import 500 refugees from New York City and use them to cement forever control of the little county.

Compare that dumb fictional show to our current world. Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad and we’re madder than any LSD trip Timothy Leary conjured on his worst day. There’s no particular realm free of madness. Dinner out at a restaurant hinges on a Governor’s imagined or real emergency powers and the emergency du jour (which may also be imagined or real). Sports went woke. Entertainment quit entertaining. Science fiction books have sucked for decades. Surf social media for a photo of a puppy and you’ll wind up “informed” of the government’s mandatory truth. It will be delivered in a theoretically non-government panopticon that has completely merged with one of two parties. Our shared experiences became battlegrounds because our society was not built for this much enforced conformity. Workplaces face it too. First unreality and then force, either implied or explicit. Parrot groupthink or you will be ostracized, and then punished. Get with the program; irretrievably commit to the unreality or be burned at the stake.

Suppose you’re doing honest labor that’s completely non-political, say mixing cement. Such work should be without political drama. It might even be fulfilling; especially if you like cement. In this era, your job might require you get injected, by force if necessary, lest a vaccine fail to inoculate the initial voluntary patient. None of this has anything to do with the pros and cons of concrete versus cement. Plus you’re worried about the HR people… who wouldn’t know cement if you put it in their herbal tea. Interacting like normal people is dangerous and cement has less and less to do with your job at a cement plant. Things just keep doubling down.

How can any of that be a normal world?

(If my cement plant analogy seems odd to you, pick up and examine some other irrationality from the growing pile. For example, try to explain to yourself why greenbacks backed with a debt of $28,429,870,638,746,795.00 still buy groceries. Give it a shot. I’ll wait. If you can’t do it, you can put down the shovel. I’ll throw you a rope if you want.)

Time, once again, to turn the page in my choose your own adventure book:

• For an action story turn to page 42 where Australian cops mace an old lady to protect her from a virus.
• For a paranoid thriller turn to page 1984 and see if Facebook will let you display it.
• For Aldus Huxley, toke up on legal weed and then turn to page 1984.
• For a horror story, turn to page 666 and read about the history of forced injections.

Or, if the bullshit is too much, go camping; which is what I did. Stay tuned.

For those of you who missed the 1970’s (which generally sucked so don’t feel bad), here’s an introduction to Roscoe. He’s an old timey fictionalized corrupt cop:

Here’s a real picture from 2020. Technically these cops aren’t corrupt. This is supposedly what the good guys look like in 2020:

This is an 1987 fictionalized cyborg law enforcement officer from the future. He patrols the dystopian hellhole of New Detroit. This too is supposedly the good guy.

These are cops in England in 2017 (I chose 2017 because it’s long before Covid-madness). These are supposedly good guys.

Frankly Roscoe, corrupt but human, seems a whole lot safer for all of us than any of the other examples.

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 1 Comment

Things I Noticed Upon My Return

Go off grid. It’s necessary for your mental health and intellectual grounding. You don’t have to live in a cabin forever and wear a tinfoil hat… just take a few days off. It matters!

Every time you pull out of the propaganda, you get a fresh breath of “reality”. When you come back to “society” the bullshit is more obvious. It also drags you down a lot less than it otherwise would.

I thought I’d mention a few things that seem clearer (and perhaps humorous in their ridiculousness) after some time away from things.

It can all be summed up as this:

“It’s all bullshit and virtually everyone knows it.”

You can take that to the bank folks! Spend a week away from Facebook and that bitchy Karen down the street and off media… and the whole world looks brighter. We’re a lot less under the thumb than we think.

#1. Nobody believes the press:

Media talks about Biden like he’s on top of the world. It talks about current situations like the people are happy. Nobody believes it.

Anyone who disagrees is a deplorable, racist, sexist, troglodyte, jerk. Right? Nice try dickheads. It may have worked at one time but they’ve used it up. Stick a fork in it, it’s cooked.

Who could have seen that coming? Everyone. You can’t improve a thing’s popularity by shrieking that everyone else is a shithead. Hallmark cards don’t start by saying everyone but the person having a birthday is a jackass.

There’s no way in hell Biden is even remotely as popular as he’s portrayed. It’s just impossible to see Americans in America and conclude the press isn’t lying. The lady doth protest too much, methinks!

#2: The election “situation” isn’t resolved:

I heard some people joking about a vending machine. “It ate my dollar and didn’t give me a pop… it probably just voted for Biden.” That’s funny, but it also means something. Regular people riffing on “Diebold Pop Machines” is a clue. The election situation ‘aint going away.

Pretending the AZ audit is a nothing burger won’t last. Other audits will happen. The truth trickles out. What’s done is done. People laugh about it now. “Biden won… now pull the other one… it’s got bells on it.”

On November 4th there was uncertainty. There was a time when Biden could have convinced people the election was fair. Maybe by actively supporting audits or acting like a guy who’d won. He did the complete opposite. The window of opportunity is now closed. Widespread suspicions have grown pretty solid. It’s no longer kooky to think shit was as crooked as a three dollar bill; we just avoid saying it near censors.

(Even the very devout on the Left don’t like to talk about the election.)

“Biden won” is the same as “Epstein killed himself”.

#3: Trump ‘aint gone:

This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Almost a year after the vote there are “Trump stores” selling pro-Trump memorabilia. Was there ever an Al Gore store after he lost? What about a Hillary flag after 2016? Did anyone ever put a Bush Sr. sticker on their car after his single term? This is not a minor observation. It’s a big deal.

I see tons of “Trump 2020” signs. I see occasional “Trump 2024” signs. I’ve seen a “Trump 2020” sign that had been taped over to show “Trump 2024“. Has anyone ever done that for any candidate from any other election?

#4: In case I didn’t cover it in #1, Biden is hated by nearly everyone:

I’m too young to be sure of my memories of Carter. I remember he was ferociously unpopular but I don’t recall specifics. The best I can tell is that Biden’s doing much worse. Not “a little bit worse” but “faceplant from space into concrete” worse.

My neighbor has a “Fuck Biden” flag. They’re not rare, I see them all over the place.

Anytime a few thousand Americans get together, there’s a good chance they’ll break out in a chant of “Fuck you Biden”. Great googly moogly! That’s not normal. Carter was universally accepted as a bad president but nobody at a basketball game chanted “Bite me Carter”. If a NASCAR race or a rock concert breaks out into that chant it means something.

The dude’s less popular than herpes.

#5: What General Milley did is not cool:

General Mark Milley made a deal with China. “If Trump says do something… I’ll rat it out to you first.” This is a fact. It did not go down well. Nobody wants their military ratting to Communists. Everyone knows it’s treason. Biden had an opportunity there; “I’ve asked for Milley’s resignation.” He missed it.

Treason. Is. Not. Popular. Folks still pissed at Robert McNamara and Jane Fonda are not happy with what Milley did. He’s a fuckin’ general!

#6: Iron fist pushing of the vax isn’t working out:

Anyone in the United States who wants the vax has got the vax. Let me repeat that. Everyone who wants it, got it.

Many more may have been on the path to take it. They were sorta’ lukewarm. “Lets wait and see how this plays out in time.” These are people who’re cautious but not opposed. With time they’d probably have gone for it.

Many were just cautious. They’re not about to buy Betamax. They know the word Thalidomide. They don’t upgrade their computer until they see the new OS working. They think before they make big purchases.

Then Biden hits them with “my patience has run out”.

That was the wrong play. It backfired. They’ve dug in their heels. “Lets wait and see” became “fuck you”! He shouldn’t have done it. You can’t bludgeon a person into loving you. You can’t beat a person into friendship.

More to the point, we’ve all seen a hard sell before; it smells like this. A used car salesman pushing a car the way Biden has been pushing the vax would never make a sale again. (He’d probably get punched.)

Biden’s vax speech is making a whole new group of people think “our bodies our choice”. Non political folks are deciding that consent matters:

What’s all this mean? It means hopelessness is not appropriate today. Everything looks bleak if you let the Twitterati filter your air but that’s not reality.

Hang on. Shit’s flinging so dodge. But otherwise stand tall and hang tight.

It’s less that things are going against us and than propaganda is deliberately trying to  make our efforts seem futile. Your efforts are not futile.

One last thought:

“Propaganda works on you, even if you know it’s propaganda.”

Good luck, I’m rooting for ya’.

Update: A few hours after I posted, I found an inspiring video. It’s only 6 minutes and well worth your time. They are frightened. You can smell it. It smells like victory.

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I Am Becoming A Duke Boy

Back in the Stone Age I used to watch “The Dukes of Hazzard”. It was the dumbest show on earth but it was also a “guilty pleasure”. First of all, Daisy knew how to rock a pair of cutoffs. Second, every boy likes to see a Dodge Charger get pummeled by unwise driving. Finally, Roscoe P. Coltrane was pure comic genius. Let’s not forget the nearly inert “Flash the basset hound”!

Fast forward a million years. I got a few donations from my motorcycle story. I used them to order a new headlight. It’s a modern “super bright LED” that should vastly reduce load on the little alternator while making night driving a lot safer. Honey Badger earned it. I consider it a “safety upgrade”. I’ve been freaked out riding off road at night. The OEM headlight is anemic 1980’s technology; every change of surface becomes a gamble. Is that blurry washed out surface up there packed dirt where I can roll on the throttle? Or is it fluffy sand that might wash out the front tire? Knowledge I would have in full sun is elusive at night. So I scamper home at the first hint of twilight like a little bitch.

No more! The part arrived today. I’m going to install it shortly. Then… testing!

It went like this:

Mr. Curmudgeon: “My new motorcycle part arrived. I’m going camping.”

Mrs. Curmudgeon: “I’m not sure how those things are related but have fun.”

Mr. Curmudgeon: “The Duke boys were out testing the new carburetor they installed this weekend when, wouldn’t ya’ know it, they passed Roscoe’s favorite speed trap…”

Mrs. Curmudgeon: “What?”

Mr. Curmudgeon: “Nothing. Gotta go! Bye!”

Update: I don’t care how dumb it was. It was innocent fun. No regrets!


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I Ain’t Asking Nobody For Nothin, If I Can’t Get It On My Own

I’d forgotten about this song. Thankfully, Grim’s Hall reminded me about it.

Charlie’s got the right idea; common sense and self-determination. Neither a victim nor an oppressor. What could be a silly little ditty feels strangely… adult. Charlie preached self reliance in the 1970’s. Cardi B’s Wet Ass Pussy is a yowling housecat in heat 50 years later. This is not progress.

Here’s your chance to shine. Hold the line! Remove yourself from the maelstrom.

It’s the 21st month of 2020. It is the Nth year of social decline. Your neighbor has been trained to think your vaccine status will alter how their vaccine works. Our “news” is lies. Vote counts are sketchy. Laws don’t mean what they say. Social media has us wound up. Australia reverted to a penal colony. New Zealand went full retard. Europe has riots more or less constantly… as do some parts of America. We can barely keep the lights on. This is the kind of mass hysteria that lets world wars and genocide get a foothold. Everywhere people focus on running each other’s lives. Everywhere victims cry out in pain.

You don’t have to be that way. Misery inevitably comes from bossing around other people. Don’t be a source of misery. Stand athwart the stampeding herd and say “I won’t do what you tell me and I won’t tell you what to do.” Be free. Do that, and you’re a fully realized human being.

Some will appreciate the gesture. They might gain that little bit of courage. Others will seethe… as their twisted soul recognizes its own hollowness.

Humans are not widgets. They are not pieces on a gameboard. They are not burdens to manage. To act so is a sin. Even if the whole world forms a line and marches into hell, don’t go with them.

This isn’t a new theme. I discussed my aversion to bossing other humans around last month: “Rational or not, no matter what you did… it’s completely not my problem.

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Peaceful Motorcycle Ride: Part 13: Maintenance Deferral

After many happy miles, I’ve properly broken in my Yamaha TW200. I love the bike!

Part of the fun is that I’m not fretting about it. I just ride it into, over, through, or around anything… and if I smash directly into it… well that’s ok too. Suppose I had something like a big sexy BMW dual sport… a machine I lusted after for many years. BMW makes some of the coolest bikes out there and they can run rings around a TW on pavement without breaking a sweat. However, a BMW is also a payment inducing conglomeration of complex shit. All of it is as expensive to fix as it would be annoying to diagnose. The TW, by comparison, has the complexity of a potato. Not much can break and what can break is cheap. Simplicity is priceless!

I’ve got a little over 1,200 miles on Honey Badger. Probably 80% on dirt. Maintenance in 2021 has been a breeze. I had a rough year getting things figured out in 2020; sinking it in a pond, smashing a turn signal into a tree, thoroughly scaring myself on sand, etc… That all calmed down (or at least I did). In 2021 it’s been sweet and mellow: hop on and ride.


I was perusing some TW200 forum and a dude was bitching that the OEM chain stretches. Several others chimed in “yeah, it’s a pain to check the tension all the time”. Huh, that’s weird; mine has been absolutely fine…


Had it been fine? Once I engaged my noggin I realized I had no idea if it was fine or not. I’ve never had a chain driven motorcycle before. I simply never thought to check tension. I’ve slathered it with lube and ignored it otherwise. It seemed fine as I rode it around the hinterland.

What might be the repercussions of my ignorance? (“Repercussions of Ignorance” would make a great heavy metal band name!) It turns out the chain can stretch enough that it’ll pop off the rear sprocket. This can go pear shaped. It might wrap around the rear hub, get wedged in there, and lock up the rear tire. If it happens fast enough you get to enjoy a quick airborne view of the handlebars as you leave the surly bonds of earth behind. A more likely scenario would involve standing by the trail in God knows where; looking at a totally inert bike and wondering why the damn thing decided to drop anchor in mid ride.

I watched the always pleasant and very informative TDubsKid to get the idea:

Had my perfectly running bike been running perfectly, or was I a clueless dipshit? Only one way to find out…

I did most of the work with the tools I carry on my bike all the time. That’s how I’m figuring out what tools I need. This toolbox is forever bolted to my rear rack. (The bottle of Tylenol looks totally uncool!)

The rear chainguard is a plastic hunk held on with two 8mm bolts. I think I’ll swap them with 8mm wingbolts in the future. Then I’ll be able to remove it quickly without tools. If anyone knows why that’s a bad idea, please tell me soon.

I needed to put it on my motorcycle lift and elevate it so I could freely spin the rear wheel. Shame I don’t own a motorcycle lift.

I put a block of wood on top of a little folding step stool and levered the bike on top of that. It was a bit of a hassle for one man but I figure the bike can and will be serviced using tree stumps and whatnot in the future so might as well figure it out now. (Warning: don’t do this unless you installed an aftermarket skid plate! Knowing my personality, I had an aftermarket skid plate on the little bike before its first oil change. One of my wiser moves.)

The tire just barely touched the ground… so I shoveled a divot in to the lawn so it could spin freely. It looks stupid but worked fine. This was just to clean the very dirty chain.

Then I found out my waterproof toolbox was not waterproof. So I dumped all my shit on the lawn to dry it out.

There’s always distractions. The chickens needed feeding. The little jerks are molting and I’m getting very low production. Today I got ONE EGG! I’ve been feeding 15  little feathered cretins in increments of 50 pound bags of feed… yet I can’t bake a cake! Daaaamn! It’ll change in a few weeks. Until then, the hens are on probation.

I made a quick run to a nearby motorcycle shop to get chain cleaner, higher quality chain lube, and a funky shaped chain brush. It’s the first time the chain has been clean in a good long while. I might as well do it right. Also, it’s a lot easier to clean when suspended and the cover is removed. After it was clean, I lubed it with good lube instead of the shitty chainsaw crap that woodland critters tried to eat back at camp.

I noticed this little “key” link. I haven’t messed with chain since I was a newspaper delivery boy. (Yeah, they once existed.) Back then I had a tool to “break the chain” for my bicycle. I think I had links to reform the chain too. (I’m not sure. It was a long time ago.) I have similar tools for my chainsaw but I don’t want to comingle my tools.

If anyone wants to comment about this, I’m all ears. I think I ought to get a small chain breaker tool and some links and carry them with my bike. I really do go solo and I need to “self rescue” if needed. I want to be able to repair things as needed.

About this time Mrs. Curmudgeon noticed a tool box dumped on the lawn, a motorcycle on a stepstool, over top of a little mudpuddle I’d made with the garden hose. I’d make simple maintenance turn my lawn into a homeless camp. Whoops.

TDubsKid says a dirty chain seems tighter than a clean one. He was right. After it was clean, the chain felt loosey goosey. I took the bike off it’s silly plastic stepstool and put it back on it’s tire. Then I checked my chain tension.

HOLY SHIT! WAAAAAAAAAAY out of spec! Damn!

Here’s a lesson for all time; if you don’t check something you don’t have a fuckin clue if it’s correct. Let me rephrase it in ways that both sides of our emotionally overwrought, bullshit laden, modern political shitshow will appreciate.

  • Follow the science (hint: science is not a dude in front of a TV camera!).
  • Audit every state!

It took only a few minutes to adjust the “snails” at the rear axle to tighten the chain. I used two largish wrenches to loosen and retighten the axle. I didn’t bother with a torque wrench. I wonder if I should be carrying those two bigger wrenches with me into the hinterland? Adjusting the rear brake is a matter of a wingnut… which is almost laughably simple.

Here it is all re-assembled. It’ll never be this clean again.

I had another idea; I’m thinking of removing the rear passenger footpegs. I can’t imagine any realistic scenario where a hot girl in a bikini wants to take a ride so it’s pointless to have them. Is there some useful aspect I’m not thinking about? Any thoughts on the pros and cons of unused passenger footpegs?

As with all things TW, it was the simplest job in the world. (I’m supposed to have checked every 300 miles all summer.) After I was done, I went on a test ride which recoated the entire bike in mud… as God intended.

I felt pretty impressed with myself. I sounded a lot like Jeremy Clarkson:

Posted in Summer_2021, TW200, Walkabout | 21 Comments

News You Can Trust

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Peaceful Motorcycle Ride: Part 12: A Perfect End

I intended to do a short ride before breaking camp and heading home. However, I was just too happy sitting on my ass brewing coffee. Everything had been perfect, there was no need to do more.

I listened to people in adjacent campsites packing up. First the ones without kids; slipping out of camp quietly and efficiently. Then the ones with kids; in a flurry of helter skelter commotion. I didn’t mind the hubbub. I’d been silent the whole trip. Speaking hardly a word, hearing little but nature. Solitude is grand, loneliness is not. The sounds of domestic chaos was human interaction without interaction at all. Perfect! Also, it was distantly amusing. I sat in peace, cradling my coffee and watching the squirrels organize raiding parties against my breakfast food. The noise of people half my age struggling to pack rugrats in a Subaru reminded me to appreciate my idyllic morning.

It started getting cloudy so I finally levered my ass out of my chair. I packed up in a flash. My tent and cot were as efficient as usual but the bike got messy. I’d been topping off the gas tank from a little two gallon can every night (plus I had a one gallon Rotopax). I like to keep it always full, but I’d forgotten the previous night. Predictably, the “California compliant” can spilled gas all over the place; which seems to be their purpose. Then I used a new brand of chain lube I’d never tried and what a fiasco! I slimed sticky messy goo all over the place. Whoops!

A squirrel made a run at the chain lube (which looked like Cheese Whiz from hell). I let him learn. When its target turned out to be petroleum rather than sugar it glared angrily at me. Sorry buddy.

I rolled the bike on the trailer, strapped it down, and headed out. It started raining. For once, I’d had good timing!

I was pretty far north so my AM radio picked up Canadian stations. I thought I’d evade the propaganda of American NPR. Wrong! If anything, Canada has it worse! They’ve gone down the rabbit hole and started pulling in dirt after themselves. The radio was like this: Covid, covid, covid, a few words about sports, covid, covid, covid, ninety seconds about weather, covid, covid, covid, the government knows best and Trudeau loves you, covid, covid, covid, and… wait for it… stay tuned… back to covid. As far as I can tell, literally nothing exists in Canada but Trudeau’s novelty socks and dead bodies. No wonder people have lost it!

I turned the radio off.

Rather than wind through swamps and forests, I cut at right angles into a vast region of farmland. This gained me easy rolling on smooth pavement. I also got to gawk at the ongoing harvest. Crops are pretty shitty this year because of the drought. I’m sure I could turn on the radio and find out how it’s a direct result of covid… and possibly global warming… which causes covid because covid covids the covid. However, I’m perfectly happy with my deplorable misinformation that crops grow shitty when they don’t have water. Call it “the Idiocracy theorem”. Harvesters were racing against the rain; doing what they could. Feeding the world and all that. Good for them!

Suddenly, in the middle of a vast, recently harvested field, I spied a bear. Awesome! I’d been wanting a bear photo! The poor bastard was in the middle of a huge empty field; about a quarter mile distant and exposed in broad daylight. He was aware of this and hauling ass for cover.

I whipped Dodge and trailer through an unwieldy U-Turn, floored it back to the nearest cross road, and skidded to a halt. Smokey was going to have to cross the road! I didn’t have time to drive down the road (and didn’t want to hassle an already running bear) so I grabbed my camera and steadied it over the truck’s hood.

He approached the road at a dead run and then trotted across… right in front of my camera! Yahoo!

I played it back. I had a nice full color video of a huge grain field bisected by a muddy road. A raisin sized speck scooted across it. Hardly the work of Marty Stouffer. Oh well.

I returned home happy, smelling like pine, and rested. When the spastics of cloud cuckoo land get you down with their black death fantasies and epic failures of the Jews in the attic test, go play in the dirt. You’ll thank yourself.

Posted in Summer_2021, Walkabout | 9 Comments

Peaceful Motorcycle Ride: Part 11: Math I Don’t Quite Believe

The road ended and I was happy to be there. I shut down and looked around. If a fire did come, I’d be spending the night somewhere on this road. But there was an open-ish clearcut not far away. A hundred acres easy. So, I had a backup plan and that’s all I need to be at ease.

I had a nice lunch. Sitting on the dirt under the shade of a tree. Hawks wheeled overhead in great number. I hadn’t seen a grouse. Maybe the hawks savage ‘em? It seemed like anything hawks eat would be doomed out here.

How far was I from… anywhere? I reformulated that as “how far from anyone” and started doing numbers in my head. I still can’t quite believe how it came out. Y’all are reading this far in the future. If my math was wrong, someone tell me.

I was more or less 15 miles straight out. That’s 15 miles since I’d been on Ridge Highway (which wasn’t a highway of course). Ridge Highway had been empty but I’d seen fresh UTV tracks. I assume there was a UTV somewhere along that road and where there’s a UTV there’s a person (or pack of them). That would be the closest person. The road was the closest route to that hypothetical person. If, by some improbable hypothetical, say if I had a magic carpet or hovercraft, I pressed on from my current location in any direction but the road, it would take more than 15 miles to emerge on any side of the emptiness.

What’s the area of a circle? I remember it as pi times r squared. Take a conservative 15 miles to assume there was a person sitting just at the tangent of my imaginary circle where Ridge Highway met the road I’d just traveled… that’d be 15 squared. So 225. Multiply by pi which, since I wasn’t going to muck about with calculators, I rounded to 3.14. I scratched in the dirt. Carry the one…

706. Not too shabby. A sizable chunk for an old guy on a cheap bike.

If there’s 640 acres in a square mile… brush the dirt clear and start multiplying… 450,000 or so.

I figured I was the sole living homo sapiens within a 706 square mile chunk of planet earth. A little under a half million acres with nothing but me.

I don’t know if that was exact, I’d taken a few turns on the road. Maybe I was less that 15 miles out by air?

700 square miles sure seems unbelievable. Especially since I was only here on a whim.

Maybe there’s unseen people in that nothingness? Some crazy moonshiner reliving the whiskey rebellion? A trophy poacher who’s absolutely badass? Some industrious/paranoid lunatic with the world’s most inconvenient pot grow? Improbable, but who knows?

It seems weird to be that far from the nearest human… but math is math. Is 15 miles simply a bigger space than one usually ponders?

I listened hard; no motors in the distance. No airplanes overhead. I hadn’t seen tracks on the road. Nobody had been here at least since the thunderstorm several days ago swept it clean.

It was deathly quiet. Just the whispering of the winds on the endless reeds and a few trembling aspen leaves here and there. I heard a hawk cry. Nothing else. Even the insects were quiet (possibly reduced by the drought).

I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. Our planet has so much peace. You just need to cup your hands and drink of it.

I pinged my SpotX “Safe in the middle of 700 square miles. Location = XYZ.” Then, because I didn’t want to hear the electronic chirp if it received anything, I turned it off.

I waited a good long time, just sitting in the dust; listening to the sound of forever.

Time passed. Eventually the sun began to approach the horizon. Wistfully, I rode back out. I hopped the same tree with the same result. Later, I spooked a turtle and a little snake… but other than that.. it was all hawks and reeds.

I still can’t get over the scales involved. A silly little dirtbike and a dead end empty road got me to a place that would have taken a week, or maybe two, if I’d tried bushwhacking. I got to see that place and still return to camp with time to cook dinner before dark. What a fine day I’d had!

That night, I slept like a baby.

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