A few weeks ago, hoping to avoid cabin fever, Mrs. Curmudgeon and I went on a mini vacation. In a random suburb I saw an indoor range. There’s no indoor range anywhere near our house. On a lark we stopped there.
The place was friendly, laid back, inexpensive, and clean. I’ve been to some ranges which are pristine but uptight. This wasn’t like that. It had a welcoming, almost Norman Rockwell, feel.
We did the requisite paperwork and dropped a few bucks on ammo. Don’t read too much into our target. It wasn’t a planned, regular practice thing with accuracy measured in MOA. It was just a chance to shuck off heavy winter coats and use our EDC (that’s all we had with us) to pinhole paper.
From there the fun grew! The range offered “rentals” and the rate wasn’t too bad. Soon we had a little tool box filled with various pistols in various calibers with various sights and various behavior. Some sucked, some rocked, some some made big holes, some made small. I usually fret about grouping and work hard to be awesome, this time I forced myself to relax and happily sample whatever different firearms were at hand.
Some targets had a silly but wholesome valentines motif and I thought that was great. I grabbed one. We took turns making it into confetti. Good clean fun.
It was the most American date ever.
Glad you had fun! I want some of that once fired brass. Allan
That sounds like scads of fun for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds just like the most American date ever! Plus, with trying out different units, it was educational! Try anything with a dot sight?
Tree Mike
Yeah I did try a dot sight. I liked it. I’m considering getting one.
It sounds like both of you enjoyed the fireworks. Nice to have a spouse who enjoys the same things you do. So much easier to relate to.
I haven’t been to a shooting range in ages (33 years ?). I shoot on private properties where the range is often what you make of it.
Sounds like one of them redneck honeymoons the folks in the next trailer over had, LOL!
The wife and I did that this past fall, it was a great time.
If the world doesn’t fall apart before, we’ve got an elevated table at the midget wrasslin’ show in April.
Last year was ringside and a good time was had by all…