Tractor Mouse

Pics or it didn’t happen right? I present to you “The Wages of Sin”… or at least nature’s punishment for not putting shit off the ground before it freezes down. That’s a Jet Sled… with some grass froze to it.

It’s tied to the tractor with rope… like I’m a damn caveman. And what’s this?

If you said “a live mouse sitting above the drawbar” you’d be right. Remember this is an idling tractor that has just spent an hour plowing snow… little dude must have ridden all that way!

Me: “Get off my tractor.”

Mouse: “No, you get off my tractor!”

Me: “That’s better, hop off before I smite your ass.”

Mouse: “Oh yeah fatboy? I’ll climb up your arm and chew your ear off. This is my tractor!”

I made a swipe at him but he was too fast. I have named him “Reginald the Tractor Mouse” and if I get my hands on him he’s going to get flung as far as I can throw a mouse. He ran back into the idling tractor. He’s probably chewing my tractor’s wiring.

The sled worked. It’s not stupid if it works.

Back at the garage I put the snowbucket on old 2″x4″ and the Jet Sled on the bucket. I also lifted the “hood” on the tractor because that’ll freeze down too if I’m not careful.


About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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11 Responses to Tractor Mouse

  1. says:

    Suggest you get an old sock and a half dozen camphor balls (you can still get these?) used to shoo moths from closets. Put it by the engine near the electrical stuff and spark plug wire. Here in MI the mice seem to love nesting up there and chewing the HT wire shielding. I have replaced 2 stator coil units on my lawn tractor over the years, the camphor trick seems to have eliminated my rodent residence issue. Just saying because that little fellow might move up from his present location to your detriment. BTW, let me know if you are looking for any more radios or electronics, am still disposing of 50 years worth of pack-ratting. Cheers and Merry Christmas.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I’ve got some mouse repellent packs. But they never do much.

      I’ll get back to you on the radio pack ratting. I’m interested.

      • VMS says:

        The napthalene mothballs are what you want. When I go hiking the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania (a 3-day hike) I park my car at the end of the trail and throw a half a box of mothballs under the car. If you don’t do that, the porcupines chew through your brake lines, and mice chew on the wiring under the hood, and come Labor Day (or Memorial Day) when you finish the hike, the car is nonfunctional, and all the repair shops are closed. The mothballs keep all destructive critters away.

        • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

          I use “Grandpa Gus’s” repellent pouches. They work OK, but nothing is perfect. My house is surrounded by forest and fields and there’s an infinite population of mice always waiting to get into my stuff. And yes, I’ve got two cats as well. They’re pretty useless.

          I never thought of protecting my vehicle at all trailhead. That’s good thinking.

  2. At first I was all ‘let the mouse be’, but then I remember all the Watch Wes Work videos where he’s repairing mouse gnawed wiring and having to deal with rust caused by mouse urine.

  3. matismf says:

    I share your concerns about the cold weather.
    The temperature down here in Florida at 6:20 on Christmas morning is only 53 degrees!

  4. madrocketsci says:

    I had squirrels chewing on the wiring harnesses in my truck. I maanged to repel them with this mint-oil stuff. (1.5 years later, no chewed harnesses since.)


  5. Joey Trainer says:

    Fabric softener sheets, they don’t like the smell.

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