I Have Returned

Nothing broke, I didn’t break. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t too hard.


About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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11 Responses to I Have Returned

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ta, Ta!

    Welcome back, you didn’t miss much. WW3 seemly interrupted by Putin telling us plainly you fire NATO aimed missiles into Russia then USA and NATO are at war with Russia. Something about how they could be loaded with nuclear weapons seems to be a problem.

    They tried again to put a “hit” on Trump.

    The non-political Fed (LOL) is about to boost the market again with fake money as so it looks better for the selection.

    Other than that, the leaves are starting to turn nice colors.

    Glad your trip was a good one.


  2. F Hubert says:

    Yea for making it back unmolested. Looking forward to an accounting!

  3. matismf says:

    Welcome back!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hooray! Are we to expect an after-action report with more information, or was that it?

    Glad you survived.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I look for ward to the telling.

    Glad you are back safe and sound.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Welcome back. Being gone, one assumes your blood pressure hasn’t spiked as lawfare against DJT turns into guerrilla warfare…

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