Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark

I’ve been avoiding current events. It’s all shit. What’s odd is that nothing happening right now is particularly unusual but folks are acting like they’ve never seen it before. If the president is toast or wants to bail out there are procedures to handle this shit. None are happening. It annoys me that adults (presumably) simply can’t act like adults.

The president was fitter than a fiddle and bench pressing #200, right up until he could barely fog a mirror. Fine, these things happen. Ruth Bader Ginsberg says “hi”. It’s a thing that’s happened in human history and there is a way adults would handle it. We’ve got the 25th amendment; congress could grow a pair. Biden could just bow out. It’s not like he’s the first geezer to exceed his sell by date.

He ain’t doing that. Even that is nothing new. Like I said, clinging to power is as old as humanity itself.

Sunday Biden decided to split the difference. “I’m a super awesome President and I’m going to continue presidenting!” Same old same old. However, he also bailed. “I suck as a candidate so I’m going to bow out. Fuck those 14,000,000 people that voted for me in the primary. Also, I’ll endorse Kamala in a half assed manner as an afterthought in half an hour.”

People have pulled out of campaigns before. Notably Lindon B. Johnson realized he was less popular than shit on a stick in the middle of ‘Nam. He bowed out. It’s likely he also feared he’d die inside of 4 years during his second term and to his credit he reacted intelligently to that reality.

To LBJ’s credit, he made a decision. To his further credit, he announced it like an adult.

On March 31, 1968, LBJ went on live TV and announced his intentions.

Watch it here. Read it here. 

LBJ took a while to cut to the chase. He talks about Vietnam, for 39 minutes & 35 seconds of a 40 minute & 49 second speech. Then, in the last 70 seconds, he says this:

With America’s sons in the fields far away, with America’s future under challenge right here at home, with our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace in the balance every day, I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office—the Presidency of your country.

Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.

Took him a while to spit it out but LBJ did it. That’s how it’s done! LBJ got up and said the thing on TV. That’s what adults do.

Biden isn’t doing that. He’s hiding like a teenage girl who discovered a zit before prom. Biden (we presume) sent out a one page memo on Twitter.

Biden dumped America via text!

Since then? Nothing!

Nobody has seen Biden since he “Bailed by Memo”. We don’t know if he’s alive (I assume so but we sure as hell don’t know).

No matter how painful a statement is it should be done clearly, like a serious man would. If it has to be said, it should be done right. Biden can add that to his list of failures.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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4 Responses to Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark

  1. Anonymous says:

    Friend, the suit in charge is just that. An empty suit obeying his-her orders.

    The “two” parties are just two wings on the carron bird eating the liver of our once great republic.

    Burning platform says it better than I:

    I know you’ve hands on skills and no fear of working hard. That cannot be taken away, unlike access to your electronic life, banking, credit cards and so on.

    The greater depression seems pretty close. Got trusted friends and trusted family to ride out the latest infighting elites’ storm?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did you see the movie “Dave”? After the President had a stroke “they” hired a double to hide it…. in a situation like that a text would work great!

  3. Sailorcurt says:

    The difference between LBJ and Biden is that LBJ was actually in charge and making his own decisions. Biden is not. He wants to believe he was in charge and that’s why he kept saying in public “I’m still running” and why his “bowing out” happened in writing…he didn’t write that letter or approve of its release.

    I’d bet he’s being kept locked in his room because he’s furious (if they’ve even told him that he’s withdrawn from the race). If they let him speak in public he’ll announce that he’s not bowing out and is still in the race, throwing everything into confusion and out of whack. His minders have to either convince him to acquiesce to them, or just keep him locked up until after the election. My guess is the latter. His public pronouncements and proclamations will come by letter from here on out is my guess.

    That’s just a guess though. I’ve been wrong before.

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