Reading The Press Releases

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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8 Responses to Reading The Press Releases

  1. Joe Blow says:

    ANOTHER thing kids today will never know.
    As a wee lad, I have memories of changing records on my Dads old Grundig (mine now!) of Bill Cosby concerts. You closed your eyes, imagined you were in the audience…
    At the risk of sounding foreboding, this won’t end well. Creative play was such a mind expansion mechanism…. from science, to science fiction, as a people, we will be poorer for not encouraging it.

  2. Nolan Parker. says:

    The words
    I’m bored
    Never came out of my mouth unless I was too sick to get up and go.
    Hearing it from kids twists my guts up.

  3. Tree Mike says:

    All right, I get it, less than optimal times to be going through.
    Here is my PROFESSIONAL advice. ( I played a professional tree service guy in REAL life). Plus, I’m pretty old (my birthday last week makes me divisible by 12, 6 times.)
    So, with my bonafides out of the way, I advise you listen to the Who, Anther Tricky Day, with lyrics. I just did it, with headphones, loud. I feel SO good now, that I’m heading out to do firewood, I know, JOY. Try it, puts a different spin on yer day.

  4. Michael says:

    Goodness Dude when you say you’re OUT you almost mean it.

    Been looking for the next article, jonesing.

    Wanted your take on this:

    The corrupt installing cronies into all the systems seems an excellent way to Kleptocracy a country. Sound familiar?

    Seems all that have the ability to work elsewhere have moved on.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I can’t have people jonesing!

      I’ll post something in a day or two… assuming the galactic stupid quotient doesn’t erupt further and drive me back underground again.

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