Adaptive Curmudgeon

Aint Happening

I’ve ignored the news as much as possible. Unfortunately, I’m only human. It’s one of those moments in history that is getting ahead of itself and I watch the train crash just like everyone else. Nor is it tactically wise to totally ignore events. Inflection points abound.

Which brings me to this:

And this*:

I thought a bit and it seemed almost a perfect replay of Xerxes in 300: “Cruel Leonidas demanded that you stand. I require only that you kneel.

The symbolism isn’t subtle. The concept isn’t deep. There is no middle ground.

Make your choices now but actually make the choice. Think on it! Don’t give me some knee jerk “I’d never do that! I’d go boogaloo and then make a speech” crap. Think it over carefully. The world is filled with those who’ve submitted and while I can’t call it “without shame” I can see the point. Not everyone stands against the mob and maybe not everyone should be asked to. Nor are the mass graves of Stalin or Mao or so many others any less full because someone went out heroically. Bending rather than snapping is a thing many have had to do and it’s unrealistic to pretend otherwise.

Anyway, stop, drink a beer, think very hard, give it some time… and then resolve to live up to what you plan.

When the time comes (if it comes) there will be immense peer pressure. The world is filled with people who think they’re rock solid but they melt in the wave of dozens or hundreds. Peer pressure is unspeakably powerful. It could be something as minor as a fine or a job or a college degree on the line and that can weigh heavily on a person. If you’re really going to stand tall, you need to know that long before the time comes.

As I said decide now. Prepare your mind. Be ready for your choice. It may never happen, but if it does, you will get one shot at it.

I have decided. I never will be made to kneel.

Right now the worst that can happen is I get beaten by a mob (unlikely) or fired (still unlikely but less so in our ever politicized world). None is good news, but it is what it is. The consequences will be quick and incontrovertible. But life is like that, and I always knew I didn’t live in a Utopia.

Today, as I type, there is nobody before whom I have been made to kneel. I have every intention of keeping it that way. That doesn’t make me awesome, it means I’ve so far been fortunate. I’ve had the option to arrange my life so that it’s never been an issue. Ideally it’ll always be that way. Regardless, you can’t dither about and then make the decision in the heat of the moment; unprepared, you’ll probably fold.

In the interest of keeping it light, I posted a few relevant clips. Enjoy.


*I’m particularly impressed with Pelosi’s arranged photo. She artfully removed her mask just right. Thus, she could be clearly recognizable and photogenic (and obviously make the mask pointless) while still preserving the concept that the mask exists and she just happened to not be wearing it during the millisecond when the camera snapped the photo.  I’m surprised they didn’t put in a fan to make her hair blow in the wind. Also check out the formation around Pelosi. She’s front and slightly to the left with colleagues fading in to the background in ranks. They are foreshortened to appear just a little smaller than her, the main point of the photo. They’re arranged diagonally with a reinforcing front to rear pattern of alternating diagonal lines on the floor. It’s pure art. The Thunderbirds don’t fly in formations that precise!

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