Adaptive Curmudgeon

The Babylon Bee Speaks To Us

I mourn lost humor venues but the universe provides. Lately the Babylon Bee has been on a roll:

Millennial Wishes There Were Some Historical Examples Of Socialism We Could Study To Have Some Idea How It Might Turn Out

PORTLAND, OR—Local socialist millennial man Matthew Hatter lamented Monday that there are no concrete examples of socialism he can point to in order to have some kind of idea how it would turn out.

“If only there were other countries that have tried socialism before,” Hatter said to a friend at an ethical coffee shop, Commiebrews, Monday afternoon, after he finished his paper route. “Then, we could see if there are any pitfalls.”

Hatter said it’d be nice if there were books that covered things like world history and economics that we could read…

Damn, that’s good stuff!

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