The weather sucks as a brutal winter fades into floods and mud. I also made a rookie mistake.
I needed to get my trailer back “in service” so I hooked a chain to it and dragged it out of the icebank where it was stuck. I maneuvered (is my spell check correct with this word?) it to my garage and repacked the bearings; in the rain and mud outside the door (and got filthy doing it). Then I drove the truck onto the lawn to ditch the trailer out of the way so I could make a trip sans trailer. No biggie.
Twelve hours later I was back home and needed to finally load the trailer. I backed up, hitched, and SQUISH… the whole truck sank. It was precipitous and (to my embarrassment) unexpected. The photo doesn’t look like much but it went to the axle in the front and nearly so in the back. The sod was total mush… barely supported my weight. I had zero traction. You can get very stuck without the theatrics of a half acre mudpit.
Rookie mistake. We’ve all been there.
I could’ve fought nature but instead I bailed. I left it there (hoping it wouldn’t sink any further) and called it a day. I drank three beers, got a good night’s sleep, and was out there before dawn.
The soil was semi frozen. It could have gone either way; easy drive out or hours of chains and shovels. Lucky for me it just barely held. I rocked back and forth and drove out. Whew!
You’re never too experienced to re-learn old lessons about thawing mud.
This is why my yard always looks like shit.