What a glorious week! I celebrated Jesus’s birthday by doing nothing, absolutely nothing.
At the tail end of a challenging year, several days of being a lard ass has been exactly what the doctor ordered. I earned it. 2018 was a year long uphill marathon. I made it but now it’s time to clock out a while.
I’m so mellow I can’t stand myself. We’re legit snowed in and I just don’t give a shit. Not. A Single. Shit. To. Give. I planned for a few days downtime and apparently I needed it. Clearing snow on our long driveway is pretty much mission critical and I’m usually swarming over the situation like white on rice at the first hint of a storm but not today. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy:

I’m letting “it” ride. If the grid goes down I’ll chill my beer in a snowdrift and drink it in the dark. I like to keep the road clear but I don’t have to go anywhere. If the house burns down because the RFD can’t get here I’ll fuckin’ roast marshmallows over the smoldering ruins. Besides, the RFD doesn’t have a great track record anyway. (“Never lost a foundation yet.”)
As the Millennials say “I’m not up for ‘adulting’ today”.
Merry Christmas y’all!
P.S. Someone find the dipstick that “improved” the WordPress editing interface and shove him feet first into a woodchipper. Like I needed another New Coke or Clippy in my life. Anyone who’s already shuffled off the WordPress buffalo for greener pastures and better editing; please give me hints in the comments. Thanks!
I haven’t left WordPress yet, but I’ve been considering it. Commenting here mainly so I’ll know if anyone else suggests a good idea. Good luck!
Don’t shy away from Classic editor plugin. It’s not that much of a hassle to activate… for now.