Ammunition Happy Dance

No shit, there I was…

I was contemplating the possibility that my homemade mouse trap* was catching rodents in a series that mimics the Fibonacci sequence when I got an e-mail.  “Would you like to win free…”

Trashed it. I’m a busy man with a mouse problem. Who’s got time to read e-mails?

Then, when I was writing a post about my irrational emotional attachment to a broken 30 year old alarm clock another e-mail arrived. “Dude, are you serious? Don’t you want free…”

Trashed it! When I’m pondering dead appliances I like focus. Who’s got time to read e-mails? (I might be paraphrasing a bit, I’m pretty sure it didn’t start with “Dude”.)

Later, I was sorting through my e-mail trash folder looking for an accidentally deleted comment about capacitors when I bumped into those two messages. This time I noticed the magic word. Ammunition.

I took all the papers on my desk and shoved them to the floor. I closed all open tabs on my computer. I set down my coffee mug.

I addressed the computer. (Yes, I talk to my computer. Don’t judge me. You do too.)

“Computer, you have my full attention.”

Ammunition. It’s what’s for dinner.**

If you subscribe to their blog you automatically get entered into a competition to win free ammo for a year. The deadline to enter is October 31st, 2018. Did I mention ammunition? Did I mention free?

Because they’re giving away free ammunition. For a year.

Boxes and boxes of ammunition. Shiny happy ammunition. For the very excellent price of free.

Now you might think I’m sharing this because I’m such a nice guy. Hell no! Odds of winning are based on the number of entries and if I were in your shoes I’d enter first and then launch the mother of all DOS attacks to keep other entries out. [Note: My dog just interrupted to point out that I’m joking and no, you should not electronically attack anyone. In fact, you should sing songs and erect statues in honor of sainted heroic people who give Curmudgeons ammunition.]***

In the interest of transparency I’ll mention that I’ve been bribed and I’m damn happy about it. Wideners tossed me a bone to advertise to my audience. I don’t feel one bit guilty because the bribe was also free ammunition and that means ammunition that’s free.

I just love when those two words are in the same sentence.

Wideners is now my main pusher supplier. As far as I’m concerned, the calendar is basically broken into awesome days when I buy ammunition and sadder days when I wanted to buy ammunition but couldn’t. So I’m more than happy to advertise online ammo sales. (Also the ammunition selection near my homestead sucks. I have to reload or buy online. Lets hear it for internet commerce!)

Click over there and subscribe to their blog. It may not have stories about squirrels and disco but it might win ya’ some ammo. What’s to lose?

Good luck.


*My homemade mousetrap is called Curmudgeon’s Pit of Doom and works like something Edgar Allen Poe would invent. Which is cool with me. When Curmudgeons deal with mice they don’t mess around with “catch and release” traps.

** It’s not what’s for dinner but it is how you catch what’s for dinner. Plus every time I hear that phrase I think of steak so I like to say it often.

*** My dog interrupted again to point out that it never said anything about songs and statues, but I distracted it with a treat and hit “publish”.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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11 Responses to Ammunition Happy Dance

  1. richardcraver says:

    They are good people.
    They also have components for reloading in quantity. I picked up a smallish box of some 62g 223 there awhile back. I made a few ladder loads of different overall lengths and went to the range, got some groups on paper, then to borrow an AC colloquialism, it got hot as the devil’s jock strap and I haven’t done much loading or shooting since. It’s hard to shoot groups when sweat is dripping in the glasses
    The brass prep is coming along slowly, once I can throw open the garage door without being carried away by mosquitoes I’ll refine my load and order a bigger lot.

  2. Phssthpok says:

    Mouse traps?
    Home made?
    Non- catch and release?

    Are you aware of Shawn Wood’s youtube channel?

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      I bumped into his 427 year old mousetrap design and I loved it.

      I didn’t realize he had a whole serices of videos. I was only interested in the trap from the 1500’s.

      I have been planning to make one myself. (Once you see the idea you don’t need plans to make one.) If I get a chance to make it I’ll post it.

  3. Robert says:

    Yow! Their “Shipping and Other Policies” page is super-duper thorough and they have a kinda laid-back writing style.
    Not sure I wanna give ’em rights to my picture and address in perpetuity if I win, though. At least I have three weeks to decide to enter or not. Unless AC’s dog does a DDOS.

    • Robert says:

      Aaannnd now I’m getting spammed by despite not agreeing to anything while on Wideners site. Coincidence?

  4. JFM says:

    Well, crap. I live in such an awesome place (Alaska) that transportation companies such as FedX and UPS won’t ship ground to us. So, no ground shipping no ammunition shipped to here. I can enter and I did, but I can’t win.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      Dear God that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Maybe if you win it’s time for a road trip. 🙂

      • richardcraver says:

        I’m sure Trudeau would have SOME issue with freedom seeds crossing his terrafirma. Sadly Canada has a similar problem to us, large urban center leftists dictating to the whole.

  5. ILTim says:

    A few days ago I was eating breakfast in my quiet pre-dawn house, when what should I hear, but a mouse! It had hollowed out a bag of tortilla chips and left bits of chewed wrapper all askew, but I knew what to do.

    I called the cat over.

    She came trotting toward me when all of the sudden, a scent turned her path. Eyes bigger, ears more pert, my killer sniffed the trail. All that day I saw her checking on the kitchen. At night, I left the cabinet door open.

    The next morning I ate breakfast. By the emerging light of dawn something came into focus. It was a small head, eyes frozen forever in fear, an organ, one drop of blood, and half a tail.

    Mr. Curmudgeon, you need a better cat.

    • AdaptiveCurmudgeon says:

      We’re definitely at a low ebb on the cat population statistic. That said, the last few cats have royally pissed me off. It’s a balancing act to decide whether the mice or the cats annoy me more.

  6. terrapod says:

    Superb! Thanks for the heads up on Wideners, have signed up and will take a look on the next buying binge.

    As to mouse traps, I built the spinning can on a rod and a bucket (3 of them actually), and both my BIL and son have caught some with it while the one in my shop remains rodent free. Don’t know if I simply don’t have mice this year (unlikely) or if they got wise to the gangplank leading to the peanut butter. May have to try the glass bowl with peanut oil as a backup plan. 😉

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