I wanted to add that I did a few (mostly informal) lumberjack competitions and they’re great fun. You know how it is. You’re 19, bulletproof, and inclined to whip that saw like you’re out to destroy all who oppose you. What a hoot! It was like this kid (source), but bigger, hairier, booted, bearded, and… OK fine I didn’t look anything like this kid.
One thing I discovered is that a two man saw will seriously jack you up; especially if you were cutting wood like a rabid weasel. (And why wouldn’t you be cutting like a maniac? Is it not competition?) The next day I’d wake up with aches and pains the likes of which people should write an opera. Plus there was a hangover. There was always a hangover. Eventually I drifted to a competition where I seemed to do better with damn near no work; axe throwing. In my opinion, everyone should wail on a two man saw with an equally rabid partner at least once in life. But then get over it and maybe chuck polearms or something.
I love me some hand tools but I’m in a different era of life where I want to efficiently cut shit without going into testosterone overload. Therefore I salute this dude, who’s old but wearing a kilt and still cutting wood. If you can wear a kilt non-ironically you’re clearly badass (link to source):

I’m calling him an official badass.
While searching about two man crosscut saws I stumbled across this:

Lindsay Daun competes in the Jack and Jill Double Buck competition with her partner Dave Jewett (not pictured). The two won the event with a time of a 7.18 seconds. The Jack and Jill contest consists of a man and a woman and the first team to saw through the 20-inch white pine log wins.
Photo by Ackerman + Gruber
Seven seconds for a 20 inch white pine. Not bad.
I also found this:

You know you’re turned on. Admit it!
Isn’t that the most American photo you’ve seen? A two stroke, rediculously overpowered, human monster truck of awesome that’s also feminine and bad ass. A few days ago I was posting about the cute Korean curling skip with the owl glasses. I’m pretty sure the chainsaw girl above would kill and eat curling lass for breakfast. Yee haw! I haven’t been to a lumberjack competition in years. Maybe I need to get out more?
When you do go to your next lumberjack competition, be sure to take some meatloaf with you to fend off those lebanese squirrels…
And if you hear chainsaw babe start talking about Lorena Bobbit, head the other direction.
Re the first photo: I have one of those. ‘Bought killed me using it the first and only time.
Re the last photo: My, it suddenly got warm in here. Ima gonna go lie down for a bit.
Re yer previous 3 saw posts: fascinatin’ stuff. Who’d ah thunk there is so much to the geometry of a blade?
Dude. I mean. Just. Well shit. Really. I mean…Good God.
For someone that vowed that they wouldn’t disappear down the rabbit hole and research saws, sawing and other related topics, you have produced four (count them!) posts about saws … with illustrations and technical advice.
Let me guess … you no longer bother with new year resolutions? >};o)
I fall down rabbit holes easily. Also, I’m going to order a new saw blade sometime this week and I’m disappointed I couldn’t find one that’s like the OEM blade.
batten down the wabbit hole and whack a lady or two….(smirk)
Re: Pic two. Reminds me of my old neighbor Charlie. He was 91 when I moved into the house I am in now. The night me and Better Half were looking at the place we were going to move into there is a knock on the door and in comes this frail looking old man ready to do battle. He saw strangers in the house and was checking up on us.
One morning, not long after we moved in, I hear sounds outside and go to investigate. Here is Charlie up on an extension ladder holding on with one hand and sawing at a tree limb with the other (thank god he wasnt wearing a kilt like the man in your picture). Being the good neighborly type, I offer my assistance. “Thanks son but no, I am 91 years old and still trim my own trees!” You go Charlie!
We can all aspire to being 91 and wielding a bucksaw. I can imagine no better goal.
Just for your FYI, Lehman’s Hardware (a supplier of fine hand stuff like the Amish use) has a variety of saw stuff. May or may not be what you need.
Lehmans is like homesteader crack. Awesome stuff. Alas I’m learning that nobody anywhere makes the wide fat blade of a bucksaw and we all use bowsaw blades now. Mine arrived in the mail and I’ll be testing it next week-ish.