I’m Back: Part 0: Life Is A Whirlwind

You know how life settles into a calm and orderly routine? Where things happen in their appointed time and each task, great or small, blends seamlessly into the greater whole? Where each day carries it’s share of peace, contentment, and relaxation?

Well I don’t! Fate has chosen 2016 as great time to send figurative Keystone cops to shove metaphorical grenades down my symbolic undershorts. I’ve been bent, folded, and spindled while events bounce around like tweakers disco dancing at a speedfreak convention during an earthquake. It’s at moments like these that a reasonable man (or yours truly who must suffice) will sit back, drink it all in, and think “what the fuck!?!”.

So… that said, and acknowledging that I’m a blogger who literally hasn’t turned on his personal (as opposed to work) computer in weeks, I recently resurfaced from a tsunami of chaos to reacquaint myself with the circular firing squad that is politics. Here’s what I’ve got to say about both parties as they ooze toward November:

“Suck it up assholes!”

In my next few posts I’ll elaborate on my reasoned thinking. Stay tuned.

About AdaptiveCurmudgeon

Adaptive Curmudgeon is handsome, brave, and wise.
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0 Responses to I’m Back: Part 0: Life Is A Whirlwind

  1. jon spencer says:

    Was thinking that maybe a duck pecked you to death.
    Glad you are back.

  2. Kurt says:

    We all miss the duck – but wondered if you had gotten a replacement.

  3. Farmist says:

    So do we, AC, so do we

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