In 2010 I’d had enough of the Congressional tittering flapdoodle as they tried (for reasons beyond logic or responsibility) to address the most important issue of the day; doping in baseball. Quoth the Curmudgeon:
“Roger Clemens. You are hereby recognized as an unfortunate victim of a Congressional shafting.”
Well it’s two years later. Congress has yet to pass a proper budget, the Federal debt is now $15,802,157,239,345.78, nobody sane owns a Volt, Solyndra never paid back my $8.79, Greece is having tantrums, and… Roger Clemens is a free man. Excellent choice of priorities you elected congressweasels; would you like some salt for that wound you’ve self inflicted?
Comin’ right up:
By the way I’d like to take a moment to reflect on our system of justice. Roger Clemens was spared because he had a fair trial by jury. A full thundering herd of farcical yahoos in suits decided a dopehead baseball player was an easy target for legalistic bullying but a “jury of his peers” cut the shit and told them to mind their own business. It took an act of congress to hose Clemens. It took 12 jurors to straighten that business out good and solid. Sometimes the system works just right.